En la mayoría de los casos, los accidentes de vuelco comienzan con un impacto inicial entre un coche rodando y otro objeto – llamado “tropezó” de colisión – ya sea si ese objeto es un segundo vehículo, la acera o un objeto fijo cerca de la carretera. En otros casos una volcadura ocurre sin un impacto inicial y es un vuelco sin tropezó. Esto puede ocurrir si un vehículo toma una curva a una velocidad demasiado alta para ser seguro o si revienta una llanta y hace que el conductor pierda el control.

Accidentes de vuelco son algunas de las formas más mortales de colisiones que plagan las calles de Chicago. Diferente a un accidente que deja un vehículo en posición vertical, una colisión de vuelco incluye múltiples impactos en múltiples puntos en el vehículo. Daño a un extremo delantero, trasero, lateral, al techo y al suelo son posibles cuando un vehículo rueda y las probabilidades de daños aumentan cuando el número de vuelcos se componen. Importantemente, los avances en seguridad que han hecho las colisiones mucho más sobrevivientes han tenido poco efecto en los vuelcos en las últimas décadas como la nueva adición de estas características raramente se enfoca en el techo de un vehículo.

Aunque las colisiones de vuelco son graves y pueden causar lesiones, las víctimas de estos accidentes deben saber que el alivio puede estar disponible y pueden ofrecerles a estas víctimas la compensación que se merecen. Los reclamos por alivio son separados y distintos de cualquier cargo de tráfico o cargo criminal que puede ser solicitada por el Estado de Illinois y pueden incluir un reclamo por gastos médicos, dolor y sufrimiento, y salarios perdidos entre otros daños que resultan de un accidente. Los hechos de un accidente pueden determinar qué alivio puede ser posible y si pago es posible así que si usted ha sido herido o si un ser querido ha sido lesionado, hablando con un abogado en Chicago puede ayudarlo a entender sus opciones legales después de un accidente.

El domingo por la mañana, un automóvil que viajaba en la cuadra 3600 de West Foster Avenue le pego por de lado a un segundo vehículo en el área antes de chocar con una parada de autobús. La fuerza del impacto entonces causo que el vehículo se dé vuelta y dejo a un pasajero con lesiones. La policía y los equipos de emergencia respondieron a la escena y evaluaron a tres personas adentro del carro; Según los informes, un conductor varón de 22 años de edad, y otro pasajero varón no fueron heridos mientras que una pasajera de 23 años de edad, sufrió heridas graves y fue trasladada en ambulancia a un hospital del área.

Afortunadamente, las autoridades han confirmado que no hubo peatones que estaban en el área de la parada de autobús en el momento del accidente a la 1:00 a.m. y que los que estuvieron adentro del primer carro fueron los únicos heridos.

En este momento, el conductor de 22 años de edad, se enfrenta a cargos por no permanecer dentro de un carril de tráfico y por no reducir la velocidad para evitar una colisión. La investigación está en curso en este momento, así que es posible que se puedan emitir cargos adicionales.
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When a pedestrian and a vehicle collide, the pedestrian almost always suffers from personal injuries that can range from minor to severe. In the worst instances, victims may lose their lives due to these collisions including those pedestrian accidents that occur in Chicago.

At the time of a crash, a pedestrian victim may be struck, throw, or tossed due to impact and often lands on the ground or on another fixed object. In some cases, a pedestrian may end up underneath a vehicle. Regardless of what dynamics affect the sequence of events, pedestrian collisions are very dangerous to those involved and regularly leave a lasting impact on those who are hurt.

Relief may be possible to those victims of pedestrian collisions who are injured in the greater Chicago area should they choose to seek it. In many cases, multiple claims may be possible and may enable you to make a full financial recovery for your suffering so you may want to speak with a personal injury attorney if a crash has affected you or left your loved one injured.

Unfortunately, police in southern Los Angeles County, California have confirmed that a man lost his life last evening in a collision with a truck. Now, several witnesses have placed music producer and mogul Marion “Suge” Knight behind the wheel of that vehicle and there is speculation that Knight’s actions caused the victim his life.

