When traveling in Chicago, many people choose to utilize some form of public transportation to get them from one point to another. This holds true whether you are downtown by Lake Michigan or in the suburban areas and heading towards the city. Even when travelers utilize one of Chicago’s two busy airports, they may use public transportation to get to a terminal. Whether a public bus, a city train, or a shuttle, public transportation options abound in Chicago and can make flying easier.

Many people do not give a second thought to their personal safety when they board one of these common forms of public transit, instead assuming that all drivers and operators will put the safety of passengers above all other concerns. Often that is what happens and travelers move without incident; unfortunately, though, bus accidents in Chicago take place every week, as do other forms of public transportation collisions, and many result in injuries to those on board.

At approximately 6:30 a.m. today, a shuttle bus transporting passengers to O’Hare Airport’s departure terminals crashed into a concrete median, according to local authorities. At least 14 people on board the bus suffered injuries in the crash with four people reportedly in serious to critical condition. The victims were transported to four area hospitals where the extent and nature of their injuries are not clear at this time.

The incident partially stopped traffic in the area of I-190 and Bessie Coleman Drive for over an hour as officials investigated the crash and worked to clear the debris. No other vehicles are believed to have been involved in the crash but the cause of the incident has not yet been confirmed.
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Tomorrow is the beginning of the Labor Day weekend and with it, the unofficial end to summer. Traditionally, many across Illinois and the rest of the nation have a long weekend off from work and some take advantage of it by traveling with their family or friends. AAA estimates that 34.1 million travelers will journey more than 50 miles from home this holiday, the largest number over Labor Day weekend since 2008.

Many of those traveling will be hitting the roads and driving, in fact, 85 percent of all travelers, according to AAA. Many will be crossing state lines and taking their families on one last trip before school becomes busy and fall starts in full swing. With these driving trips, traffic will be heavy on the interstates and vacation areas will be crowded with cars, leading to potentially dangerous situations where car accidents may occur.

Car crashes range from the minor to the severe and any type of accident can result in injuries to those involved. In the worst instances, a driver or a passenger may lose his or her life due to the collision, leaving family and friends behind to suffer an inconsolable loss. While neither injuries nor loss of life can be erased once it occurs, the victims of these crashes or their surviving family members may be entitled to bring a civil claim for damages to seek financial relief. Compensation may help relieve monetary losses including missed wages and medical expenses. A personal injury lawyer may help you understand your legal options if you have been involved in a car accident in Chicago.

If you plan to take to the roads this weekend, consider the increased risk for car accidents that occur during heavily traveled holiday weekends. Keep the following in mind before you take to the road:

Check your tires: Make sure your tires are properly inflated and that they have enough tread to drive safely. Tires are an often overlooked part of vehicle safety but driving on properly inflated tires increases a driver’s ability to control a car as well as increasing your fuel efficiency.

Slow down: Experts estimate that excessive speed contributes to 50 percent of all traffic-related accidents across the nation. Simply slowing down and keeping your speed below the posted limit can decrease your chances of a crash.

Wear a seat belt: The National Safety Council reports that seat belt usage reduces fatalities among front seat passengers by 45 percent. It also decreases the risk of being ejected in the event that a collision occurs and can limit the severity of injuries after a crash.

Don’t drink and drive: It is illegal in Illinois and in every other state to drive while intoxicated. Not only is it illegal but drinking and driving decreases a motorist’s ability to respond to hazards in the road. It slows the central nervous system and can cause a driver to lose focus, fall asleep, or otherwise pose a threat to others in the area.
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Illinois treats drunk driving accidents and collisions caused by other intoxicants very seriously as driving while impaired is against the law in the state. Motorists who operate their vehicle while impaired may be charged with a criminal offense and/or a traffic crime and may face criminal punishments including fees and fines, loss of a driver’s license, and even incarceration.

