Many of those who live in Chicago choose to get around by means other than a personal car, truck or van. Some citizens do not own a vehicle while others choose to use public transportation when possible and use a personal car as an option when public transit does not suit their needs. Though not everyone may own or even ride in a car often, most people in Chicago still are at risk for a traffic-related accident on occasion, including a car accident.

Whether you occasionally drive, catch a ride with a friend, or take a taxi cab to your chosen destination, odds are that you may travel by car at some point. Still other people may never or rarely travel in a vehicle but may use the roads to bicycle, ride a motorcycle, or even walk on the adjacent sidewalks. These people may be at risk for a collision if a driver in the area acts in a negligent or reckless manner.

Of those involved in accidents, most do not realize the legal implications of a crash, including whether they have the right to seek financial relief due to injuries that were sustained. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who practices in Chicago may help you understand your options if your have been hurt, including whether you may be able to recover for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In the tragic event that a victim loses his or her life in a collision, the right to seek a recovery may pass to that victim’s surviving family members, though no amount of compensation will ever properly cover the damages incurred by the loss of a loved one.

Police have confirmed that seven people, including five children, were injured this morning when a minivan and a car collided near Matteson. The incident took place shortly after 2:00 a.m. on Interstate 57 near route 30 and officials believe that both vehicles were traveling southbound prior to impact. Police are still trying to determine the cause of the accident and whether either driver acted in a negligent manner, causing the impact to occur.

A woman and her five children were in the van and only a driver was in the car, according to officials. The woman was ejected from the van and suffered critical injuries, requiring emergency transportation to an area hospital where her current state is unclear. Her five children reportedly were all injured in the accident but all were believed to be in stable condition. The driver of the car, identified only as a 22-year-old, also sustained critical injuries and required hospitalization.
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Children may be at a particularly high risk for being injured in a car accident because they rely upon the actions of others. Young children may be unable to properly restrain themselves or even understand the purpose of seat belts, car seats, and boosters in keeping them safe in the event a collision occurs. That is why it is up to adults operating a vehicle to ensure that all children are properly restrained while riding in a car in Illinois. Failure to use safety devices, like car seats, with children in a vehicle may lead to charges being brought against an adult and punishments that may include fines, fess, loss of a drivers’ license, or worse.

Unfortunately, the actions of adults also determine whether or not there will be children injured in car accidents. The actions of drivers, whether the driver of a car containing children or another vehicle in the area, can lead to collisions if one or more drivers errs or acts in a negligent manner. Though these children may be at the mercy of adults and may be unable to prevent collisions, they may be entitled to seek and obtain financial relief if they are hurt in an accident. Additionally, the children’s parents or legal guardians may also be entitled to compensation if the child requires medical attention or sustains other damages. Speaking to a personal injury lawyer in Chicago who has experience representing children and their families may help you understand your options if your child has been hurt in an accident.

An early Sunday morning collision in Englewood left a one-year-old and two-year-old children in critical condition, according to local authorities. Police responded to the scene of the crash near the 400 block of West 74th Street around 6:00 a.m. and determined that one vehicle was involved in a collision with a pole that was near the road but off the driving surface. At this time, police believe that a 25-year-old woman was behind the wheel prior to the collision and that the driver fell asleep, leading to a loss of control of the car and a crash with the pole. The driver was reportedly uninjured in the collision as was a 29-year-old male passenger but two children in the car were critically injured. Emergency medical crews transported the children to a Chicago hospital for treatment where their current conditions remain unknown.

The driver has allegedly been charged in connection with the crash and faces counts of negligent driving and failing to properly restrain both children, among others. It is not clear when the woman is expected to appear in court to answer these charges and authorities have noted that their investigation into the incident is ongoing.
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Cyclists in Chicago are increasing every year. The addition of the bike share program called Divvy has only served to make bicycling more accessible to residents and visitors alike, enabling these individuals to take to the streets of Chicago and travel on two wheels. Bicycling is an efficient and affordable means of transportation and one encouraged in many areas of the city, yet unfortunately, bicycling is not always safe. Though the laws in Illinois authorize biker riders to use the streets just as other vehicles do, drivers do not always respect the rights of these cyclists, leading to collisions that may result in injuries or even death.

