Semi-trucks and big rigs pose a unique threat to those who drive in the Chicago area. Though semis make up only 4.3 percent of all registered vehicles in the nation, they are involved in 10 percent of all fatal crashes. The large size and often heavy weight of a semi-truck means that a smaller car is likely to sustain substantial damage in the event the two collide, and with damage to a vehicle comes a very real possibility of injuries or even death to those involved.

With injuries comes a number of issues experienced by the majority of truck accident victims in the Chicago area including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages. These effects can harm not only the individual involved in the collision but also that individual’s family members, loved ones, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. Fortunately victims may not be forced to suffer these financial tolls if they choose to exercise the right to seek relief against an at-fault driver and/or an insurance company for the harm they suffered. Working with a personal injury attorney can help victims realize if they have a valid civil claim, and if so, whether they can obtain payment for their damages in a court of law.
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Across the country, studies reveal that approximately 11 percent of all traffic collisions involve a hit-and-run driver. That means that though local and state laws require a motorist to remain at the scene once a collision has occurred, more than one-in-ten crashes involve at least one driver who chooses to ignore those rules, fleeing the scene without speaking to police or other authorities.

Most states, including Illinois, have some limited exceptions to rules requiring a driver to remain at the scene of a crash. Generally, those exceptions apply in the event that emergency medical care is needed and where delay to help would be harmful. Though the exceptions to the rules tend to be narrow, drivers in Chicago continue to flee daily and without medical need.
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During certain activities in life, a person can control his or her safety. By acting with care and caution, the risks for harm or injuries can be drastically reduced if not eliminated. But unfortunately, that level of control does not extend to all areas of a person’s life and one prime example of this lack of total control continues to be driving. Though the conduct of a motorist behind the wheel remains critically important, it is also true that one driver’s actions alone cannot guarantee an accident-free ride. Instead, if another driver in the area fails to act safely, even the best driver on the road can become the victim of a car accident and may be injured as a result.

It is not fair when one person is forced to suffer due to the actions of another, a thought is echoed by the legislature in the state of Illinois. When a car crash happens here, including in the Chicago area, victims who did nothing wrong but who were hurt nonetheless are protected with specific rights that enable them to get relief. A typical crash creates the right for a victim to seek monetary payment for their losses which may include things like medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and permanency of injuries. These claims can be brought against an at-fault driver, an automobile insurance company, a corporation, or even a city or state and they are separate from any traffic charges brought by local authorities. Speaking with a personal injury attorney can help victims realize their options and whether they may be entitled to relief based on the facts of their collision and their resulting harm.
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Single car accidents happen every day across the state of Illinois and they occur for many reasons. Some are due to the actions or inactions of the driver behind the wheel. Others can be blamed on inclement weather or a poor road design. And still others are properly classified as a failure on some part of the vehicle itself, whether it is a manufacturing error or a design flaw in the car or in a tire.

When a car accident happens, victims may not remember the precise details that led up to the incident. It tends to be up to police, accident reconstructionists, and other experts to determine the factors that led to a collision and whether an error on the part of anyone involved played a role. Where an issue with a vehicle or a component, like a wheel or tire, is suspected, the review can take weeks to months before conclusions are made and may involve the analysis of technical data gathered from a car’s computer systems.
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If you drive on the streets of Illinois, you have a duty not only to other cars on the roads but also to pedestrians in the area. That duty requires motorists to operate with care and to avoid collisions whenever possible, but despite this requirement, collisions continue to happen every day. Whether multiple cars collide or a car and a pedestrian, there is always a serious risk of injuries or even death resulting due to the forced involved in an accident.

