The commercial trucking industry is thriving with millions of vehicles on the nation’s roadways annually. With variety in their design and size, these vehicles can take on a number of different appearances so that a motorist may not spot one at first. Regardless of the type or function of a commercial truck, the vehicle may pose a threat to the safety of all drivers on a highway, expressway, freeway or local road because they tend to be heavier and more difficult to stop than other types of cars. Despite the potential of a truck accident posed when a commercial carrier is near, these vehicles continue to provide the lion’s share of transit in many national industries and their usage is expected to be in high demand for decades to come.

Simply put, it is easier for a truck to make a deliver to a specific locale than for many other forms of transportation. While freight transit by train is relatively cost effective, few distribution centers or local retailers have train tracks leading into their buildings or docks necessary to load and unload the freight. This means that much which travels by train will eventually find its way onto trucks for the final leg of its journey, again highlighting the prevalence and demand on the trucking industry.

While trucks may be needed, the accidents caused by trucks are not, and many of these collisions are serious and cause injuries to those involved. Victims who are hurt in Chicago-area truck accidents may be entitled to seek financial compensation for their injuries and their suffering if they bring their claims within the time period specified by law. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer may help clarify any issues in your case or any uncertainties you may have if a collision has affected your life or that of your loved one.

On Wednesday afternoon, shortly before 4:30 p.m., a semi-truck traveling on I-55 near Lockport Road in Plainfield was involved in a collision that left a man dead. Police have stated that the truck was driving north on I-55 when it came upon a car that had stopped, disabled on the road when the front end of the truck struck the car, causing a significant impact. The driver of the truck was hurt in the collision and was transported by ambulance to an area hospital where he is expected to recover. The driver of the stopped car, a 47-year-old man, was killed in the collision.

At this time, police are still reviewing the facts from the collision and trying to determine exactly what caused the semi-truck to collide with the car. The outcome of that investigation may drive authorities to issue citations or charges, if applicable.
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In an average year, more than 4,500 pedestrians are killed in accidents across the nation. Unfortunately, some of those fatalities happen in the greater Chicago area and cause devastation not only to the victims but also to their families and the friends. Many experts believe the term “accident” is a misnomer for these incidents because most are caused by negligence or reckless conduct by someone involved – whether that someone is a driver of a car, a vehicle’s owner, a pedestrian, or even a city or municipality. It is rare that a pedestrian crash happens without any fault on the part of anyone involved.

If one person acts irresponsibly and hurts another, the victim of that crash may be left questioning why they are suffering when they did nothing wrong. Though there is nothing that can erase a collision once one has occurred, the laws in Chicago serve to protect these victims by guaranteeing them protections including the right to seek relief in a court of law. A personal injury lawyer can help you realize whether you have a valid claim if you have been injured in an accident or if your loved one was hurt or killed in a crash.

A pedestrian was hit by a fleeing driver in Chicago on Sunday and the incident left him in critical condition, according to authorities on the scene. The crash happened near the 4000 block of West Division Street just before midnight and began with a pedestrian crossing the street near an intersection. As the man was walking, a vehicle approached the area and collided with him, leaving the pedestrian in critical condition and in need of medical help. Emergency crews transported the victim to an area hospital where his current condition is not clear.

The alleged at-fault driver in this incident failed to stop after the crash and instead fled the scene, according to officials. At this time, the identity of the driver is unknown and the individual has not been apprehended though the driver is being sought for questioning at this time.
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The State of Illinois has laws governing the minimum amount of automobile insurance all drivers must carry to be in compliance and to be legally authorized to drive. In 2015, these minimum requirements were increased to $25,000 per person injured or killed, $50,000 per accident where injuries or death results, and $20,000 for damage to the property of another. These limits may sound like they are adequate but in reality, many car accidents in the Chicago area cause damages far in excess of these minimums. Unfortunately, victims are at the mercy of at-fault driver and their insurance policy limits in some case; limited insurance can mean a limited recovery. But often, victims can still obtain the full relief they deserve by pursing an uninsured motorist claim. Speaking with a lawyer who handles personal injury cases can help you realize what insurance may be available if you have been injured and whether you may have one or multiple claims.

When a multi-car crash happens, victims in one vehicle may have no idea the type of insurance or the availability of coverage maintained by another driver. When a single car crash occurs, a victim riding in that vehicle may or may not know of insurance. Regardless of a victim’s knowledge before an accident, that victim may be entitled to seek and pursue a claim for his or her damages and against an at-fault driver or owner so that the victim can get financial relief to pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering as well as other injuries or losses that are due to the collision.

