If you drive in Chicago, you agree to obey all the local and state rules of the road while acting in a safe and reasonable manner. You also agree to face punishments imposed by the state if you fail to follow the laws or to live up to the legal requirements governing your conduct. One clear rule in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs requires anyone involved in a car accident or other traffic collision to remain at the scene until cleared by officials. There are very limited exceptions to this rule and generally exist only in the case of medical emergencies and when a driver otherwise leaves the scene, it is called a hit-and-run accident.
Though a hit-and-run is a crime in Illinois, thousands of drivers continue to flee the scene of a collision every year in an effort to avoid the fallout from that accident. But what many people do not realize is that a large number of those drivers are later apprehended and generally will face stiffer punishments when they are caught than they would have otherwise. The reasoning behind this strict enforcement and punishment is to encourage motorists to comply with the laws and also to punish negligent and reckless behaviors that can leave injury victims at the scene of a crash, in need of medical help and without the ability to call for that help on their own.
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