Drunk driving accidents are a serious problem in Chicago and across Illinois. These collisions can leave the drivers and passengers involved with serious injuries, and in the worst cases, victims can be killed due to the actions of a drunk driver.

Though nothing can undue these tragic accidents, the victims of drunk drivers may be entitled to relief for their injuries. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who handles car accident cases may help you understand whether you can recover for your medical and surgical expenses, lost wages, and the pain and suffering you have to endure. These claims can be available to accident victims regardless of whether a drunk driver is charged for his or her actions and even in many cases where an at-fault driver flees the scene of a crash and is never located.

In an unusual instance, police in Northbrook have reported that an intoxicated driver was charged after he drove onto the Northbrook Police Department’s lawn around 10:00 p.m on Saturday. The driver claimed he was heading to the police station to report harassing phone calls but he was unsure where to park, leading him to accidentally drive onto the lawn where his car became stuck. Officers believe the man was under the influence of alcohol at the time and they arrested the man, charging him with driving with a blood alcohol content in excess of the state limit, 0.08.

Reportedly, the man denied being intoxicated but did confirm that he consumed two beers earlier in the evening. He supposedly claimed that he intended to go to the gym with his son after stopping at the police station but that the incident prevented him from doing so.

Fortunately no collision occurred and no one was injured in this incident but for thousands of people in Chicago every year, that is not the case. They may be left in need of medical assistance due to the recklessness of a driver who chooses to operate drunk.
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Millions of riders use the CTA trains to travel around Chicago every year. Some use the train system daily to commute to work while others use it only occasionally or even just as tourists during their stay in the city. Most people who use trains in Chicago do not think about a potential accident while they are on board, instead believing that those responsible for the trains will act in a safe and prudent manner.


But Chicago train accidents happen every year and many of them result in injuries to passengers or others involved in the crash. Some accidents are due to the weather and others are due to negligence on the part of motorists. In some cases, the employees responsible for the train itself bear the blame for a collision occurring. When a train accident leaves a victim with injuries or claims the life of someone involved, the victim or the victim’s surviving family members may be entitled to seek relief for their damages. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer can help you understand whether you have a valid claim after an accident and whether you are entitled to relief.

O’Hare Airport regularly ranks as one of the busiest airports in the nation, often serving more individual planes each year than any other in the country. Many people entering and exiting the airport use public transportation including the CTA’s Blue Line train which ends and beings at the airport. Several platforms allow multiple trains to be located at the station at any time and the platforms end at an area with escalators that take patrons to the airport’s terminal, usually without incident.

This morning, a Blue Line train entering the station at O’Hare derailed and jumped a platform, continuing forward and striking an escalator. The train’s first car scaled a portion of the escalator and pulled the subsequent cars with it, causing a massive collision that left at least 30 people on board injured. Emergency crews and local officials responded to the scene and determined that no one had been trapped underneath the train and at this time, they believe that no one except the train’s passengers were injured. Those on board were assessed and transferred to four area hospitals for treatment with all victims expected to survive.
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Most employees believe that they work in a safe and secure environment and that it would be nearly impossible for them to be injured while on the job. But statistically, this is far from the truth. Even jobs in fields believed to be “safe” can be responsible for workplace injuries that may require medical and surgical treatment to an injured worker. Chicago laws provide workers with protection through workers’ compensation claims but these claims can be hard to navigate and can be difficult to bring successfully without a lawyer on your side.

Some workers undertake difficult and inherently dangerous tasks while on the job and these workers face a greater likelihood of suffering an injury. Commonly injured employees can be found in construction jobs, repair work, assembly lines, airline employees, teachers, and nurses. Though the risks in each of these areas might differ, the legal implications of an injury on the job are the same: a worker who gets hurt is entitled to relief under the law with very few exceptions. Speaking with an injury lawyer who handles workers’ compensation claims in Chicago and the rest of Illinois will help you understand whether your accident entitles to you recover for your damages.

