The weather in Chicago can be unpredictable at best. In some years, March arrives and ushers in periods of warmer weather coupled with sunshine and chirping birds. This year, as Chicago residents turned their calendars to March, they were met with bitter cold temperatures and, today, winter weather that is plaguing area expressways and surface roads, threatening the safety of those who commute by car, truck, or van.

When weather strikes, car accidents and winter weather collisions are more likely to occur because the conditions of the roads may be less than ideal. Ice, snow, sleet can blanket streets and cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles which may lead to a collision involving one or dozens of cars. While common opinion suggests that the weather causes these accidents to happen, the truth is that the weather generally combines with one or more other factors to increase the likelihood of a crash but not to be the sole factor in its creation.

The laws in Illinois and in the city of Chicago acknowledge the serious nature of car accidents and attempt to hold responsible drivers liable for their actions and the resulting fallout. To do this, victims possess the right to seek financial compensation for their losses and their suffering against an at-fault driver or insurance company and they may receive monetary payment to cover expenses like medical bills. If you have been involved in a car accident in Chicago, you may learn more about your options by speaking with a personal injury attorney.

Police in Illinois issued warnings this morning about the road conditions in the greater Chicago area. Recent precipitation led to icy roads and slick conditions that extended beyond Chicago to other areas of the state. Early this morning, multiple collisions along I-57 between Manteno and Chebanse led authorities to close the expressway temporarily as the wreckage of the accidents was cleaned and removed and as conditions along the roadway began to improve.

A winter weather advisory remains in effect in the Chicago area at this time which has been spared any serious collisions so far. Multiple spin outs have been reported and minor crashes have occurred but as of early Tuesday morning, no critical collisions or devastating injuries were being blamed on the icy conditions.
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Often, when a car accident or a pedestrian crash occurs in the Chicago area, police and other local officials attempt to understand the facts that led to the impact in an effort to determine whether any actions by those involved played a role. They may interview witnesses, speak with the victims themselves, or even recreate the accident scene in an attempt to gather all relevant information. While this may sound straight forward to some, in reality, it is often a complicated process that can lead to many twists and turns because the typical Chicago accident involves multiple mistakes and not simply one lapse in judgment.

While the police may be seeking answers, it is important to realize that they do so on behalf of the State of Illinois and not on behalf of any particular victim who was injured in the accident. Rather, if you are hurt in a collision, you must take affirmative steps to bring your case to light and to seek financial compensation for your injuries. Failing to do so may result in the permanent waiver of your right to recover or to seek any type of relief due to a collision.

With all the necessary legal procedures to follow, victims of these accidents may find the help and guidance they need by speaking with a personal injury lawyer in the Chicago area.

Officials have now confirmed that a pedestrian accident happened in Chicago on Saturday evening and that the collision resulted in serious injuries to an elderly man. Police allege that a 54-year-old man was operating a van in the area of the 4000 block of North Cicero Avenue on the northwest side when he collided with a 78-year-old male pedestrian in the area. Officials claim that the driver did not stop after the collision but rather was apprehended approximately one block away; at that time, he allegedly admitted to the accident but claimed he thought he hit the elderly man’s hand. In reality, police allege that the impact was significant and left the victim with head and facial injuries, among others, necessitating his transfer to an area hospital for treatment.

The arresting officer reportedly noticed signs of intoxication when speaking with the driver of the van and found a bottle of clear liquid believed to be alcohol. The man was arrested and is facing charges of driving under the influence with potential additional charges being considered. Reports from several media outlets including the Chicago Tribune indicate that the driver has been arrested for operating under the influence in two prior incidents but has never been convicted.
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Pedestrians are a part of Chicago and are as common of a sight as taxi cabs, L trains, and city buses. Yet despite the fact that pedestrians are on the streets 365 days a year, their rights to walk are often ignored or understated by other types of individuals, including drivers. The laws that apply to Chicago-area drivers and pedestrians are clear and set forth who possesses the right-of-way and at what time. If everyone in a given area obeyed every rule at all times, odds are that a pedestrian accident would never materialize. However, in today’s busy world, collisions continue to occur between these groups of travelers and in almost all situations, pedestrians are left to bear the physical damage from a crash.

