In many areas of the country and in many parts of Chicago, pedestrians are authorized to walk along or near a road, meaning that it is the duty of each and every driver to respect this right and to be alert for pedestrians. However in many cases, motorists fail to look for those who may be walking or otherwise may fail to yield the right-of-way, often resulting in a pedestrian accident that nearly always causes injuries.

When the law is on the side of a pedestrian, what happens when the rights of that walker are violated? In many cases, police or other law enforcement officials may begin an investigation into the incident and may take action on behalf of the State of Illinois. But nothing done by the police is designed to directly benefit a pedestrian who is injured – an important fact that many walkers overlook. Rather, if a victim of a pedestrian collisions wants to seek relief for his or her losses, that pedestrian must institute a civil claim for damages against anyone who is responsible for the crash. This claim can be the first step to obtaining payment to cover expenses like lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. When in doubt, speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you understand your options and can enable you to see your path to relief.

Police in California have confirmed that singer David Crosby, best known for his part in the group Crosby, Stills & Nash, occasionally Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, was involved in an incident yesterday that left a jogger injured. Authorities have confirmed that Crosby was operating a Tesla motor vehicle on a road in Santa Ynez Valley when Crosby claims that the sunlight made it difficult to see his surroundings. According to reports, this is what Crosby claimed after he struck a jogger who was on the right shoulder of the road and was running with his son. At the time of the impact, Crosby allegedly was traveling at the speed limit of 55 miles per hour and caused significant damage to the 46-year-old man he struck.

Emergency crews responded and air lifted the jogger to an area hospital where reports indicate the man sustained multiple fractures, abrasions, and cuts as a result of the crash which some claim started with contact from Crosby’s external rear view mirror. None of the man’s injuries were expected to be life threatening though they were believed to need extensive treatment.

Police are still reviewing the actions of both Crosby and the jogger in this matter to determine whether either or both individuals acted in a negligent manner prior to the impact, but at this time, no charges are expected to be filed.
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At a minimum, a car accident in the Chicago area or anywhere across the country involved at least one person – a driver of a vehicle involved. But in many cases, the number of people involved is much higher and may include multiple drivers, multiple passengers, and others in the area. A larger number of individuals involved in a collision means a greater probability that at least one person will be injured in that crash. This means that collisions involving multiple vehicle, high occupancy private cars, or even buses and other forms of mass transit are at a high risk for leaving injured victims in their wake.

In many cases, someone other than the driver of a car is hurt when a collision happens and that can leave victims wondering what options may be available to them. Do the laws in Chicago provide them with any protections? Do they have the legal right to seek relief, and if so, must they do so on their own? When a collision happens and leaves you with questions, speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you realize the type of relief that may be available to you and your family. Following a typical crash, victims can institute a civil claim for damages against those at-fault in the accident and can seek financial compensation for their losses including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. These options are available to victims who are hurt in the State of Illinois, including the greater Chicago area.

Illinois State Police were alerted to a collision between two vehicles overnight on Friday and they responded to the scene. Located on I-290 near Biesterfield Road in suburban Elk Grove, the area of the crash was temporarily obstructing traffic in the area, causing some motorists to be diverted from the area around the scene. Police officers have confirmed that two separate vehicles were involved in the incident and that the vehicles collided but police have not yet disclosed a suspected cause of the crash. However, multiple people were inside the vehicles at the time of the accident and seven of those people were injured, requiring them to be transported to area hospitals for medical treatment.

No descriptions of the injuries involved were released and police have not confirmed whether either of the drivers involved will be cited in this incident.
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Today marks the first official day of spring and though Chicago has experienced some mild temperatures in recent weeks, today will be a reminder to many that winter is coming to a close and that sunny weather, baseball games, and kids home from school are just around the corner. In the meantime, though, springtime means that summer activities remain at bay as residents of Chicago go about their daily routines. For thousands across the city and even more in the state of Illinois, the daily routine includes making sure their children catch a bus on the way to school.

Depending on where you live, your children might be picked up by a school bus and taken to their schools to learn. Countess parents utilize this service with confidence, believing that the bus driver is trained and that the driver will always place the safety of children first when behind the wheel. Many times, this happens and children arrive at school after an uneventful trip, but unfortunately, that is not always the case. Every year, school bus accidents occur in Chicago and in Illinois and some of them leave children and adults injured or even killed. When this happens, an entire family can be affected and can suffer due to the losses incurred in the crash, including the medical bills that may be necessary to help the children obtain the medical help they need. If your child or someone you love has been hurt in a school bus collision, make sure you understand whether you have a valid claim for your losses, and if so, what steps you must take to guarantee that your rights are protected. A good place to begin may be speaking with personal injury lawyer in Chicago to learn about your options and to help you secure your rights.