According to witnesses, Suge Knight was on a movie shoot in Compton when a fight broke out between Knight and two other men. Knight reportedly got into his truck and left the scene, heading to a burger joint. Police state that a second fight occurred at the burger joint and that Knight got into his truck, put his vehicle in reverse, and ran over a man twice before he fled the scene. Suge Knight did not notify authorities of the incident or check on the status of his victim before he left, based on witness accounts.

Medical personnel attempted to help the victim of this incident but the man’s injuries were too severe and he died as a result of the collision. Reports indicate that the victim and Suge Knight were friends and that the two spent time together during the day before the fatal incident occurred. In addition to this victim, two other men reportedly were injured when Knight’s car reversed but their injuries are considered minor at this time and both are expected to survive.

Late last night, police held a press conference and announced that they were searching for Knight for questioning related to a murder. Some time later, Knight’s vehicle was found abandoned and at some point in the overnight hours, Suge Knight was located and arrested on murder charges. He is being held on $2 million bail. Some reports indicate that Knight turned himself into authorities and that he may have been fleeing from an assault when the collision occurred.
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In many instances, bus accidents may be more complex and legally intricate than collisions between two private vehicles and may have a higher probability for injuries occurring. The complexities can stem from the sheer number of individuals involved as well as the insurance companies that may be responsible for any losses and may also include the fact that buses are a regulated form of transit in the greater Chicago area. Injuries are more likely as the number of people involved in an accident increases; therefore, if there are passengers on board a bus and the total number of occupants is equal to or greater than what would typically be found in a passenger car, injuries to one or more of those individuals may be likely when an impact happens.

In most cases, bus accident victims in Chicago may have little to no warning that a collision is imminent. Unlike drivers, they may not be watching traffic or may not anticipate hazards that can emerge in a roadway. However, they are just as likely or perhaps more likely to be hurt in a crash and they may wonder where that puts them from a legal perspective. In Illinois, victims of these bus collisions are entitled to certain rights and possible avenues of relief that may enable injury victims to obtain the help they need. Whether your losses take the form of medical bills, pain and suffering, or lost wages, you could be entitled to a financial settlement that will provide you with the compensation you need to move forward and beyond the impact and to help you recover as you deserve. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer can help you understand the possible claims you may have and whether your case entitles you to payment if you have been injured in a bus accident.

At least four vehicles, including a Pace bus, collided in Geneva on Monday evening and led to several injuries, according to local police. The incident happened near Fabyan Parkway and Crissey Avenue around 5:30 p.m. and is still being review for additional facts. At this time, authorities have confirmed that four vehicles collided and that one of the vehicles, a Pace bus, was pushed off the road by the accident and down into a wooded area. Reportedly the vehicle had to be removed from the scene by a tow truck and it may have been heavily damaged.

Police have not released a suspected cause of the collision at this time and have not stated whether any of the drivers involved may have erred or acted in a negligent manner in the moments that proceeded the initial impact. However, they have confirmed that all facts are being reviewed and that, if appropriate, charges may be issued pending the outcome of their investigation.
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The type and layout of a road can influence the types of collisions most likely to occur in an area. Roads with intersections, stop lights, and stop signs may lead to failure-to-yield crashes which often include multiple cars colliding in a T-bone crash. Highways, expressways, and interstates usually involve high rates of speed and directional traffic separated by a median or a guardrail. Along these roadways, sideswipe accidents are relatively common and are likely to cause serious damage.

With the major expressways that feed into Chicago from the surrounding suburbs, sideswipe collisions are a common occurrence in the city and are one of the reasons that collisions enact such a devastating toll. From the financial impact of a crash like the physical destruction of a car to the emotion toll enacted when a loved one it injured, it is difficult to fully measure these losses but it is clear that a typical expressway accident can range from thousands to millions of dollars in total suffering. When a car accident in Chicago leaves you injured or harms your loved one, laws may provide you with certain protections and may entitle you to relief. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer in the area can help you understand your options and your rights if you have questions following an accident.