But many drunk drivers do not realize that they can be held financially liable for any damages they cause in a crash in addition to those charges brought by local officials. The laws in Chicago and across Illinois are designed to hold negligent drivers, including those who are driving under the influence, liable for the damages they cause. This means that a driver who causes a crash may be forced to provide compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering endured by the victims of an accident depending on the facts surrounding the collision. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer may help victims understand if they have the right to seek relief and whether a financial recovery is possible in their case.

A car accident occurred on the Bishop Ford Freeway shortly after 10:00 p.m. last night and left one person in critical condition. Officials responded to the scene of the incident near Sibley Boulevard and determined that two vehicles collided while traveling southbound. The nature of the crash is not clear at this time.

The driver of one vehicle, a 28-year-old man, did not appear to sustain serious injuries in the accident but police suspect that he may have been under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested at the scene and charges against him are currently pending.

A 60-year-old man in a second vehicle reportedly was ejected from this car and landed on the ground, sustaining critical injuries and requiring emergency transportation to an area hospital.

Police spent several hours at the scene of the crash investigating the incident before cleanup crews removed debris. Traffic was diverted though the early hours of Wednesday morning while the northbound lanes remained open.
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Pedestrians are at risk for a collision at any time they step near a road. Even if a person is walking on a sidewalk, in a parking lot, or in a crosswalk, unfortunately the risk for a pedestrian accident exists. In 2012 alone, there were 2,943 crashes involving pedestrians in the city of Chicago alone.

With all of these accidents taking place, the victims of these crashes should be aware of the implication of personal injury laws and traffic rules as they apply to their accident. As each collision revolves around a unique set of facts, it is a good idea to speak with a personal injury lawyer who handles pedestrian accidents in Chicago to learn about your legal options if you have been injured. You may be entitled to seek financial compensation to cover your losses including any medical bills you have incurred or are likely to incur in the future, wages you missed while you were unable to work, and even pain and suffering.

A Sunday evening collision between a motorcyclist and a pedestrian left both individuals in critical condition, according to local authorities. Police have confirmed that a 62-year-old man was riding on East Lake Avenue in Glenview when he collided with a 16-year-old female pedestrian who was crossing the street. At this time, officials have not said what caused the collision or whether negligence on the part of either party played a role.

Emergency medical crews responded to the scene and evaluated both the rider and the pedestrian for injuries. Both were transported to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital where they were initially listed in critical condition; the nature of their injuries and their prognoses are not clear at this time.

Police said the crash occurred around 7:30 p.m. and the incident is still being reviewed by area officials.
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In the state of Illinois, employer are required to participate in an employee insurance program that covers and protects workers who are injured on the job. Through the use of this workers’ compensation program, employees who sustain injuries are entitled to obtain necessary medical treatment and rehabilitation care after an incident. In addition to covered medical expenses, these workers are entitled to payment for time missed from work and may be able to recover a lump sum payment for their suffering.

Each workers’ compensation claim in Chicago is different and revolves around a unique set of facts so it is a good idea to speak with a personal injury lawyer who handles these claims. The laws also require that these claims be brought within a time period specified by state statutes so injured workers who are considering their rights should not delay when it comes to contacting a lawyer. In the tragic event that a worker is killed while on the job, the right to seek a recovery may belong to that worker’s surviving family members, even though no amount of compensation can ever be considered adequate when a loved one is killed.

A recycling plant in Granite City experienced an explosion this morning that claimed the lives of two people, according to local officials. It is not yet known what caused the explosion to occur or whether any other individuals were hurt in the incident but authorities were on the scene and investigating the location, which is approximately 8 miles outside of St. Louis. It is possible that live ammunition exploded on the site of the plant though that has not yet been confirmed at this time.

Work place accidents are responsible for thousands of injuries and several deaths in Illinois every year. Chicago experiences a large number of these tragedies in all types of work settings including construction sites, schools, office buildings, and factories. As the laws apply to cover all workers, whether they are involved in hazardous activities or not, all injured employees may be entitled to relief.
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If you live in, work in, or visit Chicago, chances are good that you occasional utilize public transportation to get from one point to another across the city or even to one of the many suburbs surrounding the metropolitan area. Public transit can offer an efficient and easy to use form of travel for many people on a daily or occasional basis as they move around and most of the time, safety never becomes an issue.