Officials have confirmed that a man working in Chicago was hurt on the job this week and suffered serious injuries. At this time, authorities have confirmed that the man, who was in his 20s, was working to repair an elevator in the River North section of the city. The man was in the area below the elevator known as the “pit” while other members of the repair team were stationed at other locations. Reportedly, the elevator was stopped on the second floor, above the worker, when something occurred and the elevator began to move. The elevator, which is located in an apartment building in the 300 block of West Illinois Street, struck the worker and left him seriously injured.

The fire department responded to the incident and had to remove the worker from the elevator shaft before the man could be transported to a nearby hospital. The injured employee is expected to survive though he was listed in serious to critical condition at the time he was taken to the hospital and his current status is not known.
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An automobile accident can happen at any time and in any place. A crash can involve only a single vehicle or, as this winter has proven, dozens of cars and trucks. Regardless of what causes an accident or the external factors involved, any type of crash can lead to injuries to those involved, whether they are drivers or passengers. Some of the most vulnerable individuals involved in car accidents in Chicago and elsewhere across the nation are children who tend to be passengers merely in the wrong place at the wrong time when a crash happens.

The safety devices that come standard in most modern cars are designed for passengers the size and weight of an adult. Some safety devices, like airbags, are actually dangerous to children and therefore manufacturers often caution parents to keep children away from protected areas. But this can leave kids in a part of the car with less protection and greater risk, potentially increasing the odds that a child will be injured in the event of a crash.

When a collision occurs, those who are hurt in the accident may be entitled to seek relief for their damages. This relief can be sought through the use of a civil claim which is separate and distinct from any charges brought by the State of Illinois or any local township. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who represents the victims of car accidents is a good way to learn about your legal options following a crash.

Unfortunately, a tragic accident occurred on Monday evening in Elwood, south of Joliet. Police have confirmed that a collision between a van and a semi occurred in the area of Route 53 and Mississippi Avenue. According to reports, a 36-year-old woman was driving the van with her 15 and 8-year-old daughters as well as two family friends as they traveled home from dinner. The father of the two girls was following behind the van in a separate vehicle. At this time, police believe that the female driver attempted a left turn at the intersection at the same time a semi was approaching, causing the semi to strike the rear of the van and causing a serious collision.

The 8-year-old daughter was in the third and final row of the van at the time of the crash, and unfortunately, that was the area of the car that received the majority of the force during impact. A passerby attempted CPR on the girl until paramedics arrived and transported her to Presence Saint Joseph Medical Center in nearby Joliet but her injuries were too severe and the 8-year-old died as a result of the car accident.
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Some sports fans see this time of year as an exciting time worthy of celebration. Regardless of your views on college basketball, March Madness, and the NCAA basketball championship, it is likely that you know someone who will want to participate as a fan or even by filling out a bracket. Even if you do not know anyone interested in college basketball, you are likely to walk the streets with people who are, share space in a restaurant with them, and importantly, share the road with them during the next few weeks.

Watching sports with friends can be a great way to enjoy some down time and to bond over common interests but there are potential pitfalls, especially if alcohol will be consumed. Drunk driving in Chicago and Illinois and can be punished by fines, loss of a driver’s license, and even incarceration in prison or jail if you are caught driving impaired. The punishments only become more severe if you cause an accident while drunk and that accident leaves another person injured.

When a drunk driver is responsible for an accident, many victims do not realize that they may be entitled to relief for their damages. This can be obtained through a civil claim that is separate and distinct from any charges brought by the State of Illinois and these claims can help pay for expenses like medical and surgical bills, lost wages, and even pain and suffering. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who helps accident victims is a good place to start to learn about your legal rights and what options may be available to you after an accident.