After an accident happens, a victim who sustains injuries cannot magically erase all the suffering he or she must endure. That victim cannot reverse time or undue the negligent conduct that led to a crash. But the victim may be able to move forward from the incident without greater suffering or additional harm if she chooses to seek financial compensation through the use of a civil claim for damages. This type of relief is available in many of the pedestrian accidents that happen in Chicago and can provide payment for losses like medical bills and missed wages. If you have questions, you may get the answers you need by speaking with a personal injury attorney about the law and its impact on your personal rights.

Chicago police officers were called to the scene of a hit-and-run accident in the city on Tuesday and upon arrival, they confirmed that the suspected driver involved struck a pedestrian. The incident occurred near the 3400 block of North Harlem Avenue shortly before 6:30 p.m. when a four door sedan approached a middle-aged pedestrian and struck the woman. Emergency crews also responded to the incident and assessed the victim for injuries. After an initial assessment in the field, the woman was transported to an area hospital for greater treatment where her injuries were considered critical.

Though a vehicle was involved in this incident, the driver allegedly did not stay at the scene but instead fled the area and has not been apprehended at this time. Police are looking to speak with the driver and with the vehicle’s owner if they are not the same person but at this time, no contact has been made. If the driver is located, the police will attempt to determine whether the driver erred in conduct prior to the impact and if so, what charges may be brought in response.
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Drivers in the Chicago area often must use the expressways that surround the city as they travel from one place to another. With Chicago’s position situated on Lake Michigan, almost all travel outside of the city itself mirrors the paths of a spider web, connecting the north and south with the west and with all routes terminating at the city itself. So much traffic uses these expressways that it is common to describe not the cardinal direction of travel but rather whether traffic is inbound or outbound with regard to Chicago.

With the heavy use of expressways and interstates unfortunately comes a very real risk of car and truck accidents happening and many of those will result in injuries to the people involved. The dynamics surrounding an impact may determine whether a driver, passenger, or pedestrian is harmed and if so, the extent and nature of the injuries that result; but contrary to popular belief, injuries can happen in any accident, even those that do little damage to a vehicle or that may happen at slower speeds. If you have been involved in a crash or if your loved one was harmed, you may get the information you need by consulting with a personal injury lawyer in the Chicago area.

During Tuesday evening’s commute, several people were affected when a truck accident happened on I-88 near DeKalb. Police in the area have reported that a semi-truck traveling westbound collided with two passenger vehicles for unknown reasons, sending both vehicles out of control and causing one vehicle to leave the road’s surface and come to a rest in an adjoining ditch. Emergency crews were called to the scene to evaluate the potential victims and were able to determine that the driver of the vehicle in the ditch was in serious condition and needed to be air lifted to an area hospital. That driver’s current condition is not clear.

It is also not clear whether the driver of the second car or the driver of the semi-truck were injured in the collision. At this time, police are still reviewing all relevant facts and trying to determine what led to the impact and whether the truck driver or anyone else involved erred prior to the incident.
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Many drivers in the Chicago area thought that they avoided a bad winter because the early season was so mild. However, the last few weeks have brought multiple cold fronts and storms to the area, sending the city into a deep freeze that chills to the bone and can make driving difficult.

While you may not be able to do anything about the weather, there are certain steps you can take to ensure that you are as safe as possible when the cold descends on Chicago. With our experience representing the victims of winter weather accidents, the personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. suggest you keep the following in mind before you get behind the wheel:

When Possible, Plan Ahead: This may seem like basic advice but the benefit of forward thinking cannot be overstated when it comes to driving in the wintertime. Nearly every vehicle is sluggish in the cold temperatures but some of these issues can be avoided by making sure your vehicle is in good working order. If it has been a while since your car has been serviced, consider taking it to your preferred garage or mechanic to get a tune up and make sure there are no underlying issues with your vehicle.

