Some of the most avid bicyclists in Chicago choose to ride their bicycles to and from work in the city, making their commutes both transportation and exercise. It may be surprising to some non-bike riders in the city but a number of these commuters ride year round, even through the cold and snow that has been winter so far this year. Several of these individuals stopped at Daley Plaza yesterday in downtown Chicago to participate in a Winter Bike to Work Day sponsored by Active Transportation Alliance.

The event drew attention to winter bicycle commuting and also offered free hot chocolate and snacks to those who participated. Active Transportation Alliance’s goal is to promote safe bicycling in the city as well as walking and public transportation and they hoped that public events like yesterday’s will increase awareness of commuter’s options when it comes to traveling.

Bicycling is not for everyone but the rights of bicyclists do have an effect on everyone who uses the streets as transportation. The laws in Chicago make it legal for bicyclists to ride in the streets and provide these riders with all the same rights and responsibilities of other motorists, including the right to occupy a lane of transit. In some heavily biked areas, there are designated lanes for bicyclists or even protected lanes to separate bike traffic from automotive traffic.

Bicyclists and motorists should be able to share the roads safely but unfortunately, every year there are collisions between the two groups. Though they are less common than crashes between two or more cars, the results of a bicycle versus automobile collision are often devastating. In 2012, accidents involving bicycles accounted for only 1.3 percent of all roadway accidents with 3,423 collisions. But nearly all of these accidents involved harm to the rider. Of all the bicycle accidents, 3,209 caused injuries and 28 people involved were killed as a result of these collisions.
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Almost 30 percent of all households in Chicago had at least one child under the age of 18 years old living there at the time of the 2010 census meaning that the safety of children has a direct effect on a large number of families. In addition to those living with children are a vast network of extended family and friends who care about young people’s safety.

But the care and protection of children is not just an issue for those with children in their lives. Children are the basis of tomorrow’s Chicago and will fill the roles of educators, inventors, and physicians. Failing to protect children becomes a serious concern to everyone in society as a result.

Perhaps that is why is continues to be shocking whenever an adult causes an injury to a child and fails to take responsibility for those actions, choosing instead to flee the scene of a collision without contacting authorities or even medical personnel to help the victim. But unfortunately, just such an accident involving a child seems to have happened once again in Chicago.

Police have reported that a 13-year-old boy was walking in West Garfield Park on Monday night around 7:00 p.m. when a car approached him. Both the boy and the car were in the 300 block of South Pulaski Road when the driver of the car, traveling southbound, struck the boy. The driver did not stay at the scene of the accident but rather fled the area without calling police or checking to see if the boy was injured.

The boy did sustain injuries in the accident and he was transported by ambulance to Mount Sinai Hospital where doctors treated his injuries. His current condition is not known.

Police are still investigating the crash and are trying to determine who was driving the car that hit the boy. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Chicago Police Department.
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If you spend time on the streets in and around Chicago, chances are that on occasion, you may come across a car accident or the cleanup efforts after one. With so many drivers taking the roads in the city and with overall traffic congestion, crashes are a fact of city living common to many residents, as well as tourists and commuters. But just because car accidents are common does not mean that they must occur. Rather, the majority of accidents can properly be blamed on one or more drivers who acted negligently or carelessly while behind the wheel.

Distracted driving has existed as long as the automobile has been a common staple of daily life but recent technological advances has made it much worse. Whether it is a cell phone, a tablet, or even a laptop computer, drivers have been using technology more and more often in Chicago while they drive even though use of these devices is often illegal. The distraction rate posed by an electronic device is high because every second that a driver’s eyes remains on the device is one second that the driver is not focused on the road ahead or on the changing traffic conditions.

Whether an accident is caused by distraction or is simply caused by some other factor, like driving or running a stop light, a negligent driver may face traffic or criminal charges as a result of a crash. Often, though, the liability for an accident does not stop there. The laws in Illinois allows a victim of a car crash to seek proper compensation against the responsible party and these claims can be brought regardless of any criminal or traffic charges. Speaking with an injury lawyer knowledgeable in these cases is the best way to learn about your legal rights after an accident.

