To many, trains seem like a peaceful way to travel. Their large size and controlled route make the idea of an accident or other kind of transit-related incident seem unlikely in the minds of many as they pass the time on board a train. But unfortunately, thousands of train accidents happen in this country every year and many of them occur in large, urban settings like Chicago. The increased population in these areas means an increased chance of a train system existing, heavier use of that system, and a resulting increase in the possibilities of an accident.

The victims of these crashes often bear no blame in the incident as the majority of victims are the passengers themselves. But regardless of their position within the train, these victims may be left injured and may be in need of medical assistance for weeks, months, or even years to come. In the worst train incidents, one or more individuals may be killed and their families may never be able to heal from that loss. When a train accident happens in Chicago, nothing can erase the suffering experienced by the victims and the family members of those who are hurt or killed, yet relief may be possible to help ease the suffering. Speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you understand your rights if a collision has affected your life or has taken your loved one away from you.
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Though motorcycles are increasing in popularity in Illinois, they are still significantly outnumbered by other forms of vehicles like cars and trucks. As a result, motorcycles are involved in a small number of collisions in the state but when an accident does occur, the results are more likely to be severe than if a larger vehicle crashed. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, motorcycles made up only 1.2 percent of all traffic-related collisions in 2013 but they were responsible for 4.1 percent of all the accidents that caused injuries. Even more troubling, motorcycle accidents accounted for 15.8 percent of all fatal accidents that year.

You may be one of the tens of thousands of people who own a motorcycle in Illinois, but even if you are not, motorcycle safety and motorcycle accidents should still be concerning to you. These crashes can happen to anyone at any time – even the driver of a car can be involved in a crash with a biker. Further, the fallout from these collisions cause millions of dollars in damages annually as victims are forced to seek medical assistance, may miss time from work, and must endure pain and suffering. These losses can affect the family, friends, and coworkers of injured victims as well as the victims themselves, stretching the reach of the accident beyond the immediate parties that were involved.
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Nearly 1,500 school bus accidents occurred in Illinois in 2011 and of those collisions, 276 caused injuries to at least one person involved. Many bus accidents cause multiple injuries and those who are harmed tend to be young, school-aged children. In addition, the drivers of buses, adult passengers on board, or even those in another vehicle involved in the collision may be injured and may be in need of medical assistance.

Those who are injured in school bus crashes are victims under the laws of Illinois and are protected with certain rights, including the right to seek financial compensation for their suffering. From medical bills to surgical expenses, lost wages to pain and suffering, the damages incurred in a bus accident can be substantial and may accrue over days or years. The losses may vary from accident to accident but the rights are usually the same: victims who are hurt can recover for their losses against the individuals or entities responsible for the crash. Consulting with a personal injury attorney in Chicago can help these victims understand whether they have valid claims and if so, who may be responsible in a court of law for their damages.
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May is National Bike Month, a time of year that many bicycle advocacy groups use to raise awareness of cycling and to remind motorists of the presence of bikes on local roads. This issue is important in Chicago because of the large number of commuters who choose to ride to and from work in addition to those who ride bicycles for pleasure or exercise. The laws in Chicago govern the transit of these bikes just like they do the transit of vehicles and if everyone on the roads obeyed all laws, these two groups could coexist harmoniously.

Unfortunately, the real world reflects that some cyclists and some drivers fail to follow all applicable traffic rules and laws and therefore cause dangerous situations that may lead to a bicycle accident. The victims of these accidents who suffer injuries may be inconvenienced for some time or may be permanently harmed due to these collisions and they may be forced to incur substantial medical expenses. The laws in Illinois understand that collisions happen and injuries may result and therefore the laws have established procedures through which a victim can obtain payment for his or her injuries. Speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you realize your options if you have been injured and if you have questions following a Chicago-area accident.
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Car accidents are the primary cause of unintentional death among teens ages 15 to 19 in the United States. It is a frightening statistic for any parent who has teenagers or for anyone who cares about a teen because once that teen is inside a car, adults outside of the vehicle can do little to keep them safe. The threats facing teenaged drivers and passengers are multifold because teen drivers are less experienced and less knowledgeable than older counterparts and because the same outside threats that face all motorists, like other drivers, continue to face teens.