Chicago police have confirmed that a single car accident happened on the South Side in the Pullman neighborhood on Saturday, injuring two people inside the vehicle. The incident happened in the 500 block of 115th Street shortly before 4:00 a.m. and reportedly began when a driver lost control of the vehicle, left the road’s driving surface, and collided with a light pole near the shoulder. An adult man and an adult woman were in the vehicle and both were harmed though the nature and extent of their injuries is not clear at this time. Emergency crews transported both victims to a nearby hospital for additional help.

Police have not confirmed a suspected cause of the car accident but they have confirmed that an investigation into the matter is ongoing at this time.
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Si le preguntas a los conductores de todo Chicago acerca de la clase de persona detrás del volante que menos les gusta, es posible que escuche términos como los conductores ancianos dichos una y otra vez a creencia popular es que los americanos mayores causan y están involucrados en más colisiones que sus contrapartes más jóvenes, y en algunos casos, eso es cierto. El complicado imagen completa ilustra que la edad sola no se traduce en un mayor riesgo por un accidente de carro sucediendo sino más bien que las condiciones médicas y otras condiciones asociados con el envejecimiento pueden.
Disminución de la visión, confusiones mentales y reflejas más lentas hacen que estos conductores sean una amenaza para sí mismos y para otros en el camino. Al mismo tiempo, sin embargo, algunos adultos mayores no muestran signos de deterioro cuando envejecen y pueden plantear ningún mayor riesgo que nadie.

Los accidentes de carro que involucran a los conductores ancianos ocurren anualmente en el área de Chicago y pueden dejar numerosas víctimas preguntándose cuáles opciones están disponibles para ellos para ayudarles a obtener un alivio. Generalmente, las leyes de Illinois permiten que aquellos que estén lastimados busquen compensación en contra de un conductor culpable, el dueño de un vehículo culpable una compañía de seguros, una corporación, o incluso una ciudad o municipio, dependiendo de los hechos específicos de un accidente. Hablando con un abogado de lesiones personales en Chicago puede iluminar todas las opciones disponibles si usted ha sido lesionado y no está seguro de cómo proceder, o si usted tiene un reclamo válido.

Los funcionarios en Aurora confirmaron que uno de los conductores implicados en un accidente de carro fatal el martes fue un hombre de 89 años de edad, y desafortunadamente, el hombre perdió su vida en la colisión que ocurrió cerca de Eola y Diehl Road en horas de la tarde. Las autoridades han indicado que el hombre estaba conduciendo hacia el oeste por Diehl con su esposa de 87 años de edad en el carro cuando presuntamente se pasó una luz roja, causando que su vehículo entrara en la intersección cuando el tráfico opuesto tenía el derecho de paso. Un semi-camión estaba en la intersección en el momento y los dos vehículos chocaron con fuerza significativa, haciendo que el conductor del camión perdiera el control del vehículo, y luego le pegara a un segundo carro.

Los equipos médicos de emergencia estaban en la escena y evaluaron a todos los pasajeros en los tres vehículos implicados en el accidente. El conductor anciano y su esposa anciana, ambos fueron trasladados a hospitales cercanos para recibir tratamiento, pero las lesiones del hombre eran demasiado extremas y fue declarado muerto poco después. La mujer sobrevivió con lesiones no especificadas y su condición en este momento sigue siendo desconocido.

Sólo el conductor estaba en el semi-camión en el momento del impacto y ese individuo rechazo la ayuda médica al igual que dos personas en el segundo carro involucrado. Nadie ha sido citado en el incidente en este tiempo y el resultado de una investigación en curso determinará si algunos cargos serán emitidos o si se tomará otra acción.

Algunos conductores ancianos tienen un mayor riesgo de estar involucrados en una colisión y la mayoría tienen más probabilidades de ser heridos cuando un accidente actualmente sucede. Como cualquiera puede estar involucrado en un accidente con un conductor anciano estos temas son importantes para todos los que llaman Chicago casa, y deben ser conocidas por cualquiera que podrán transitar los caminos de forma regular.
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Many people who live in Chicago choose not to drive a personal vehicle even if they are of age to do so. The plethora of public transit options make travel by car unnecessary for some and the congested streets and limited parking make it undesirable for others. However, millions still ride in or drive a car on at least an occasional basis through the city streets in any given year as it fits their needs, and these drivers and passengers are at risk for becoming victims of a car accident.