Bicycle accidents were responsible for 3,464 injuries and 24 deaths in Illinois in 2010 alone. Many of these cyclists were not at-fault for the collisions that occurred but were still forced to bear injuries caused by the accident, leading to medical bills, time missed from work, and pain and suffering where injuries occurred. Though these victims cannot erase a collision, they may be entitled to relief through the use of a civil claim for damages, which is separate and distinct from any traffic-related charges that may be brought by the State of Illinois. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago who has experience representing bicycle accident victims may be able to help you understand your legal options if you have been hurt in a collision.

A bicyclist was injured in an accident on Monday afternoon in Archer Heights. Though he initially survived the collision, his injuries were too severe and he died as a result of the crash yesterday afternoon. Police have reported that the collision took place near Lawndale Avenue and Archer Avenue shortly after 3:00 p.m. and that it involved a 55-year-old man on a bicycle and a semi-truck. Officials have not determined why the two collided but have confirmed that the crash resulted in the cyclist becoming trapped underneath the truck for some time before emergency crews were able to free him and transport the victim to Mount Sinai Hospital.

At this time, no traffic citations have been issued in the collision and police are still investigating the crash.
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Car accidents are the largest cause of accidental death among older teens in the nation. But teens are not the only ones at risk of death or an injury in a car accident as adults, young children, and the elderly are all injured every year. Many of those injuries occur in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs as Illinois experiences hundreds of thousands of car accidents annually.

When an accident occurs and it is caused by an error or mistake on the part of one or more individuals involved, the victims of that crash may be entitled to seek financial relief for their damages. This can be obtained through the use of a civil claim for damages which can be available to victims regardless of whether an at-fault driver received a citation or ticket in the accident. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer may help you understand your legal options, including whether you have a valid claim, if you have been involved in a car accident.

A car accident occurred in Park Manor shortly before 1:00 a.m. yesterday. Police responded to the scene of the crash near the 300 block of East 71st Street and found several people injured after a Scion and another car collided. Officials are still investigating the crash but they believe that the Scion was traveling southbound on South Calumet Avenue when it collided with a car heading eastbound on East 71st Street. At least three males were inside the second car at the time of the crash and were critically injured during the accident. Emergency medical crews assessed the men and transported them to John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County where their current conditions are not known.

Officials claim that the driver of the Scion tried to run away from the crash scene but the driver was stopped by police. That driver was reportedly injured as well in the collision and was transported by ambulance to an area hospital where the extent of the driver’s injuries are unclear.

Police have not yet confirmed why the collision occurred or whether negligence on the part of either driver played a role. Further, they have not reported whether any traffic tickets will be issued in response to this collision but note that the investigation is ongoing at this time.
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Working with co-counsel, the sexual abuse lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. filed two new lawsuits today on behalf of alleged victims of former Catholic Priest Father Daniel McCormack. The legal team responsible for these two new cases has successfully represented other victims of Father McCormack in the past and secured a $3.15 million settlement on behalf of one such client earlier this year. All cases were filed anonymously to protect the identity of the victims of Father McCormack who were sexually abused while minors and in association with the Catholic Church.

Father McCormack began his career with the Catholic Church as a seminarian in 1986. McCormack trained and learned under the Archdiocese of Chicago while preparing to become a minister where allegations of sexual misconduct by Father McCormack began as early as his seminarian days and continued over the decades that followed.

McCormack was appointed Sacramental Minister at Holy Family Parish in 1998, a position he held for some time and one which allowed him individual and unsupervised interactions with minors. Following his time at Holy Family Parish, McCormack served as a Priest at Saint Agatha’s Parish in Chicago where he also served as a teacher and a boys’ basketball coach. Numerous alleged victims of Father McCormack have come forward and claimed that they were sexually abused during McCormack’s time at Saint Agatha’s.

The new lawsuits filed by Abels & Annes, working with co-counsel, claim that each of the six victims was abused by McCormack and that the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal George, and the Catholic Bishop of Chicago knew or should have known of McCormack’s misconduct. Despite McCormack’s actions and credible allegations made against him, the lawsuits allege that the Archdiocese and those in charge did not act reasonably and did not remove McCormack from his position or prevent Father McCormack from having additional unsupervised contact with minors.

