A rear-end car accident is one of the most common types of collisions that occur in the Chicago area. Often blamed on an inattentive driver or a motorist who travels too fast for conditions, a typical rear-ender may happen at a stop light or a stop sign where one vehicle is at a standstill and the vehicle behind fails to stop in time. But those are far from the only forms that a rear-end accident may take. When traffic turns from expressway speeds to stop-and-go, rear-end accidents are likely. In wintertime when snow and/or ice are present on the roadways, it can lead to countless rear-end crashes. Numerous rear-enders happen in parking lots across Chicago every week.
Yet despite the scenario that leads to and causes a rear-end car accident, the results can be quite similar: injuries can happen and can cause victims to need medical treatment. Some rear-end collisions are extreme enough to cause the death of one or more individuals involved.
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