In the simplest terms, a car accident is a collision involving one or more cars or similar vehicles. It may involve two cars colliding together or it may involve a single car striking a fixed object. In some instances, hundreds of cars may create a pile-up collision or an earlier crash may trigger a secondary one. With thousands of possible combinations of factors that can lead to a crash, it is not surprising that many victims of these incidents are confused about the legal implications of a collision in which they were involved and they may not know where to turn for answers. In Chicago and in the State of Illinois, victims are entitled to retain a personal injury lawyer to help them realize their positions and to enable those victims to get the financial compensation they deserve.

Police in Libertyville have confirmed that an incident occurred between a car and a home on Tuesday night and that two people were injured as a result. At this time, it appears that a driver was operating a vehicle on Ridgewood Lane after 6:00 p.m. when a medical condition caused the driver to lose control. The vehicle left the road’s surface and collided with a private home and broken through one of the house’s walls, partially entering the residence. Three people were in the car at the time and two people were inside the home.

An adult male and an adult female were in the front seats of the vehicle and were pinned inside from the impact. Both were freed by emergency responders and were transported to area hospitals for their injuries though both were expected to survive. A seven-year-old girl was in the backseat and appeared to be unharmed in the crash as were the two adults who were inside the house.
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Recent decades have focused on safety innovations within automobiles to increase the likelihood of passengers making it through accidents without injuries. Many of those innovations have focused on one group of particularly vulnerable passengers – children. With the redesign of car seats, the institution of booster seats, and the accompanying laws that require children to be restrained properly, cars are safer than they have ever been for the smallest of riders. However, despite these advances and innovations, thousands of children are still injured every year in car accidents in the State of Illinois and many of those crashes happen in the Chicago area.

When children are involved in car accidents, the complicated fallout can leave even the most experienced parent confused about their family’s rights and responsibilities to obtain the relief they need. The facts surrounding an individual accident may determine who is legally responsible and who will be required to pay if a victim chooses to seek a financial settlement. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago can help you walk through the steps that need to be taken to bring a valid claim and to help you and your child recover if a crash has affected your family.

A terrible car accident happened in March in South Carolina and officials have confirmed that three of the people killed were children from the Chicago area. The incident happened on I-26 in Spartanburg County on March 19th and began when the driver of a car veered off the road and collided with a tree. Following the first impact, authorities report that the vehicle returned to the road and struck a semi-truck, causing a second impact that eventually led to the vehicle catching fire. Five people inside the car died as a result: an adult male, an adult female, and the adult male’s three children, ages three, four, and six. In addition to the five people inside the car that lost their lives, another individual in the area was killed while acting as a Good Samaritan but that person’s involvement in the incident has not been specified further.

Police have not released a suspected cause of the collision or stated whether anyone involved was suspected of acting negligently prior to the impact. It is also unclear whether anyone in the semi-truck was hurt as a result of the impact.
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If you own a dog in Chicago or in the State of Illinois, it is your legal obligation to care for that dog in a safe manner that does not threaten others. Failing to do so may lead to a dog bite incident and can cause people to be injured, whether those people reside with the dog or are merely in the dog’s presence for a moment. Owners of an animal that attacks or otherwise harms another person are liable for the damages that result which can include medical bills, pain and suffering, and even payment for permanency of injuries like scarring or nerve pain. These damages can add up quickly if the dog attack results in significant harm.

Claims can be brought against the owner of an attacking or harmful animal or against anyone who had control, even if temporary, of that animal and can enable victims to obtain relief. However, these claims are complicated in many cases because laws may exist at the state and local level and therefore claims from city to city or county to county may vary. The complicated nature of these claims and the suffering that victims often endure are some reasons that those who have been injured may wish to speak with a personal injury lawyer to learn about their rights and whether their claim is valid before proceeding with a legal action.

Police are looking for the owner of a pit bull who bit two people on Tuesday night in the Chicago area and are currently searching for the dog as well. Reports indicate that a 15-year-old girl and an adult male were walking near the 3900 block of West Filmore Street in Lawndale when a pit bull emerged from a residential yard and approached the pair. The dog bit both the girl and the man at least once each and caused enough damage to send both victims to area hospitals where their current conditions are not known.
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Bicyclists are present in nearly all areas of Chicago during the day and nighttime hours. Riding a bike can be an efficient means of transit in the city and can enable riders to avoid traffic, congestion, and other irksome problems that drivers face. However, the risks associated with bicycle transit should not be ignored as these riders are likely to be involved in bicycle accidents throughout Chicago, especially when a motorist fails to pay attention or fails to respect the rights of a nearby rider.

When an accident happens, a bike rider is injured in the majority of the instances and often is left to fight alone for his or her rights. But the laws in Illinois do not require this and rather allow any injury victim to retain an attorney of that victim’s choosing to seek and obtain the relief that is needed following a crash. If you have been hurt or if your loved one has suffered in a traffic accident, you may wish to speak with a personal injury lawyer to help you realize your options and to help you get the compensation that is due to cover all damages following the collision.