On Saturday night, shortly before 11:00 p.m., police confirmed that three vehicles collided on Lake Shore Drive and injured at least two. Officials believe that a northbound Jeep collided with two separate vehicles near the 1300 block of South Lake Shore Drive before the Jeep came to a rest. The suspected cause of the crash has not yet been released but authorities have reported that the Jeep sideswiped the two other vehicles and that charges are currently pending against the Jeep’s driver.

Both the driver of the Jeep and a passenger were injured in the crash and were assessed at the scene by emergency medical personnel. The victims were in need of greater medical help and were transported to area hospitals for assistance where their current conditions are not known.
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According to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, there are nearly 300,000 drunk driving episodes every day in American but only about 4,000 of these motorists are arrested for their actions. That means that more than 98 percent of drunk drivers are not apprehended and are allowed to continue driving in a reckless or threatening manner simply because an officer is not in the area to notice the conduct. With so many drunk drivers on America’s roads, it should not be surprising that thousands of people are injured every year in Chicago drunk driving accidents and that many more are left suffering from the impact of these collisions.

Far too often, impaired drivers injure others with their actions and leave responsible motorists in pain and in need of medical care. While nothing can erase these accidents once they happen, victims in Illinois may be entitled to seek financial compensation for their damages including any medical bills they have incurred or are likely to incur in the future. As every case involves a unique set of facts and circumstances, you may want to speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Chicago to learn about the laws as they apply to you if you have been hurt in a car accident.

It is illegal in all 50 states to drink and drive, and according to local reports, that is a lesson that professional basketball player Ty Lawson is learning today. Reports out of Denver indicate that the Denver Nuggets point guard was arrested early this morning on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol while on Park West Avenue. Reports indicate that Lawson was driving 61 miles per hour in an area with a 35 mph speed limit and that when officers pulled him over, Lawson’s breath smelled strongly of alcohol, his eyes were bloodshot and watery, and he was swaying at the scene. When questioned, Lawson reportedly admitted to officers that he was previously arrested for DUI while in Missouri.

Lawson was a successful and highly-touted college basketball player for the University of North Carolina from 2006 through 2009 before being drafted by the Denver Nuggets in the first round of the 2009 NBA draft. As the number 18 overall pick, expectations were high for Lawson in Denver and prior to this morning’s incident, he had been having one of his best NBA seasons to date.

It is not clear at this time what effect, if any, Lawson’s arrest and charges will have on his eligibility with the Nuggets in the coming weeks and at this time, the team has not released any comment on the situation.
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Insurance estimates indicate that a typical American driver will be involved in three to four car accidents over the course of their lifetimes. If you drive more than average or if you are often a passenger in a vehicle, the odds of being involved in additional collisions increases with the time spent inside a car, truck, or van.

The good news is that many of these accidents that happen are considered minor and, while they may cause damage to vehicles, they do not result in injuries to those involved. However, while many are minor, many others are serious and can leave victims permanently altered following a crash with injuries, damages, and emotional suffering that can last from days to a lifetime. In the worst collisions, a victim may lose his or her life and that victim’s family members may never recover from that loss.

The majority of car accidents that take place in the greater Chicago area are not actually accidents but rather are due to an error, mistake, or negligent conduct on the part of someone involved. When these instances lead to injuries, the laws of the state recognize that it is unfair to expect innocent victims to pay for their own damages and therefore the laws enable these victims to seek financial compensation following a crash. Relief may be available to cover things like medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages but it is up to a victim to affirmatively take the steps necessary to obtain this help if they want it. If a car crash has affected your life or injured your loved one, you may obtain the answers you need by speaking with a Chicago personal injury attorney who handles these types of claims.

Shortly before 6:00 a.m. Thursday, Illinois State Police were alerted to a single vehicle car accident on I-55 near Western Avenue, prompting an on-scene response. Officials assessed the car and determined that two people inside were injured in the crash and were in need of additional medical treatment so those victims were transported to area hospitals. While officials have confirmed these injuries, they have not stated the nature of the harm sustained other than to state that both victims are expected to survive.