Before the tournament officially begins, it is a good idea to remember why drinking and driving is such a bad idea. Alcohol is a depressant that slows the central nervous system which means a driver under the influence is less able to process new information in a quick manner, leading to an increased chance of causing an accident. Alcohol also is linked with dangerous driving techniques like failing to stop at a stop sign, failing to signal a turn, and speeding. And somewhere in American, someone is killed by drunk driving every 51 minutes, and often it is not the drunk driver who loses his or her life. If you choose to drink, please do so responsibly and use a designated driver or take public transportation when you need to travel.
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Of all the various types of car accidents that occur in Chicago, rollover accidents are relatively rare. Yet though they make up a small proportion of the overall collisions that occur in the city, rollover crashes are more likely to cause serious injuries or even death than many other types of accidents. Often, the forces involved in a crash that cause a vehicle to roll over are severe and often these accidents involve multiple vehicles, though they do not have to. Rollover crashes are possible with many vehicles or even with just one vehicle involved.

Often, speeding, ignoring traffic signals, or driving on defective or faulty tires contributes to a rollover collision. Certain vehicles like SUVs and passenger vans are at a higher risk of rolling over than other cars because of their raised center of gravity and the often heavy weight that accompanies those vehicles. In many instances, it can be difficult for a civilian to determine what factors actually caused a car to roll and whether negligence on the part of anyone involved contributed to the crash. Speaking with a lawyer who handles car accidents and personal injuries is often a good place to start to learn about your legal rights and options if you have been involved in a car accident.

Police in Chicago have confirmed that a rollover accident occurred on the city’s southwest side early this morning. Though police are still in the early stages of their investigation, they have confirmed that four women and a 2-year-old child were inside the vehicle as the vehicle traveled near the intersection of Pershing Road and Kedzie Avenue shortly after 5:00 a.m.

It is not yet clear what caused the vehicle to roll but at this time, it is believed that the rolling car was the only one involved in this accident. Following the crash, the 2-year-old child and the four women in the car were all listed in serious to critical condition and were transported to area hospitals for treatment. The women ranged in age from 19 to 24 and it is not clear which individual was behind the wheel at the time of the rollover.
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Trains have a heavy presence in Chicago and in the surrounding suburbs because they are regularly used to move both products and people from point to point within the state. Rail transit continues to be a cost-effective means to ship goods from production plants to distribution centers and likely will remain that way for some time in the future. But in addition to goods, which are moved across the country by trains, Chicago also has a large number of passenger trains pass through its boarders every day. Some of these trains travel exclusively within the city’s limits and enable residents and tourists alike to make it around town with ease.

With a large number of trains comes an increase chance of a train accident occurring in Chicago or elsewhere in Illinois. Incidents involving trains can be complex and many variables can factor into the ultimate cause of an accident, making it difficult or even impossible in some cases for a victim to understand who was at fault. If you or your loved one has been involved in a single train incident, a train versus car collision, or even a train versus pedestrian crash, know that you may be entitled to a recovery for your losses. These recoveries can help pay for medical bills, compensate you for time missed from work, or even provide payment for wages unable to be earned while recovering from an injury. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer is a good place to start to learn about your legal rights and whether you may have a claim for your losses.

Police have confirmed that a pedestrian was involved in a train accident yesterday afternoon between Palatine and Inverness at approximately 3:30 p.m. The victim, a man believed to be in his 60s, was in the area of Baldwin Road when a Metra train entered the area. According to local officials, Metra train 713 collided with the man for reasons that are not yet clear. Though emergency crews responded the crash, the pedestrian’s injuries were too severe and he died as a result of the accident.

Metra police and other agencies are conducting an investigation into the incident and attempting to determine why the collision occurred and whether negligence on the part of anyone involved played a role. Yesterday’s incident caused at least the train involved to be delayed as the investigation continued.
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Every driver that travels upon the streets of Chicago and the surrounding areas is required to abide by all local traffic laws. Often, these laws govern thousands of potential actions by drivers from the maximum speed they may travel to who has the right of way at an intersection and even where and when a U-turn can be attempted.

Failing to follow the rules of the road may be negligent conduct on the part of a driver and may lead to a collision. Car accidents in Chicago can range from minor fender-benders with minimal property damage to severe accident where multiple people are injured, or worse, killed. When negligence or an error on the part of a driver causes an accident that leaves others injured, the victims of those accidents may be entitled to seek relief for their damages against the at-fault driver or even against the victim’s own insurance policy in some cases. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who represents victims of car accidents can help you understand your legal options following a car crash.