It can be difficult to determine exactly what led to a collision in some cases and it may take the authorities some time to work out the facts. That seems to be the case in a Grant Park collision that occurred earlier this morning and left five people injured.

Police have confirmed that two vehicles collided in the vicinity of South Columbus Drive and East Roosevelt Road shortly after 2:00 a.m. The area, which experiences heavy traffic during much of the day and night, saw a heavy response by emergency crews including multiple ambulances. Five individuals were transported to Northwestern Hospital and John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County for treatment, four of whom were listed in serious to critical condition.
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It is just over two weeks into 2014 but there have already been a number of alcohol and drug-related accidents on the streets of Chicago as well as the surrounding suburban communities. Tragically, many of these accidents have been heavily reported because of the serious, and in some cases, fatal results of these collisions. Drivers that are impaired are much more likely to caused a collision than others and may face serious criminal charges if someone ends up hurt in the crash.

If a crash with a drunk driver leaves an innocent victim injured, that victim may be entitled to bring a claim for his or her damages, including the medical bills that must be incurred, against the at-fault driver. In some cases, multiple people may be legally responsible for a crash, including a driver, an establishment that enabled the driver to become intoxicated, or even the owner of the vehicle involved in the collision. To make sure all possible avenues of recovery are explored, speaking with an injury lawyer is the best way to learn about the legal implications of your accident.

Police have reported an accident that happened this morning that the police believe may have been caused by an impaired driver. According to officials, a 29-year-old man was speeding in the 1500 block of West Chicago Avenue around 1:25 a.m. when he struck another vehicle. The crash caused both vehicles involved to strike parked cars in the area, resulting in a four car collision that left at least seven people injured. Emergency crews responded to the scene and transported seven victims to area hospitals, including the driver, who was taken to John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County.

Four of the victims were described in serious to critical condition after the accident but all seven victims are expected to survive. During their investigation into the crash, authorities determined that the 29-year-old driver may have been under the influence at the time of the collision in violation of state and local laws. Reportedly, the man has been arrested and charges against him are pending at this time.
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Drunk driving and driving under the influence of drugs are problems that are too common in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. Annually, thousands of drivers take to the roads when they are under the influence, leading to a decreased ability to make quick decisions, a lower ability to focus on traffic and the roads, and significantly increased odds of being involved in a collision. When these drivers do crash, often they are injured or hurt, and often they injure others who were in the wrong place and at the wrong time.

Driving under the influence is reckless and it places the safety of everyone on the road at risk. Causing an accident while being so reckless can make a drunk or impaired driver civilly liable for the financial costs of the injuries that result. A personal injury lawyer can help accident victims understand if they are entitled to bring a claim and if they are entitled to relief.

Often, drugs or alcohol can make a bad situation worse and can combine with other factors to cause an accident where a non-impaired driver may have been able to avoid one. If the early reports by police are correct, this may be the case with a fatal Forest Park crash that happened on Sunday.

Police initially believed that a minivan stalled in the center lane of I-290 and that an SUV rear-ended the van, killing two in the minivan and leaving a third person, as well as the driver of the SUV, injured. But as their investigation has continued, police now believe that in addition to the stalling minivan, the driver of the SUV, a 26-year-old man, was under the influence of alcohol and also had other drugs in his system at the time of the collision.

The 26-year-old driver has been arrested and charged with multiple felonies including two counts of aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol that resulted in death and two counts of aggravated driving under the influence of drugs that resulted in death. He is also charged with leaving the scene of a fatal accident. If convicted of the charges facing him, the driver could be sentenced to serious time in prison.

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The words “driving under the influence” make many drivers in Chicago think of someone who consumes alcohol and then drives a car while over the legal blood alcohol limit of .08. That is one way that a driver can be guilty of a DUI but far from the only way. The laws in Illinois prohibit any driver from operating a vehicle under the influence of any intoxicating substance. Though this includes alcohol, it also includes street drugs and can include prescription drugs in some cases. If the substance can influence a driver’s ability to operate a car, it is likely illegal for a motorist to use the substance and drive.