In an unfortunate incident, police in Kendall County have confirmed that a school bus carrying preschool children was involved in a collision on Thursday and that the accident sent three kids to the hospital for needed medical treatment. Little has been confirmed at this time about the crash but it has been stated that the school bus left the road’s surface near River Road and Blackhawk Spring Road in the afternoon hours and that the bus continued until it struck several trees which brought the vehicle to a stop. Three children ages three to five were on the bus as were two adults and all three children sustained some degree of injury in the accident.

In addition to the injured students, one adult on board was hurt but it is not clear whether that adult was the driver of the bus. An investigation is being conducted into this crash and officials are trying to determine what caused the bus to strike the trees; the outcome of that review may determine whether any citations are issued to the driver or to anyone else as a result of this incident.
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When thinking about a train accident in the Chicago area, many people visualize an incident where one train strikes another, causing a crash that affects those passengers on board the trains as well as any employees that may be working. But the possibilities that exist with train accidents is much broader than simply a crash between trains and in many cases will involve a small passenger vehicle like a car. A collision between a car and a train means that the train will almost always suffer the majority of the physical damage because of the large and heavy nature of a train and it also means that people in the car as well as those on the train may be injured.

Train crashes can produce a number of legal consequences that only compound if a victim is injured or killed. In many cases, those who are hurt are entitled to bring a legal claim for their injuries and may be able to recover financial compensation for their losses, including any pain and suffering they may endure. Speaking with a personal injury attorney in the Chicago area may help you understand your rights and options if a collision has affected your life or if your loved one has been hurt due to an accident with a train.

One person’s life ended abruptly yesterday when a collision between a truck and an Amtrak train occurred in Illinois, leaving that victim dead and causing significant damage to both vehicles. The crash happened in Alton, which is just outside of St. Louis, and took place at approximately 9:30 a.m. on Sunday.

The train reportedly was traveling between Texas and Chicago and was near its destination when the collision occurred. Though officials for Amtrak and local police were on the scene, the cause of the collision has not been released at this time but it has been reported that the crash happened at a marked crossing that was outfitted with gates and crossing lights. The victim that was killed was in the truck and may have been the only occupant. None of the people on board the train reported any injuries and none needed to be removed from the scene for medical purposes.
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St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Tuesday this year and it means that many who want to celebrate the holiday will do so this weekend. The City of Chicago will be in full swing today as the streets overflow with celebrations and as popular activities like the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day Parade take place. If you plan to participate in any Chicago-area activities, be prepared for large crowds, long lines, and crowded public transportation.

While St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday enjoyed by many and while this year’s anticipated mild weather is expected to encourage large crowds, people are cautioned to keep safety in mind as a large pedestrian gathering may turn tragic if an accident occurs. If you will be in Chicago today or if you plan to celebrate in another area of Illinois, keep the following in mind to make sure you are as safe as possible:

Never cross a street against a traffic control device: If you are in Chicago and you are walking around downtown, it may be tempting to cross a street even when the lights do not allow pedestrian traffic to proceed. However, doing so can turn very dangerous in a mere moment if vehicular traffic is present in the area. Even if others are jaywalking or are walking against a red light, make sure you do not follow the crowd. Wait until you have the right-of-way and only cross a road at a designated pedestrian crossing.

Do not assume that cars will stop for you: On a typical Saturday in Chicago, pedestrians may expect and may experience vehicles yielding to them as they walk around the city. However, on a holiday like St. Patrick’s Day, drivers may be less familiar with where they are driving and local road closures may make driving more difficult. Combined with the heavy pedestrian presence, these factors may mean that drivers will be less likely to yield to pedestrians. Never assume that you will receive a yield and instead take your safety info your own hands by acting responsibility and assuming that drivers will not put your safety first.

Be alert for drunk drivers: St. Patrick’s Day is associated with increased alcohol consumption among many who celebrate the holiday, including those who celebrate in Chicago. Local police are aware of this and have already announced plans to increase enforcement of drunk driving patrols across the city in an effort to catch impaired motorists before an accident happens. But not every drunk driver will be caught in the act and those that remain on the streets will pose a danger to everyone. Be alert for drunk drivers if you are walking or if you are riding in a car and never choose to drink and drive.

Obey instructions and directions given by police officers: On St. Patrick’s Day, Chicago functions a little differently than normal and police intervention may be needed. From road closures to the areas marked for the parade route, a typical Chicago resident or visitor may be unfamiliar with all these changes. If police officers have designated areas as closed to the public or if you are given instructions from a uniformed official, obey all directions and proceed to your intended destination in a civil and orderly manner.
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The layout of streets and roads can contribute to a car accident in many situations. If you drive around Chicago, you may notice that the city still retains its character from the days before motorized traffic ran the town, meaning that roads may run crisscross instead of straight north and south or east and west. In some places, more than two roads may converge at an intersection, making it challenging for drivers to determine who has the right-of-way or where and when a driver is authorized to proceed.