Check Your Battery: One of the biggest issues when it comes to winter driving is a vehicle that simply won’t start. Unlike some other parts of a car, a battery is not designed to last the life of your vehicle and will need to be replaced periodically. Further, some batteries that are strong enough to start a car in summertime will not get the job done in winter because it takes more power to start a car in the cold. If you haven’t had your battery tested in some time or if your car is taking longer to start, get the battery checked and consider replacing it if necessary.

Check Your Tire Pressure Regularly: Tires are a big contributor to the safety of a vehicle and yet too often, drivers overlook the importance of this aspect of their car. Air pressure will be lower in cold conditions and therefore it is even more important to check these readings in the wintertime when low pressure can lead to underinflated tires which can make a blown tire or a collision more likely.

Be Prepared for Icy Roads: Even if it is not snowing, cold weather can cause icy roads when the temperature falls below freezing. Cold weather can cause slush and snow to freeze and create a hazardous condition for all drivers; often, there is little warning before arriving at an icy patch so drivers are encouraged to assume roads will be slippery and to drive defensively as a result.

Drive with Plenty of Gas: The last thing you want to happen when the weather is cold is to run out of gas midway through your trip. In winter, traffic can back up and it may take longer to get to your intended destination than planned so make sure you have extra gasoline in your tank. The extra gas can provide an additional benefit by adding weight to your vehicle which may make it easier to handle and control on snow or ice, so before you hit the roads, consider filling up your tank.
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Drivers in the State of Illinois are eligible to begin being licensed to operate a motor vehicle at the age of 16. But simply being of age is not enough to qualify a motorist for a license. Instead, a driver must pass tests and demonstrate that he or she is capable of exercising the skill and judgment needed to be safe while behind the wheel. Additionally, all drivers who operate in Illinois, regardless of when they were licensed, must agree to follow all applicable laws and rules of the road. This includes obeying posted speed limits, heeding traffic signals, and driving on the proper side of the road.

Failure to follow traffic laws can lead a driver to receive a traffic ticket, a criminal charge, or worse. But in addition to any punishments that may be levied by local authorities, the fallout can become more severe if an at-fault driver causes a collision that ends in injuries to one or more individuals involved. In these cases, victims can seek financial compensation for their suffering and a driver who caused the collision may be held personally liable for those damages. If you have questions following a car accident, speaking with a personal injury attorney may help you understand your options including whether you have a valid claim.

A collision on Saturday is now being blamed on a driver who may not have obeyed a red light, according to local police. The incident happened at Oakton Street and Prospect Avenue in Park Ridge shortly after 12:00 p.m. and may have started when a woman failed to stop for a red light, entering the intersection against traffic and causing a collision.

The car believed to have run the light turned onto its side and collided with a third car waiting near the intersection. That second impact then pushed the third car into a fourth and fifth vehicle and caused at least two people to sustain injuries.

The driver of the first car and one of the other drivers were assessed at the scene and transported to area hospitals for treatment where their current conditions are not clear. However, both victims are expected to survive.

Police have reported that the suspected at-fault driver claimed that her brakes failed and that is why she was in the intersection allegedly after the light turned red. Police are reviewing that possibility at this time as well as several other scenarios but not official conclusions have been made; however, they have confirmed that the first driver has been cited for operating without a license and for running a red light.
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Los accidentes de trabajo en Chicago son únicos en muchos aspectos. Por ejemplo, no importa quién es el culpable de un incidente cuando se trata de los derechos del trabajador; si ese trabajador se lesiona mientras que en el ámbito y durante el empleo, el trabajador tiene ciertos derechos que no pueden ser barrados por un empleador. Aún si el trabajador lesionado es el que causó el accidente, estos derechos aún están disponibles y pueden ayudar a un empleado obtener una compensación financiera cuando ocurren lesiones.