Ignoring the law and driving while intoxicated on some substance is a serious offense. It can result in traffic or even criminal charges and can cause a driver to lose a license, pay fines and court costs, and even spend time in jail or prison. The worst punishments tend to be linked to repeated violations of the law and in situations where an impaired driver causes an accident that leaves others injured or even killed. If a crash leaves innocent victims behind, those hurt by the impaired driver can also bring a civil claim for their damages, seeking compensation for things like medical bills, pain and suffering, or even loss of companionship when a loved one dies. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer can help you understand what options may be available to you after an accident occurs.

Now, police in Naperville have reported that a fatal bicycle collision that occurred in September may have involved a driver with drugs in his system. The incident, which occurred near the intersection of Freedom Drive and Diehl Road, involved a crash between a 26-year-old male driver of a Nissan and a 56-year-old woman on a bicycle. Though emergency crews responded and transported the woman to Edward Hospital, her injuries were too severe and she later died as a result of the crash.

Police began an investigation into the incident and determined that the 36-year-old male driver had illegal drugs in his system at the time of the collision, contrary to and in violation of Illinois law. He was recently arrested and charged with aggravated driving under the influence of drugs, a charge that may result in incarceration if he is convicted. At this time, it is not known what controlled substance was found in the man’s system. The driver has since been released on bond and will appear in court in early February to face the charges.
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The bicycle accident lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. recently settled a case on behalf of one of their clients for the available insurance policy limits of $100,000.

The client, a young man, was riding his bicycle southbound on Kimball Avenue in Chicago and approaching its intersection with Peterson. He was riding on the right side of the far right lane as bicyclists are allowed to do in the area when a vehicle approached from behind. The driver of the vehicle veered into our client’s path of travel, striking his rear bicycle wheel and causing a collision between the car and our client. The force of the impact threw our client off of his bike and onto the pavement where he landed on his shoulder.

Our client experienced an immediate onset of shoulder pain and was taken by ambulance to Swedish Covenant Hospital for treatment. Through emergency treatment and follow up care with an orthopedic surgeon, our client was diagnosed with a soft tissue tear in his shoulder. The tear was repaired and our client underwent a course of rehabilitative therapy to regain full use of his shoulder. During the course of his treatment, our client incurred medical and other expenses that were directly caused by this crash.

The driver that caused the collision was cited by police for failing to stay within her own lane of traffic while driving, a charge to which she pleaded guilty, admitting she caused the crash. The driver’s insurance company offered the full available policy limits of $100,000 to settle the claim on behalf of our client.

Bicycle accidents occur year round in Chicago and often result in injuries. Whether a crash leaves a victim with a broken bone, soft tissue damage, or even a head injury, the results can range from the mildest of traumas to the most extreme. On average, several bicyclists are killed in accidents in Illinois every year.

When the negligent driving of a motorist causes an accident that leaves a victim hurt or injured, the laws in Chicago allow that victim to bring a claim for relief against the responsible driver. These claims are available regardless of whether the at-fault driver received a citation for a traffic violation in response to the crash. Speaking with an injury attorney is the best way to learn about the legal implications of your accident and what forms of relief may be available to you.
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The weather in Chicago continued to be brutal this morning as thousands braved the streets and tried to make the commute into work. Many made it safely with little more than a delay to hamper them, but others were not so lucky.

Police have reported that nearly 50 car accidents took place in Cook County alone this morning during rush hour, a number substantially larger than normally occurs during more optimal conditions. Accidents occurred on city streets and in alleys but those did not contribute to the 50 accidents reported so far. Rather, all of those incidents were reported along the expressways and interstates leading into and out of Chicago.

Police believe that black ice may be a contributing factor to many of these crashes. Black ice, known for being difficult-to-impossible to see before encountering it, can create a slippery condition that may cause a driver to lose control of a vehicle. It can be present on one section of a road and absent on the next, making it very challenging to know where the roads will be icy and where they will not. In the last two days, the biggest danger posed by black ice may have been the icing of bridges and overpasses along the expressways.