Police are conducting an investigation into this incident to determine what caused the crash and whether the driver involved was at-fault for the collision. Officials believe that the driver lost control of the car for unknown reasons, leading the vehicle to collide with a cement median while traveling inbound, causing a crash that left at least two lanes of I-55 closed for an hour. During rush hour this morning, authorities were able to remove the vehicle and reopen all lanes of traffic for other commuters.
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Most of those who live in Chicago walk at some point in a typical day. The layout of the city and the design of the city’s roads means that pedestrians often take to the sidewalks and walk to their destinations along city blocks and through alleyways. Often, walkers will need to utilize crosswalks or other designated pedestrian crossing areas to get from one side of the road to another, and when necessity arises, these pedestrians may take these access points for granted. Under the laws of Chicago and the State of Illinois, pedestrians should be safe when they follow all traffic rules and cross when allowed at crosswalks; in practice, though, pedestrian accidents happen every day in the state and many involve a collision between a motorist who is not paying attention and a walker who does nothing wrong.

Victims of these collisions may be left wondering who is responsible for their losses and whether relief can be obtained. In many cases, Chicago pedestrian accidents enable those who are injured to seek and obtain payment for any expenses and any other losses incurred which often includes medical expenses, wages missed from work, and pain and suffering. These claims depend on the facts and circumstances surrounding a specific accident so if you have been hurt, speaking with a personal injury attorney may help you understand the implications of your crash and what relief is possible.

A pedestrian accident in West Pullman last week left a crossing guard injured and threatened the safety of several young students in the area. Now, police are looking for information on the driver involved as they have not yet identified the driver or owner of the vehicle through their investigation.

The collision occurred at the intersection of 127th Street and Union Avenue. The victim, a 27-year-old female crossing guard, was in the intersection and holding a stop sign to allow children to cross when a black SUV approached and struck the crossing guard, leaving her seriously injured. None of the children were physically hurt.

Eyewitness testimony supports the belief that the driver involved left the scene westbound on 127th before turning north on Emerald Avenue. The driver did not stop and check on the victim or report the incident and has not been identified at this time.

Anyone with information on this collision or who may know the identity of the driver involved is urged to contact the local police in West Pullman and to share their knowledge on this crash.
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Less than three weeks of 2015 have come to pass and already, numerous collisions between cars and pedestrians have occurred in the greater Chicago area. Several of these have involved hit-and-run drivers and unfortunately, most have caused serious injuries to the pedestrians while some have turned fatal.

Pedestrian accidents are of concern to all those who call Chicago home because at one point or another, nearly everyone walks. Whether you merely walk outside to get a cup of coffee in the morning, walk to your parking place, or walk to public transportation, odds are that you will cross paths with vehicular traffic when you do, putting you at risk for a crash.

It can be difficult to know where to turn for help when a crash occurs or what type of relief may be available to those who are injured. The laws in Illinois and in Chicago enable victims to obtain financial compensation when they are injured due to the actions of another, including those who are hurt in pedestrian accidents and those injured while walking in the city. Compensation can help victims pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and intangible losses like pain and suffering but victims must take affirmative steps to seek that relief or they will be barred from obtaining it. For that reason, speaking to a personal injury lawyer in Chicago can help you understand your options and whether you have a valid claim if you have been injured or if your loved one was hurt or killed. Further, an attorney can help you with the procedural information you need to know to proceed with your action in a timely manner and to seek relief against all those who may be responsible so that you can fully recover from your accident.

Just after 10:00 p.m. on Saturday evening, a crash happened in the Hermosa neighborhood on Chicago’s Northwest Side. The incident happened in the 4300 block of West North Avenue and involved a 2002 Buick and two pedestrians and it claimed the life of both pedestrians involved.

According to officials, the Buick collided with the two men, ages 36 and approximately 50, as they crossed the street but the Buick, driven by a 24-year-old male, never stopped at the scene. Instead, the driver fled and collided with parked cars three blocks away, leading police officers to identify and apprehend the driver. While police have not confirmed the cause of the accident, they have stated that the driver has been arrested and that charges against him are pending at this time.