Even when an intersection is a traditional two-road convergence where the roads meet at a 90 degree angle, car collisions are likely because the crossing of directional traffic means that vehicles heading in divergent directions will need to occupy the same space – but ideally, not at the same time. When a driver makes a mistake and enters the intersection when not cleared to do so, collisions are likely to result and may cause injuries to those involved. Legal relief is possible for those victims who are hurt in crashes and may provide compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering as well as any other damages sustained. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago may help you understand your legal options if you have been involved in a crash or if your loved one was injured or killed in an accident.

Police in Englewood confirmed a collision between two vehicles on Monday morning near the 7100 block of South Halsted Street and confirmed that two drivers were injured in the crash. At this time, authorities believe that an 18-year-old male was driving an SUV in the early morning hours and that the SUV may have been stolen. He allegedly entered the intersection when it was not clear to do so and collided with a sedan that was traveling in another direction, leading to an impact between the two vehicles and requiring both drivers to be taken to area hospitals for treatment. In addition to the 18-year-old male driver of the SUV, a 19-year-old female driver of the sedan was hurt as was a 36-year-old male passenger in the sedan. The nature of the injuries sustained is not clear at this time but all victims are expected to survive.

The 18-year-old male driver has been charged with offenses related to this incident and may face additional allegations depending on the outcome of the ongoing police investigation.
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Recently, Chicago has been known for having the nation’s largest red light camera system lining its streets, a fact that has been lamented by many who drive around the city or who use taxi cabs for transit. With the increased presence of red light cameras have come some dangerous driving activities like motorists who slam on their brakes to avoid the potential for a ticket; while slamming the brakes might sound like a safe move, in many cases, it can cause a driver behind the first vehicle to rear-end that car, causing a collision that results in monetary damages to all involved and may even cause physical injuries to some victims.

Publicly, some high-ranking city officials have claimed that the inclusion of red light cameras at area intersections has been to hold drivers responsible for their actions. The theory is that if a camera is present and captures a motorist running a red light, that motorist can be punished and hopefully the punishment will prevent that driver and others from engaging in the activity in the future. However, with the shortening of yellow lights at many camera intersections and with Chicago’s heavy traffic congestion, collisions caused in part by the presence of these cameras continue to occur.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel has taken action in response to some negative views on these cameras by having some removed from intersections with few to no collisions in the prior year. Last week, the city announced that an additional 50 cameras would be removed from 25 intersections in the coming months and until they could be removed, they would be deactivated to prevent motorists from receiving automated red light tickets. When these cameras are removed, Chicago will have 302 cameras across the city at 149 different intersections. Though these numbers are still high when compared to other cities, they represent a 20 percent reduction in the number of cameras when compared to the height of camera use by local police in Chicago.

In addition to the alterations to the current camera locations, the City of Chicago is also taking steps to warn motorists of impending light changes by installing additional light “countdowns” – devices that literally warn a driver of the number of seconds until a light changes from green to yellow. The city claims that these countdown devices further will prevent potential rear-end collisions while simultaneously warning motorists of their requirement to stop at a red. It is also believed that these devices will add legitimacy to any red light tickets that are issued as the drivers who run these red lights will receive additional warning of the light’s character before entering an intersection.
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Conductores en el estado de Illinois son elegibles para comenzar a tener una licencia para operar un vehículo de motor a la edad de 16. Pero simplemente ser de edad no es suficiente para calificar a un conductor por una licencia. En cambio, un conductor debe pasar exámenes y demostrar que él o ella es capaz de ejercer la habilidad y juicio necesario para estar seguro mientras que detrás del volante. Además, todos los conductores que operan en Illinois, no importa cuándo fueron licenciados, ellos deben estar de acuerdo en cumplir todas las leyes y normas aplicables de la carretera. Esto incluye obedecer los límites de velocidad, prestar atención a las señales de tráfico y conducir en el lado de la carretera correcta.

El incumplimiento de las leyes de tráfico puede conducir a que un conductor reciba una multa de tráfico, un cargo criminal, o peor. Pero además de cualquier castigo que se podrán imponer por las autoridades locales, las consecuencias pueden ser más graves si un conductor culpable causa una colisión que resulta en lesiones a una o más personas involucradas. En estos casos, las víctimas pueden buscar una compensación financiera por su sufrimiento y un conductor que causó la colisión puede ser personalmente responsable por los daños y perjuicios. Si tiene preguntas después de un accidente de carro, hablando con un abogado de lesiones personales puede ayudarle a entender sus opciones, incluyendo si usted tiene un reclamo válido.

Una colisión el sábado está siendo atribuida a un conductor que no obedecido una luz roja, según la policía local. El incidente ocurrió en la calle Oakton y la Avenida Prospect en Park Ridge, poco después de las 12:00 pm y pudo haber comenzado cuando una mujer no se detuvo en un semáforo rojo, entrando al cruce contra el tráfico y causando una colisión.

