Misconceptions surround the truth when it comes to motorcycle accidents in Chicago. One common belief is that bikers risk their own safety by operating in conditions that are less than ideal, increasing the risks that a collision will take place. In fact, though, more than 90 percent of all motorcycle collisions that happen in the state of Illinois take place on clear days and on dry pavement.

Bikers usually are very cautious when it comes to how they drive and as a group, they tend to avoid dangerous situations whenever possible. Some exercise extreme caution when the approach an intersection even if they have the right-of-way, out of a fear that motorists will either fail to see them or fail to respect their rights. And these concerns are valid as some of the safest bikers in the Chicago area are injured on a regular basis due to the actions of others, including those that drive cars.
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Thousands of collisions involving only one vehicle happen in the State of Illinois annually. The numbers surprise many motorists who consider a car accident to be that which involves at least two vehicles, and sometimes many more. But the reality of the situation is that any incident involving at least one car can happen and can lead to devastating consequences for those involved.

Collisions threaten the safety of both passengers and drivers inside of a car as well as anyone else in the area, whether they are in a different vehicle, walking as pedestrians, or even riding a bicycle. Often, victims who are involved in single-vehicle collisions and who are injured are still entitled to the same rights and protections under the law as those victims who are hurt in multi-car crashes but many do not realize this. In the event that a defective part or a faulty component led to a crash, victims may be able to recover against the manufacturer of a vehicle or an errant mechanic who serviced the car. If a crash is caused by the negligence of a driver, victims can recover against that driver’s automobile insurance policy and/or the driver personally. And if a design flaw in the road or an issue with the street’s layout made a collision happen, relief may be possible against a city, state, or municipality charged with maintaining the area. As the facts surrounding a collision are critical to understanding a victims’ rights, it is a good idea to speak with a personal injury attorney if you have been hurt so that you can obtain the full relief that you deserve.
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This week has seen cooler weather come through Chicago, bringing with it feelings of fall and making residents consider things like back-to-school activities. Though it may feel cool when outdoors, summer is still ongoing and with it, many summertime activities. One of these for many in the Chicago area continues to be riding motorcycles.

Motorcycles can be ridden in many months in Illinois but the prime time for ridership remains summer, when the weather is warm and inclement weather is less likely than in other times of the year. The Illinois Department of Transportation reports that there are approximately 10.4 million registered vehicles within the state and that there are 240,000 registered motorcycles. Most of those motorcycles make an appearance on state roads or expressways at least once a year with a large number of them being utilized on a regular basis. While it may seem like only a minority of motorists choose to ride a motorcycle, safety of bikers should be a concern for all because you do not have to be on a motorcycle to be involved in a motorcycle accident.
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Head-on car accidents are a very dangerous form of collisions that often result in injuries or even death to those involved. In many cases, a head-on crash occurs when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions on the same roadway pass one another in an intersection. This can be a safe maneuver if each driver maintains his or her position within a lane but if one motorist crosses a dividing line, both vehicles can end up in the same place at the same time, causing a collision.

In other cases, vehicles may be traveling in opposite directions on the same road but be nowhere near an intersection. If one car drifts across the center line, a head-on crash may happen. Every year, Chicago experiences crashes where one car drives the wrong way down a one-way street and collides in a head-on manner with a vehicle traveling the correct way.
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No state in the nation is immune from the dangers posed by car accidents and traffic crashes, and that includes Illinois. With that in mind, the Illinois Department of Transportation monitors collisions and attempts to categorize them, providing insight into the causes behind these accidents and, hopefully, a greater understanding of how to prevent them in the future.

When considering damage, not all car accidents are the same. Those that result only in damage to the vehicles involved or to other property in the area generally are considered less significant than those that cause injuries, and with good reason. The harm that results from a car crash in Chicago or across Illinois can last anywhere from days to weeks to years. In the worst cases, a victim will never fully recover or may lose her life in a crash.
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People often think of summertime when they think of swimming in a swimming pool but that is not always the case in Illinois. With hundreds of indoor pools dotting the state, those who call the Chicago area home can swim in any month of the year and at any time.

But summer is the season that experiences the highest number of swimmers in the greater Chicago area. Kids are out of school and have free time for things like swimming. Many of the numerous backyard pools open in the summer months to let people swim, play, and have fun. Taking to the water can be an excellent way to get exercise, cool off, and have a good time with friends and family.
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It is an unfortunate fact that nearly everyone – including those who live in Chicago – will be involved in at least one car accident in their lifetime. On average, a typical driver experiences three collisions during his or her life, and those accidents can range from the minor to the severe and even fatal.

It takes only a moment for a crash to take place but the fallout from a collision can last much longer. With little or no warning before a large number of accidents, those who are involved in one are often left surprised, dazed, and even unsure of what to do next, where to turn, and how to get help.
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National campaigns aimed at educating the public about the dangers of drinking and driving have existed for decades now. Every state in the nation makes it a crime to drive under the influence of alcohol and the penalties for those who do can be extreme, ranging from fines and fees to the loss of a driver’s license and even incarceration in jail or prison. All of these efforts are aimed at one thing – reducing the number of drunk and impaired motorists so that the streets will be safer.

The truth continues to show that drunk drivers are less capable than other motorists of operating a vehicle in a safe and efficient manner. Alcohol, a depressant, decreases a driver’s ability to respond to changing conditions or to process information in a manner necessary to make decisions. This is often coupled with dulled senses and a lack of ability to make critical choices when alcohol is in a driver’s system, all leading to an increased risk of a car accident or other serious traffic incident.
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Whether you realize it or not, trucks are probably part of your daily life if you call Chicago home. You encounter them when you drive on the expressways that surround the city. You come across them at the intersections of streets while you are waiting to cross. They bring food and goods to the city for purchase by consumers. Trucks are so commonplace that chances are that you do not notice the majority of them that you encounter throughout the day.

Unless you happen to be one of the thousands of victims of a truck accident each year in the State of Illinois. In that case, you know just how dangerous a truck can be when it’s large and heavy build collides with your vehicle, your property, or even your person. Unlike some other types of collisions, truck accidents can, and often do, cause massive devastation in their wake and leave innocent victims in need of medical help.
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All drivers in the Chicago area should remember that car accidents can happen at any time on the road. While approximately 40 percent of crashes happen at intersections, those are far from the only locations where impacts take place as vehicles driving straight on roads, in parking lots, and on expressways may also experience a collision. Some types of collisions are more likely at points other than intersections including sideswipe car accidents and back over crashes.

Regardless of how an accident takes place, it is possible for those involved to be injured or to otherwise suffer, potentially causing significant damages. When a car accident in the Chicago area causes harm like this, victims of that crash may be protected by local and state laws that enable them to seek relief. Generally, relief can be obtained in the form of monetary payment for the harm that happened due to the accident and can vary as a result from case to case. Whether you incurred medical expenses, suffered pain and inconvenience, or even missed time from work due to your injuries, you may have a valid claim for your harm and speaking with a personal injury attorney can help you understand what rights may be protected after your crash.
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