While relief can be available to these victims, the best situation arises when a crash is avoided or prevented, meaning that no one suffers from pain or injuries. To make this more of a possibility, automaker Volvo has developed a new product deemed “LifePaint” to increase the visibility of bicycles, riders, and others who are near roadways during dark hours.

LifePaint is described as an invisible spray that can coat nearly any material without damaging it. The spray is not visible during daylight hours but when hit by a car headlight in the dark, the spray makes the object it covers significantly more visible, much like it would be during the day. Riders are told they can coat their bicycles in the spray and that it will remain in place for up to 10 days or until the spray is washed away from the surface. Other options include applying the spray to clothing, safety gear like helmets, and even bags or backpacks that the cyclist might be carrying. The following video was released by Volvo in response to the development of LifePaint:


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It is always distressing and unfortunate when someone is injured, especially if that injury is serious. But these issues may seem worse if a victim is harmed and never receives the relief that he or she deserves despite laws in Illinois providing these individuals with help and assistance. When it comes to work injuries in Chicago, these laws are very clear – all injured workers who are harmed while on-the-job are entitled to protection and to benefits, regardless of who was at fault for the accident. Rights of the injured worker may include the right to seek medical treatment and to have all medical expenses paid, the right to obtain wages or a portion of wages while you are unable to work due to injuries, and a lump sum payment for other damages like inconvenience, pain and suffering, and possibly damages experienced by your loved ones.

The right to obtain this relief should be automatic after a work injury happens in Illinois but often it isn’t. Employers may make it difficult for workers to get help. Insurance companies may deny valid claims without explanation. Or employees may be offered only a fraction of the relief they deserve. When a workers’ compensation situation arises in the Chicago area, it is the right of an injured employee to obtain legal counsel of their choice and speaking with a personal injury attorney can help these people understand their options and how they may wish to proceed.

Authorities were called to the scene of an industrial accident in Bartlett on Friday that left a young employee without his arm. According to reports, a 25-year-old factory employee was working when his arm became trapped inside an industrial mixer, a piece of equipment commonly used in the factory for the production of food and food products. Emergency crews responded to help the man but first were charged with extricating the man from the machine. Pieces of the equipment had to be removed to free the man and his arm before he could be taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of his injuries, most severely those done to his arm. While doctors attempted to help the man, the damage to his arm was too extreme and the limb had to be removed.

The man’s current condition is not clear nor are the facts surrounding the incident itself.
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If you ask drivers around Chicago about their least favorite type of people behind the wheel, you may hear terms for elderly drivers used over and over again. The popular belief is that older Americans cause and are involved in more collisions than their younger counterparts, and in some cases, that is true. The complicated full picture illustrates that age alone does not translate into an increased risk for a car accident happening but rather that the medical and other conditions associated with aging may. Decreased vision, mental fogginess, and slower reflexes make these motorists a threat to themselves and to others on the road. At the same time, though, some older adults show no signs of impairment as they age and may pose no greater risk than anyone else.

Car accidents involving elderly drivers happen annually in the Chicago area and can leave numerous victims wondering what options are available to them to help them get relief. Generally, the laws of Illinois allow those who are hurt to seek compensation against an at-fault driver, the owner of an at-fault vehicle, an insurance company, a corporation, or even a city or municipality, depending on the specific facts of a crash. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago can illuminate all available options if you have been injured and you are unsure how to proceed or whether you have a valid claim.

Officials in Aurora confirmed that one of the drivers involved in a fatal car accident on Tuesday was an 89-year-old man and that, unfortunately, that man lost his life in the collision that occurred near Eola and Diehl Roads in the afternoon hours. Officials have stated that the man was driving westbound on Diehl with his 87-year-old wife in the car when he allegedly ran a red light, causing his vehicle to enter the intersection when opposing traffic had the right-of-way. A semi-truck was in the intersection at the time and the two vehicles collided with significant force, causing the driver of the truck to lose control of the vehicle which then struck a second car.

Emergency medical crews were on the scene and assessed all passengers in the three vehicles involved in the crash. The elderly driver and his elderly wife were both taken to nearby hospitals for treatment but the man’s injuries were too extreme and he was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The woman survived with unspecified injuries and her condition at this time remains unknown.

Only the driver was in the semi-truck at the time of impact and that individual refused medical help as did two people in the second car involved. No one has been cited in the incident at this point in time and the outcome of an ongoing investigation will determine whether any charges will be issued or whether other action will be taken.
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