Emergency crews were at the scene and attempted to provide medical care to the victims. Reports indicate that one man was unresponsive while the second was confirmed to survive the crash initially; though the second victim was taken to an area hospital shortly after the accident, the man’s injuries were too severe and he died a short time later.
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To many that call Chicago home, the roads and streets around the city become more difficult to drive every year. With increasing population, increased passenger vehicles, and the ever-present threat of inclement weather, many in Chicago are choosing to use alternative means of transportation as they travel the area. Whether it is a public bus, “L” train, or bicycling, most of these residents will have one thing in common – at some point, they will walk as part of their trip.

Almost everyone is a pedestrian at some point or another in a typical day and therefore threats to pedestrian safety should be important to all. But they are often ignored or downplayed in daily life because some believe that an accident is unlikely to happen to them or that the pedestrians who are hurt may be to blame for their collisions. Instead, many of the pedestrian accidents that happen annually in Chicago are the fault of a negligent or reckless driver who fails to yield the right-of-way or who otherwise fails to recognize the rights of those that walk, and nearly all of these accidents lead to injuries on the part of a pedestrian.

It can seem unfair if you are victimized due to the actions of another and you are the one who is let to suffer, and in fact, it likely is unfair. But this does not mean that you must suffer in silence. Instead, if you were hurt in a Chicago pedestrian crash, the laws of Illinois may enable you to seek financial compensation for your injuries and your losses against an at-fault driver or others who may be liable to you. As the facts surrounding a crash determine what relief may be available, you may wish to speak with a personal injury attorney to learn about your options and your rights if a crash has left you injured.

A Friday morning accident between a vehicle and a middle-aged pedestrian claimed the pedestrian’s life, according to local authorities. Just before 6:30 a.m., the crash happened in the 3600 block of West Addison Street, not far from the Addison station on the city’s Blue Line. Police have not yet confirmed many details surrounding the accident other than the fact that it involved a private vehicle and a 58-year-old woman and that the woman lost her life as a result.

Officials responded to the scene where they began an initial investigation but they have reported that it will be some time before their work is finalized and it may take time before additional details come to light. The results of the investigation may also determine whether any citations will be issued or whether any charges will be brought in this incident that proved fatal this morning.
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It takes only a split second to have your life changed forever if you are involved in a traffic accident in Chicago. Whether the responsible driver was speeding, driving while distracted, or even failed to yield at a light or stop sign, the results of the crash can be devastating and can affect you and your family for the rest of your days. Some incidents may seem more egregious because of a driver’s conduct prior to the impact, and one common scenario of that is when a motorist drives while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

DUI accidents in Chicago affect people of all ages, social statuses, genders, and races and can leave victims from the very young to the very old. Despite the risks of drinking and driving, motorists take to the roads every single day in Illinois when they are impaired and when they are prohibited by law from driving safely, leading to incidents where collisions may be inevitable. The most frustrating part of a drunk driving crash may be that none of them need occur; if drivers opted to refrain from driving, used a designated driver, or chose public transportation instead, no victims would be hurt in Chicago and no families would be left to suffer from those losses.

While drivers continue to operate drunk, injuries to victims will continue to result. The law recognizes this and therefore enables victims to seek relief for their suffering and their losses against those responsible. In many cases, claims can enable victims and their families to obtain compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering, depending on the injuries that occur. Speaking with a lawyer who handles personal injury cases may help you understand your options and your potential claims of a car crash has injured you or has otherwise affected your loved one.

In a Skokie courtroom on Monday, a judge sentenced a 38-year-old suspect to six years in prison after the man agreed to plead guilty to the charge of reckless homicide stemming from a car accident that occurred in October of 2009. The defendant originally faced charges including aggravated driving under the influence that resulted in death after an accident which took place near Oakton Street and Riverside Drive in Park Ridge and that claimed the life of two people inside the defendant’s vehicle.

Police and local authorities brought a case against the man and alleged that he operated his vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, contrary to and in violation of Illinois state laws. The officials further alleged that the man was speeding when he ran a red light and collided with a second vehicle, injuring both his 25-year-old and 37-year-old passengers as well as the driver of the second car. Both passengers lost their lives as a result of that incident but the other driver survived with less serious injuries.
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