Los trabajadores que se lastiman en general tienen derecho a recibir el tratamiento médico que necesitan sin ningún costo para ellos. Esto incluye cualquier tratamiento necesario de emergencia en un hospital, atención de seguimiento con un médico, tratamiento de rehabilitación, terapia ocupacional, y cualquier otro tratamiento que se necesita para ayudar a la víctima a recuperarse. Además de la ayuda médica, un trabajador lesionado también tiene derecho a una compensación por el tiempo que él o ella faltan del trabajo y puede tener derecho a un arreglo por el dolor y el sufrimiento causado por un incidente. Las miles de opciones que existen tras un accidente de trabajo puede hacerle difícil de entender a una víctima qué alivio puede ser posible; hablando con un abogado de lesiones personales en Chicago puede ayudarlo a resolver los detalles y determinar cuáles reclamos existen, incluyendo si usted tiene derecho a una compensación monetaria en su caso.

En horas de la tarde el lunes, un empleado del Departamento de Agua en Chicago resultó herido cuando se cayó mientras que en el puesto de trabajo. La policía y las autoridades locales han informado de que el empleado estaba trabajando en la Planta de Purificación de Agua del Sur y estaba haciendo una inspección en el lugar cuando el empleado se cayó y aterrizo en una cuenca. El trabajador fue rescatado del área y transportado en ambulancia a un hospital del área donde sus lesiones no fueron revelados, pero se ha confirmado que se encontraba en estado grave. Se espera que sobreviva a pesar de que no se sabe si el empleado sufrió ningún daño permanente debido al incidente. La policía está revisando la caída al igual que las autoridades que se encargan de velar por la seguridad de los entornos de trabajo en Chicago.
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Al entrar a un vehículo en el área de Chicago teniendo la intención de ir como pasajero, usted le da el control sobre su propia seguridad personal a la persona que va manejar su vehículo, así como los otros conductores en la carretera. Adicionalmente, usted debe confiar que el carro en que usted se está montando está seguro y en buenas condiciones y que cosas como las inclemencias del tiempo no conducirán a un viaje peligroso para usted.

En teoría, los pasajeros pueden pensar en estas cosas antes de entrar en un coche. En sentido práctico, sin embargo, la seguridad se supone y los pasajeros confían en que otros pondrán la seguridad primero cuando conducen en Chicago. Una vez que esté en un vehículo, es poco lo que puede hacer para asegurarse de que no será perjudicado como usted no puede controlar las acciones de los demás.

Con frecuencia, los pasajeros de accidentes de tráfico que se lesionan en una colisión se preguntan que pueden hacer para aliviar su sufrimiento. Mientras que las lesiones sufridas no se pueden borrar, en muchos casos, estas víctimas pueden tener derecho a una compensación financiera por su sufrimiento y pueden buscar este alivio a través del uso de una demanda civil por daños y perjuicios. Si no está seguro de las opciones que puedan existir después de un accidente de carro, puede que quiera hablar con un abogado de lesiones personales para asegurarse de que su comprensión de las leyes locales y estatales está completa y para que pueda obtener la ayuda que necesita.

El domingo por la mañana, un vehículo de pasajeros viajaba hacia el oeste por el I-80/94, cerca de Gary, Indiana, cuando el conductor, un hombre joven de 22 años de edad, intentó pasar un camión. El conductor entró al carril de la izquierda, paso el semi, y luego trató de volver al carril de la derecha, pero perdió el control del vehículo durante el cambio de carril. El vehículo le pego a una barrera de concreto a lo largo del lado del I-80/94, cerca de la salida Cline Avenue y luego volcó, cayendo en un poste en el área que sostiene un signo de autopista.