Father McCormack eventually was arrested twice and criminally charged with sexually abusing several minor boys. In 2007, McCormack pleaded guilty to charges of abusing five boys and was incarcerated in the Illinois Department of Corrections in association with those pleas.
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The personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. recently collected the available policy limits of $50,000 on behalf of one of their clients who was injured in a pedestrian accident.

Our client was in Chicago early in the year when he was helping a friend into a parked vehicle. An allegedly intoxicated driver approached our client as he stood next to a car with a door open. Though there was nothing obstructing her view, the at-fault driver collided with our client and also with the open car door, causing a serious accident.

The collision caused our client to sustain injuries to his left leg and ankle, requiring hospitalization. Our client incurred medical bills due to his injuries and was forced to receive additional follow up medical treatment after his discharge from the hospital. His injuries affected his ability to live his day-to-day life while he recovered and made some daily tasks difficult.

The pedestrian injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. brought a claim on behalf of our client and against the insurance company for the at-fault driver. Due to the nature of the collision and the injuries our client sustained, our lawyers were able to successfully recover the maximum automobile insurance possible in this case on behalf of the at-fault driver, $50,000.
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The average drunk driving suspect in Illinois is male, 34 years old, and has a blood alcohol content of twice the legal limit, according to the Illinois Secretary of State. The fortunate incidents of drunk driving end before tragedy can occur with police or other officials apprehending suspects before a crash takes place. Yet too often, drunk driving accidents occur in Chicago, across Illinois, and across the nation. In 2010 alone, 10,228 people lost their lives to drunk driving accidents in America, including 211 children.

The victims of these accidents are often left with serious injuries, and in the worst cases, a victim may lose his or her life. Though nothing can erase these crashes from happening, the victims may be entitled to seek relief through the use of a civil claim for damages. In Illinois, the right to bring a claim for injuries belongs exclusively to the victim and it is not affected by the issuance or failure of issuance of a traffic citation or other ticket. If injuries occur, a financial recovery may be possible. Speaking with a Chicago personal injury lawyer may help you understand your legal options if you have been involved in a collision with a drunk driver.

Officials have reported that a collision on the Eisenhower Expressway on Sunday morning may have been the result of impairment. According to police, two vehicles were involved in a collision near 1st Avenue shortly after 1:00 a.m. Witnesses to the collision reported that a suspected drunk driver involved exited his vehicle, entered the other vehicle involved in the crash, and tried to flee the scene in the second vehicle, a BMW. At some point, the suspected drunk driver abandoned the BMW and began to run on foot.

Police responding to the crash were told that the man, a 25-year-old individual, had a gun and was running. Officers chased the man and one shot was fired by an officer though no one reportedly was hit. After a distance, police stopped the suspect and arrested him. He was transported to Loyola University Medical Center for treatment of injuries that were not life-threatening.

The suspect was arrested and is now facing charges of driving under the influence and attempted car jacking, among other offenses. He is reportedly due in court today. It is not clear whether anyone else involved in the collision sustained injuries or needed medical treatment following the crash.
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Hit-and-run accidents are problematic in Chicago. They lead to numerous injuries every year and millions of dollars worth of financial damages. From property damage done to vehicles and building to the medical bills incurred by victims, hit-and-run collisions take their toll across the state of Illinois.

Fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime in Illinois and can lead to serious charges if an offending driver is apprehended. In addition to the possible loss or suspension of a driver’s license, a hit-and-run motorists may face court fines and fees, incarceration, or even other penalties as determined fit by a court of law. Yet the criminal aspect of these accidents may be far from the only damages that can be levied against an at-fault driver. The right to bring a claim for damages may belong to all victims of a car accident and these victims may be entitled to financial relief. Payment for medical expenses, lost wages, and even pain and suffering that results from a collision. Consulting with a personal injury lawyer in the Chicago area may help you understand the legal implications of your crash and whether you have a right to seek a recovery.