Unfortunately, though, public transit poses many of the same threats to safety as other forms of travel, including driving by private car. Bus accidents happen every year in Chicago and many of them result in injuries to those on board or those in another vehicle involved in the crash. Injuries may cause victims to incur medical expenses or to miss time from work, depriving them of money they otherwise would have earned. Though nothing can erase these crashes once they take place, it may be possible for the victims of bus collisions to seek financial compensation for their damages, including any pain and suffering they are forced to endure. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago who has experience in bus accident claims may help you understand your legal options if you have been hurt in a crash.

Police in Chicago were alerted to a collision between a vehicle and a CTA bus on Wednesday afternoon near 71st Street and Paxton. Though it is still early in the investigation, authorities believe that the bus was stopped when a second vehicle in the area approached the bus and caused a rear-end collision. It is not yet clear what caused the driver of the car to allegedly strike the rear of the bus but it appears that the driver, along with at least 10 passengers on board the bus, sustained injuries in the crash.

Emergency medical crews responded to the scene and evaluated all victims for potential injuries. Those in need of additional treatment were transported to area hospitals where their current conditions are not known, though all were expected to survive the incident. It is not clear whether any citations have been issued in the crash or whether any charges are pending.
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Workers are protected by specific laws in the State of Illinois that ensure a safe working environment at a job site. Any worker who is injured while on the clock is entitled to certain benefits through a workers’ compensation claim to cover losses like medical bills. While these benefits are designed to apply automatically after a work injury, not all employers take this approach and some make it difficult for workers to obtain the relief they deserve.

A personal injury lawyer who handles workers’ compensation claims may be able to help you understand your legal options if you have been hurt while working. You may be entitled to covered medical treatment, rehabilitative care, compensation for time you missed from work, and/or a lump sum payment depending on your accident and the injuries you sustained.

Officials in Chicago have confirmed that a worker was critically injured when he fell from a water tower in the Humboldt Park neighborhood of the city on Monday. Officials believe that a metal ladder attached to the side of a water tower on the roof of a building in the 3000 block of West Grand Avenue broke free due to its deteriorated state or the state of the attachments holding it to the water tower. At the time, a worker was using the ladder to take down a portion of the water tower and he fell as the ladder broke free.

The worker fell a reported 25 feet from the water tower to the rooftop below. Emergency crews responded to the scene of the incident and transported him to a hospital in Chicago for treatment where he was considered to be in critical condition. The current status of the worker and the nature of his injuries are not clear at this time.
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As summertime begins to wind down in Chicago, the available time for kids to swim outdoors in pools is coming to a close. Before school begins, children across the city are taking to pools to get in some last minute time in the water, swimming and playing during the warm weather. Most of these children safely enjoy their time in a swimming pool but unfortunately not all do. Every year, swimming pool accidents lead to injuries among children and adults across Chicago. Some may even lose their lives while in a swimming pool.

These accidents can be devastating to those involved as well as their families and loved ones. Damages may be severe or even permanent and can lead to financial hardship due to medical expenses or even lost wages if a victim or a victim’s parent must take time off from work. The laws in Illinois are designed to protect the victims of accidents, including swimming pool accidents, and may enable victims to obtain compensation for their damages that result from an incident. Speaking with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Chicago may help you understand your legal options if you or your loved one has been harmed in a swimming pool incident.

A Tuesday morning swimming party reportedly turned tragic when a 12-year-old child drown in the water, according to local police. The incident took place at an apartment complex pool in Arlington Heights on Goebbert Road. According to witnesses, several children were swimming in the pool when the 12-year-old went to the deep end and fell under the water. An employee of the apartment complex reportedly noticed the girl and pulled her from the water where emergency medical crews responded and transported her to Northwestern Community Hospital for treatment. After some time at Northwestern Community Hospital, the girl was transported to Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago but the child’s injuries were too severe and she died at the hospital.