El carro que se cree que corrió la luz se voltio hacia un lado y chocó con un tercer carro que estaba esperando cerca de la intersección. Ese segundo impacto luego empujó el tercer carro al cuarto y quinto vehículo y causó que al menos dos personas sufrieran lesiones.

El conductor del primer carro y uno de los otros conductores fueron evaluados en la escena y transportados a hospitales en el área para tratamiento, donde sus condiciones actuales no son claras. Sin embargo, se espera que las dos víctimas sobrevivan.

La policía ha informado de que el conductor que se sospecha culpable afirmó que sus frenos fallaron y es por eso que ella estaba en la intersección después de que el semáforo se puso en rojo. La policía está revisando la posibilidad en este momento, así como varios otros escenarios, pero no se han hecho conclusiones oficiales; sin embargo, han confirmado que el primer conductor ha sido citado por operar sin licencia y por pasarse una luz roja.
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National studies repeatedly conclude that alcohol is one of the most used and abused intoxicants among Americans, including those Americans that operate vehicles. Though the prevalence of alcohol use is high, drunk driving and driving under the influence remain a crime in all 50 states of this country and can be punishable by any range of actions from fines and fees to revocation of a driver’s license to incarceration in prison.

But when a drunk driver causes a car accident to occur, the charges and the penalties associated with the act may be much more significant and severe, especially if the incident results in injuries to a victim involved in the crash. In Chicago and across Illinois, for example, victims of drunk driving accidents are protected with certain rights that allow them to seek relief for their losses. Relief can be obtained against a drunk driver, an at-fault motorist, the owner of a vehicle, a corporate entity, an automobile insurance company, or any number of alternative parties depending on the facts involved. As these cases can be complicated, speaking with a personal injury attorney may help you realize what relief is available to you if a car accident has changed your life.

An incident in Elgin has been labeled as a suspected drunk driving event, according to local authorities. The suspected driver reportedly was noticed on an exit ramp from Route 20 to Route 31 in Elgin with the vehicle running and in gear but not moving. Police approached the vehicle and determined that the driver was asleep and that he did not respond when officials attempted to wake him. Authorities noticed a gun on the front passenger seat and determined that they had to break a window to access the vehicle and to ensure safety. When officers broke the front passenger window, the driver allegedly awoke and attempted to flee the scene in his car while an officer was partially inside, partially outside the vehicle via the broken window. After a short distance, the driver was stopped by another police car that was blocking the road.

Officials have reported that the driver may have been under the influence of alcohol and that marijuana was found in the man’s possession. Further investigation showed that the gun on the front seat was a BB gun that looked like a firearm and it is not believed that the driver will face charges related to its possession. While at the police station, the man allegedly admitted that he was under the influence but he did not say what intoxicant he had taken; he is now facing criminal charges related to drunk driving and possession of a controlled substance and bail has been set at $250,000.
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The personal injury attorneys at Abels & Annes, P.C. believe in fighting for each and every client they represent and they always pursue the best possible outcome in every case handled. Unlike some firms, our lawyers only represent claims on behalf of those who have been hurt by the actions of another – we never represent insurance companies and we put victims’ rights first.

Through our efforts as car accident attorneys in the greater Chicago area, the staff at Abels & Annes, P.C. recently secured a settlement of $150,000 on behalf of one of our clients.

Our client was driving her car in Chicago when another vehicle approached her from behind. The driver of that second vehicle failed to slow or stop and instead rear-ended our client, creating a collision that jolted our client forward in her seat and left her with several injuries.

The crash caused our client to feel a “pop” in her back and led her to seek emergency medical treatment at an area hospital. She required follow up treatment to deal with back pain and eventually was diagnosed with herniated discs in her lumbar spine.

In this case, our client was operating her vehicle in a lawful and safe manner but due to the action of another motorist, she was involved in a collision that left her hurt. She was forced to endure pain and suffering and incur medical expenses because of this collision and despite the fact that she did not bear the blame for the crash. When our client contacted Abels & Annes, P.C., our team of attorneys helped her seek relief against the at-fault driver and that driver’s automobile insurance company so that our client could obtain the financial relief she deserves.

The State of Illinois experiences nearly 300,000 car accidents every year and many of those collisions involve a combination of drivers who err behind the wheel and innocent victims. Victims can be found in separate vehicles from an at-fault driver, in the at-fault driver’s vehicle as a passenger, or even outside the vehicle if a victim is a pedestrian, bicyclists, or riding on a motorcycle. Regardless of that victim’s position, he or she may be entitled to financial compensation for losses including medical expenses, missed wages, and pain and suffering if the victim chooses to bring a civil claim for relief.
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