La policía ha confirmado que el choque fue devastador y como resultado el vehículo se dividido en dos piezas. Cinco personas estaban dentro del carro y todos fueron heridos o murieron; una pasajera de 21 años de edad, fue eyectada y murió en la escena, un pasajero de 20 años de edad murió en la escena, un pasajero de 21 años de edad, inicialmente sobrevivió antes de morir más después en un hospital en el área, y un pasajero varón de 22 años de edad, sobrevivió y está recibiendo tratamiento en este momento en el área de Chicago. Adicionalmente, el conductor resultó herido en el accidente, pero se esperaba que sobreviva.
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In 2011, more than 84,000 people were injured in car accidents across the state of Illinois. Many of these collisions happened in some of the most densely populated areas including Chicago where heavy traffic and congested streets are some of the leading causes of crashes. Often, victims in Chicago do not see a car accident until it happens and they can be injured even when they do nothing wrong to cause the collision.

When a car accident happens, damage to a vehicle is likely to result. But in addition to that property damage, injuries may happen and victims may need to get medical treatment to lessen their suffering and to return them to their pre-accident states. It is hard to know the full value of the needed treatment immediately following a collision as some injuries may take time to fully reveal their degree or severity. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help victims understand whether they are entitled to compensation for their damages and whether they have a valid claim following an accident, regardless of what injuries were sustained.

An incident in Pennsylvania is reminding nostalgic drivers across the country that an accident can happen at any time and at any place. An Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, known for its resemblance to a giant hot dog, lost control on an icy road on Sunday in Enola and collided with a pole near the road’s surface. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident and the Wienermobile only sustained moderate damage to its front end and windshield.

The Wienermobile involved was one of six full-sized models that drive around the country, each assigned to a specific geographic area. In addition to the full-sized vehicles, two mini and food truck models that serve hot dogs can also be found on American roads. Thousands of children across the country have received a wienerwhistle – a whistle shaped like a miniature version of the Wienermobiles – from the drivers of these truckswho are known as Hotdoggers.

In addition to the iconic position the Wienermobile holds, it also has strong ties to the Chicago area. The original Wienermoblie truck was built in Chicago in 1936 following designs by company executive, Carl Mayer and Oscar Mayer is currently owned by Kraft Foods which is headquartered in Illinois.
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Pileup car accidents pose a particularly deadly threat to Chicago area residents in the winter months though they can occur at any time during the year. In many situations, however, poor driving conditions and wintery roads lead to an initial impact between two or more cars and from there, the conditions worsen as additional vehicles are unable to avoid the collision and become involved in the chain reaction.

When many vehicles are involved in a crash, it is difficult to understand who is at fault or whether any motorist bears the responsibility for the results of a crash. In some cases, it can take local authorities weeks to sort out the wreckage and to recreate the conditions prior to the collision to determine whether anyone is properly to blame. Victims of these crashes may be forced to deal with the fallout in the meantime and may need to seek medical help for their injuries, leaving them to wonder if anyone will be forced to pay for their bills or whether they will have to continue to suffer long after the accident ends. If a collision has affected your life, you may receive the answers you need by speaking with a personal injury lawyer in the Chicago area who can help you understand the laws as they apply to your case.

On Sunday morning, 38 drivers and numerous passengers on the Kennedy Expressway learned firsthand the threatening nature presented by a chain reaction accident. The incident happened shortly after 10:30 a.m. in the inbound lanes near Armitage and North Avenue exists and involved 38 different vehicles. While the investigation is still ongoing, police suspect that the crash may have begun due to slick roads attributed to the winter weather conditions that struck the city recently.

The crash prompted emergency crews to respond to the scene and 12 victims were evaluated for injuries and taken to area hospitals. Reports indicate that at least one of the victims may have been a firefighter who was there to assist with the crash. While the current conditions of these victims are not clear at this time, all were expected to survive and it was believed that most sustained minor or moderate injuries.

It took crews nearly seven hours to remove all the vehicles involved from the Kennedy Expressway and to reopen all inbound lanes to traffic heading towards the city. While crews were working, warming buses arrived on the scene to temporarily house those who were involved in the accidents but were unharmed; the warming buses were able to occupy space on the outbound side of the expressway and eventually left the scene once drivers and passengers found alternate transportation.
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