At this time, officials believe that the child did not live at the apartment complex where the incident occurred but rather was a resident of Chicago and was simply visiting for the day. The incident is under investigation at this time while officials try to determine what led to the girl’s drowning and whether negligence played a role.
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In recent decades, the number of residents in Chicago that ride bicycles regularly or on occasion has increased dramatically. Many are now commuting by cycle while others are enjoying a ride over the weekend. In response, the city has created bicycle lanes, protected areas to ride, and even shared bicycle and vehicular areas on the street. Even where a road is not marked specifically for bicycle traffic, cyclists are entitled to ride on the roads unless it is expressly prohibited.

Unfortunately the increase in ridership has also caused an increase in bicycle-related accidents when compared to times with fewer rides. Bicycle accidents in Chicago claim numerous lives every year and leave many more riders injured and left to deal with the aftermath of a collision, from the medical expenses that may be incurred to the pain and suffering likely to be endured. When a bicycle accident results from a mistake or an error on the part of a driver involved, the victims of that collision may be entitled to financial relief for any damages sustained. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who has experience representing bicycle accident victims may help you understand your legal options if you have been hurt in a crash or if your loved one has lost his or her life.

Local authorities confirmed that a bicyclist was involved in a crash near Midway Airport early on Sunday morning. The rider was reportedly traveling east on 55th Street shortly before 1:00 a.m. when a passenger car turning in the area struck the bicyclist, causing a collision. Emergency medical crews responded to the crash and transported the rider, a 44-year-old man, to Christ Medical Center for treatment but the extent of his injuries were too severe and he was pronounced dead a short time thereafter.

Police are still investigating the circumstances that led to the fatal collision and trying to determine why the driver and the cyclist were in the same area at the same time. At this point, the driver has been cited for failing to reduce her speed to avoid a crash but it is unclear whether any other citations or charges will be brought.
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Urban areas like Chicago tend to experience a large amount of pedestrian traffic throughout the day as people walk to and from buildings, to public transportation, and even stroll around for exercise. Unfortunately in Chicago, the large number of pedestrians means that pedestrian accidents occur and often involve motor vehicles. These pedestrian crashes nearly always result in injuries to those involved and may even cause death, depending on the facts surrounding an individual collision.

Though nothing can erase these accidents once they have occurred, the victims of pedestrian crashes may be able to seek financial relief to restore them to their pre-accident states. Compensation may be available to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and even provide payment for pain and suffering in an accident if a pedestrian was hurt. The right to seek this relief belongs to a victim of a collision and is separate and distinct from any charges brought by the State of Illinois, meaning that a personal injury claim may be possible even if an at-fault driver did not receive a ticket in the crash. Speaking with a lawyer in Chicago who has experience representing pedestrian victims may help you understand your legal options if your have been hurt.

Police have identified a suspect they believe was responsible for a fatal pedestrian accident in September and charges have now been filed against the driver. Officials allege that a 26-year-old man was driving his sister’s vehicle to his home in Chicago in September when he turned into an alley on South Mason Avenue. The man reportedly struck a 37-year-old female pedestrian in the alley, running her over with his car, and then allegedly stopped his vehicle to check on the woman, who was unconscious. Officials allege that the driver then returned to his car and drove it some way before parking it and going to his home where he stayed until he went to work the next morning.

While at work, the suspect reportedly admitted that he struck a woman with his car and left her in an alley. The female victim in this case was found shortly after the crash and transported to an area hospital for emergency treatment but her injuries were too severe and she died as a result of the collision.

The suspect was arrested earlier this week and reportedly admitted to being involved in the crash. He currently faces one charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident, a crime under the laws of Chicago and Illinois and the man is currently being held in lieu of bail. It is not clear whether officials are considering any additional charges in this case.
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