In an unusual series of events, police responded to the scene of a hit-and-run accident in Rogers Park on Saturday, shortly after 3:30 p.m. Officials believe that a white SUV in the area of the 7000 block of North Clark Street collided with a taxi cab and then left the scene of the impact. The driver of the cab was still able to operate his vehicle and allegedly the cab driver followed the SUV to the area of Ridge Avenue and Lunt Avenue where both vehicles came to a stop.

Both the driver of the SUV and the driver of the cab exited their vehicles. According to officials, a female passenger in the SUV then moved behind the wheel and attempted to flee the scene, striking the cab driver and causing him serious injuries. Emergency medical personnel transported the cab driver to an area hospital for medical treatment where his condition was considered critical. The original driver of the SUV, described as a 39-year-old individual, was reportedly arrested in connection with the incident. Police are looking for the second driver of the SUV, the woman who reportedly caused the second impact, but they have not located her or the vehicle at this time.
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Several different busing lines operate within the city limits of Chicago and in the surrounding suburbs. Some are private companies that give tours or provide limited transportation from one area to another. Others may be owned or operated by a city, municipality, or other form of government and may provide public transportation or even long-haul trips.

Regardless of who is operating a bus, local and federal laws apply to require the bus operators to drive in a safe and reasonable manner so as to protect all customers and also other drivers on the roads. Failure to do so may lead to a situation where a bus accident can occur, potentially leading to dozens of injuries or even possibly deaths. The victims of these crashes may not know their legal rights or whether they are entitled to relief for their suffering, but speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago may help you sort our your legal options if you have been involved in a collision.

Bus accidents can be particularly challenging because they may involve fault on the part of the bus company or the fault may belong to another driver involved. In some cases, both the bus company and another driver may be properly to blame. The facts and circumstances of each collision vary so it is important to speak to a skilled investigator to determine the relief that may be present after a specific crash.

Police in Chicago were called to the scene of a multi-vehicle collision on Wednesday that involved a CTA bus. According to witnesses, a northbound CTA bus was stopped at a bus stop near the intersection of Sheridan Road and Balmoral Avenue shortly after 11:00 a.m. A red Ford in the area reportedly attempted to go around the CTA bus but instead crashed into several parked cars. At least one witnesses said the Ford was speeding and that it ran a red light.

Police have reported that a man was loading groceries into a parked car when the Ford approached, striking the man as he stood and pinning him against his vehicle. The force of the impact was so heavy that reportedly the parked vehicle collided into a parked vehicle in front of it and then two more vehicles were hit in the crash. Police believe the Ford also struck the side of the CTA bus.

The man loading groceries into his car was severely injured and died as a result of Wednesday’s bus accident. The driver of the Ford was allegedly arrested in connection with the incident and charges against the driver are pending, though the nature of the charges is not clear at this time.
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The Chicago car accident lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. recently settled a case on behalf of one of their client for the policy limits of $50,000.

Our client was parked on the side of Grey Avenue in Evanston, Illinois as another vehicle approached the area. As our client opened the driver’s door to exit his car, the second vehicle turned onto Grey Avenue and struck our client’s driver’s door and front portion of the car, causing a collision. Our client was taken from the scene of the collision to St. Francis Hospital’s Emergency Department where he was examined and treated for shoulder and arm pain. Follow up medical treatment determined that our client had a tear in his rotator cuff that led to two cortisone injections and additional treatment. He also underwent a conservative course of physiotherapy to attempt to return his shoulder to its pre-injury state and to reduce the discomfort he felt as a result of the accident.

Through the use of a civil claim for damages, our personal injury lawyers brought a claim on behalf of our client and against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. We fought for and obtained an offer of settlement for the insurance limits available, $50,000, to compensate our client for his damages and for his pain and suffering.

Car accidents occur every day in Chicago and many result in injuries to those involved. In 2011 alone, 281,788 accidents took place in Illinois and 84,172 personal injuries resulted. Many of those who were hurt required medical treatment and were forced to miss time off work while they recuperated from their injuries. The damages caused by a car accident in Chicago do not end the day of the accident; rather, they can last for months, years, or even a lifetime if an injury results.
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