Car accidents involving teenage drivers or teenage passengers can cause anguish not only to the teen herself but also to that teen’s family and friends. From the initial crash through the needed medical treatment and potentially through any ongoing healthcare, these collisions can cause damage that may costs thousands or even millions of dollars. Fortunately, the laws in Chicago recognize that an innocent teen victim of a collision should not be forced to pay for the medical treatment that the teen needs – and nor should that teen’s parents. Instead, victims of car accidents in Illinois have the right to seek financial compensation for their suffering through the use of a civil claim for damages. Consulting with a personal injury attorney who handles car accidents can help you understand your rights and your options if you have been an injury victim.
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For more than 100 years, Illinois has had laws designed to provide for workers’ compensation, a series of benefits that are available to help employees who are hurt on-the-job. Despite the long history of this legislation and its corresponding protections, many who work in Chicago and the rest of the state are unaware of their rights under the law and are not sure whether they have a valid claim if they are injured.

In some respects, Chicago workers’ compensation cases are straight forward: when a worker is hurt on the job, generally he or she has the right to relief. Though these cases should present few complications, the reality is much different. Employers often deny valid claims brought by the injured or victims may be offered a fraction of the value of their claim in settlement. As these issues can be complex, many workers find it beneficial to consult with and work with a personal injury attorney in Chicago to ensure their rights are protected.
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When a car accident happens, it can be difficult to know exactly what factors led to the impact and whether any driver involved acted in a negligent or reckless manner. Some cases may appear to be cut and dry, like when a car runs a red light. Yet in some cases, underlying facts may exist that may not immediately meet the eye. From mechanical failures to inclement weather to poor road designs, car accidents can be caused by factors beyond the actions of an individual driver.

Victims of traffic accidents in the Chicago area cannot undo the damage that was done to them but they may be entitled to seek financial relief for their sufferings. Civil claims can enable these victims to receive payment for their medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering but only if a victim takes the affirmative steps necessary to obtain this relief. Claims must be brought pursuant to local and state laws and will be barred if not brought in a timely manner so if you have been hurt, consider speaking with a personal injury lawyer in Chicago to learn whether you have a valid claim, and if so, how to proceed with your case.
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If you live in Chicago, you may notice bicyclists year-round as they travel across the city. Cycling traffic may be present in all months of the year but now is a time that many drivers notice an uptick in the bike traffic: the weather is improving and, with it, the ability of many riders to take to the streets.

Now that the calendar has turned to May, it is officially National Bike Month. This means that communities like Chicago may be celebrating by hosting various bike-related activities including a Bike to Work Week, bicycle education events, and giveaways. National Bike Month is sponsored by multiple agencies across the country but the activities involved often reflect the communities in which they are held. Some areas, like Chicago, are considered bicycle friendly and therefore may have more events planned than smaller, less bicycle friendly areas.
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The personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. have represented numerous burn accident victims over the years in a number of different scenarios that led to injuries. Currently, these same attorneys are representing a seven-week-old infant after the child was scalded with dangerously hot water.

In this case, a mother was giving her infant daughter a bath in their Chicago apartment. While the infant was being bathed, the girl flailed her arms and unintentionally struck the hot water tap which caused a surge of hot water to enter the sink and to partially cover the child. The water led to first and second degree burns over a portion of the child’s skin and required her to undergo medical treatment to correct the damage that was done.
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May is just around the corner and with its imminent arrival has come some milder, sunnier weather than that which accompanied winter. Spring and early summer in Chicago are enjoyed by many who call the city home as they welcome in a more vibrant and lively social scene for the first time in months. This shift in seasonality also means that some people will take to different means of transportation as they travel around town and as they go to and from work. More pedestrians will begin walking, buses and trains may get used more heavily, and those who own motorcycles may start to ride.

Winter weather and the potential for snow and ice means that most motorcycles in Illinois are stored during those poor weather months and ridden only in spring, summer, and fall. This time of year, numerous riders can be seen on the streets of Chicago as their bikes make a reappearance and they are able to ride safely once again. With approximately 240,000 registered motorcycles in the State of Illinois, it is nearly impossible to avoid these bikes. This means that motorcycle accidents should be considered a threat not only to those who ride motorcycles but also to those who drive cars, ride in private vehicles, or even pedestrians who walk near the roads.
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