Among all the types of traffic accident, pedestrian crashes account for a disproportionately high number of injuries and fatalities. While a crash with a pedestrian is less common than a crash involving only cars, it is much more likely to cause harm to those involved, especially those who were outside of a vehicle at the time of impact.
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The summer months typically see a greater number of motorcycle accidents in Chicago than other times of the year. Much of that has to do with the fact that summer is a popular time to ride – the weather tends to be pleasant, neither snow nor ice make it hazardous to ride, and some bikers have additional time off during the summertime. Yet weather alone is not the only reason for an increase in the number of bike crashes that the city experiences. A significant additional factor is the number of tourists that come to Chicago and take in the sights. Many of these individuals are less familiar with the city’s layout and the street design than those who call Chicago home and therefore are more likely to make a mistake while on the road. Mistakes tend to lead to dangerous situations, and often, crashes that can threaten the safety of those involved.

Regardless of why a collision involving a motorcycle takes place, it is important for anyone hurt in such a crash to realize that the laws of Illinois likely provide them with certain protections and may provide them with the right to seek relief. If a victim is injured, that victim may be able to seek payment against an at-fault driver and/or that driver’s insurance company for damages including medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages as well as any other injustice that occurred as a result of a crash. These claims are very dependent upon the facts of any incident and as a result, victims may wish to speak with a personal injury lawyer to learn about all their options and their rights to help before they take any action.
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Every year, Lollapalooza returns to Chicago and draws upwards of 160,000 people to Grant Park. The music festival draws residents and visitors of all ages and all musical interests with acts representing alternative rock, metal, EDM, hip hop, rap, pop, to name a few.

The three day festival kicks off this morning and will run through Sunday night and this year’s celebration is expected to be huge. Major headliners for 2015 include Paul McCartney, Metallica, and Florence + the Machine with dozens of other performers taking to the numerous stages in Grant Park throughout the weekend. Add in countless autograph signings, numerous Chicago area food vendors, and promotional tents and it is unlikely that anyone attending Lollapalooza will be bored.
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Trains can vary in length, weight, and design and each change in a train can have a significant result in the way in which the train travels. Since trains vary with their speed and their cargo as well, the results of a train accident can vary substantially from one incident to another. Add in other factors like a secondary vehicle that may be involved, the location of a train crash, and any factors beyond the control of the conductor and the variation in collisions is astounding.

One thing that remains relatively constant among these collisions is the damage that results. Because it is difficult and time-consuming to slow or stop a train, many impacts cause extensive damage to the train and/or other vehicles involved, often leading to injuries among victims and in some cases, causing death. The fallout from train crashes in the Chicago area can have such a substantial toll that there are numerous laws in place specifically to protect the victims of these incidents.
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If you follow the rules of the road in Illinois, you should be able to make it from Point A to Point B without any issues. Your safety should not be compromised and you should not be involved in any type of traffic accident. Unfortunately, what should or should not happen on the streets of Chicago is not the way that reality works in the city. Rather, anyone – whether they are the driver of a car, a bicyclist, a pedestrian, or a motorcyclist – is at the mercy of others in the area and a mistake by another can leave anyone injured when a collision occurs.

Among the various types of collisions that can happen, some are more likely than others to result in injuries or even death. Pedestrian crashes, bicycle accidents, and motorcycle collisions are some types that result in a large number of injuries because those involved have little to nothing to protect themselves in the event of an impact. In contrast, those riding in a vehicle like a car or a van are injured at a lower rate and those in very large vehicles like a semi-truck are injured even less.
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As individuals traversing the Chicago area, we like to believe that our actions control our safety and that if we move with caution, we will be free from injury. Yet that is not always the case as every day, innocent people are involved in traffic collisions simply because another person near them acted negligently or recklessly. These collisions may trigger a victim to incur significant hardship and may leave them in need of medical help, possibly while being forced to miss time from work. The suffering caused by a crash rarely ends at the scene of the collision and often continues for weeks, months, or even years.

If you are a victim of a car accident, bicycle accident, or pedestrian collision in Chicago and you are injured, make sure you understand whether you have a valid claim for your damages. If you do not realize the totality of your options and you fail to act upon them within a time period set by law, you will be prevented from ever obtaining payment for your injuries and you will never get the compensation that you deserve. When you are unsure of your standing, speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you realize your possible routes towards a recovery.
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