Local police have confirmed an accident with a tragic result this morning that began with a car chase and ended with the death of an off-duty police officer. According to authorities, police officers from Calumet Park attempted to stop a van but the van fled from authorities, traveling both on and off the Dan Ryan Expressway as it headed towards the city. Police officers remained in pursuit of the van but at some point, an order was reportedly given for officers to end pursuit. According to Calumet Park Police, that order was obeyed.

Thereafter, the driver of the van collided with a vehicle driven by an off duty Chicago police officer, a 42-year-old male and 10 year veteran of the force The collision occurred in the area of South Layfayette Avenue and 87th Street and caused the area to be closed for some time. Reportedly, the officer was traveling home after a shift and was still in uniform at the time of the collision.

Emergency crews responded to the scene of the crash but the officer sustained injuries too severe to survive. The driver of the van, reportedly a female, was arrested and charges are believed to be pending at this time. Reports indicate that marijuana was found in the van after the arrest of the driver.
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Car accidents can occur at any speed and on any type of road, but due to the mechanics of how a car functions, the faster the vehicle is traveling, the greater the force that will be involved in a crash. When a car accident happens on an expressway or an interstate where one or more cars involved is traveling at full speed, the results are often serious and injuries may result. With its share of high-speed roads, Chicago endures numerous expressway accidents every year and unfortunately, some of the drivers involved in those accidents lose their lives due to the injuries they sustain.

When a crash is caused by the negligence of one or more drivers, those who are injured in an accident may be entitled to relief for their damages. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer can help you understand what legal options may be available to you and whether you have a valid claim for your losses. Often, a claim for injuries can allow an accident victim adequate compensation to get the medical treatment he or she needs as well as covering any wages the victim missed while unable to work. Other damages, like pain and suffering and permanency of injuries, can also be recovered after a crash.

At this time, authorities believe that a crash early this morning may have been caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The crash occurred on the portion of I-90 commonly referred to as the Skyway near 76th Street and involved a passenger vehicle and a semi truck. Police have reported that a female driver was traveling northbound on I-90 in the southbound lanes when she caused a collision with a semi truck on the expressway. The woman was seriously hurt in the accident and was transported by local authorities to an area hospital for examination and treatment. She has since been charged with driving under the influence and may face other charges as the investigation into the crash continues.

The driver of the semi truck was also injured in the accident and was taken to Advocate Trinity Hospital for treatment. In the collision, the semi suffered damage that led to a fuel spill on the Skyway and required a hazardous material cleanup response, leading to temporary lane closures in the area.
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Winter weather has wrecked havoc across Chicago over the last few months, but if drivers thought it was over, they may have been surprised this morning to find several inches of new snow blanketing the roads across the city. In addition to reminding those in Chicago that winter is still going strong, the fresh snow combined with icy and slushy roads in some areas created dangerous driving conditions across the state and forced many to alter their transportation plans.

Authorities with the Illinois State Police Department confirmed that at least 46 winter weather car accidents occurred between midnight and shortly after 4:00 a.m. with dozens more taking place during morning rush hour. At this time, it appeared that those early morning crashes did not result in any critical or life-threatening injuries.

Snow fell quickly and heavily through much of the Chicago area with some meteorologists attributing the heavy accumulation to the presence of thundersnow. Thundersnow is a rare type of storm with snow falling in place of rain in what otherwise would be a traditional thunderstorm. Though the phenomenon is rare, Chicago has experienced it several times in the last few winters.

The snow that fell during this snowstorm pushed total winter totals higher with O’Hare Airport reporting the third largest amount of snow in any winter since it began keeping totals. Hundreds of flights had to be cancelled or delayed due to the weather and thousands of Chicago residents are without power due to the storm.

Though winter weather is often a contributing factor to a car accident, it rarely is the sole cause. Generally, winter weather combines with hazardous or negligent driving to create an accident that otherwise may not have happened. These crashes can be serious and can lead to injuries among the drivers and passengers involved.
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