The last two mornings have seen many accidents along these overpasses and bridges that have been covered in black ice. Though temperatures are warming somewhat today, they will remain cold enough for black ice to persist, keeping the threat to motorists present for the next few days.

Black ice is a condition that emerges in nature and it cannot be prevented. Once it forms, it is difficult to remove until the weather warms up enough for the ice to melt. That means that drivers must either avoid traveling when black ice is present or use extra caution to avoid collisions.
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The weather forecasts have been grim recently in anticipation of Winter Storm Ion, the system that has been causing havoc across much of the nation recently. With heavy snowfalls, below zero temperatures, and a howling wind, many may not be surprised to experience a rough commute this morning.

The weather is so bad that Chicago Public Schools are closed, as are the University of Chicago and Illinois State University. At least 15,000 customers are without power. And for many, as they head to work or school this morning, things could get worse.

There are widespread reports of numerous weather-related accidents across Chicago with police confirming many abandoned cars lining the streets, some that have been there since the snow began and others whose owners were unable to drive in the snow. The city has reported snow plows becoming stuck in the poor weather and there has already been need of front-end loaders to help remove the snow and dig out some vehicles.

Some major expressways and roadways are now clear of snow but bridges and overpasses have a sheet of ice on them, making a very dangerous transition from pavement with little snow to pavement covered in sheer ice. The ice decreases a car’s ability to grip the road and can cause a total lack of traction which can lead to a spin-out and even a crash.

The Chicago Tribune has also reported that Interstate 94 between Michigan City and the Illinois state line is closed as is Interstate 65 between Gary and Lafayette. In many storms, commuters who choose to take public transportation are better off, but in the case of Winter Storm Ion, things may not be much better.

A crash occurred this morning between a Metra train on the Milwaukee District North Line and a second train in Niles near Touhy Avenue. Emergency crews responded to the collision and 150 passengers were evaluated by paramedics. Of them, 14 appeared to have sustained injuries and three had to be taken to Swedish Covenant Hospital for further treatment. The conditions of the victims are not currently known but all were expected to survive.

In addition to the collision by the Metra train, numerous other Metra trains experienced technical difficulties or delays as did the CTA city trains. Some are making limited stops while others are not running at all. Commuters are being warned to expect significant delays for the remainder of morning rush hour and possibly throughout the rest of the day.
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Every year, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day bring a large number of auto accidents to the city, leaving numerous families affected by injuries or even death to a loved one. While some of the drivers involved in these crashes are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, others are doing nothing wrong but still become a victim due to the negligence of others on the road. When a driver is impaired or distracted, that driver places not only his or her own safety at issue but also the safety of everyone in the vehicle, those in other vehicles, or even pedestrians walking on sidewalks or in an intersection.

Police are still investigating a New Year’s Day crash to determine what caused the accident and to understand why two people lost their lives and a third was injured. The crash occurred on Lake Street in West Garfield Park around 4:40 a.m. when a car struck a support beam for Chicago’s elevated trains. Three people were in the car at the time of impact, a 26-year-old man, a 29-year-old female, and a second woman whose age is not yet known. A male and female passenger were trapped in the car after the crash and remained in the car as it caught fire. Both of those individuals were pronounced dead at the scene.

One of the females in the car was ejected upon impact and landed outside and away from the car. She sustained critical injuries and was transported by ambulance to Mount Sinai Hospital where her current condition remains unknown.

Some car accidents are not the fault of any driver involved and may be caused by factors beyond control. But in some other crashes, the cause of an accident may be negligence on the part of a car’s driver, owner, or even the manufacturer of the vehicle. Injury lawyers have also seen cases where poor repair and maintenance work has led to a collision or where a city or municipality is to blame for a crash. With so many potential factors to consider, it is a good idea to speak with a lawyer after a collision to learn if you have a claim for your injuries.
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