The trucking industry is vital to the American economy and is responsible for the transit of a large amount of goods across the nation. From coast-to-coast, trucks take to the roads and haul everything from produce to textiles to machinery, enabling work to get done and products to reach consumers.

But trucks have plenty of drawbacks as well as the benefits they provide. When compared to a typical passenger vehicle, trucks are large, heavy, and difficult to operate. They require additional maintenance to keep them moving and they are harder to start and stop than a car. And the most troubling thing about trucks is the threat they pose to public safety.
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Taxi cabs are a staple in and around Chicago, serving both those who call the city home and those who come to Chicago for vacation. Without cabs, the roads would be more crowded with motorists unfamiliar with where they were driving and parking in the downtown area would be impossible. But most people who utilize taxis fail to think about their personal safety before they get into a vehicle, begging the question of exactly what a passenger risks when they travel by cab in Illinois.

Like most forms of transportation, taxi cabs can be safe or they can be very dangerous. Much of the difference is determined by the cab itself and by the individual driving the cab.
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It is something that makes many parents of teens and preteens anxious these days: the prospect of their children getting their driver’s licenses and operating a vehicle on their own. But in practice, it is not only parents who have begun to show apprehension at this issue but also the typical motorists who travels the streets and expressways of Chicago. Many people believe that teens are dangerous to themselves and to others when they drive but they often cannot express why they possess that belief.

Data from numerous national studies continue to hold true the belief that teens present a high risk for being involved in a car accident, whether that crash involves a single vehicle or multiple cars. And when a crash happens, it is possible that the teenager driver, a passenger in that vehicle, or others in another car may suffer from injuries or even be killed as a result.
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No one ever thinks that an accident will happen to them or will cause them to be injured but the reality is that people are hurt each and every day of the year in Illinois. As a result of this belief that they will not be harmed, most people are unaware of the process that needs to happen for a personal injury claim in Chicago to be successful and generally are confused about the process from beginning to end.

Personal injury lawyers are consulted with regularity by victims who wish to learn about their legal rights and options following a traffic accident, slip-and-fall, swimming pool incident, or on-the-job injury. At Abels & Annes, P.C., one of the most common questions we get from victims is, “How much is my case worth?”
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Between the late 19th century and into the 1970s, asbestos was a popular choice among manufacturers and builders for a range of purposes including electrical and building insulation. Asbestos is a set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals and therefore was widely available to meet consumer needs. From the time corporations began to heavily mine asbestos, though, the heath conditions associated with it and its fibers began to appear.

Today, health officials and scientists know that inhalation of asbestos fibers, especially over the long term, can cause substantial impacts to victims and can trigger a number of diseases. Among the most common conditions to result from asbestos exposure are lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis. Most Americans are familiar with lung cancer and the type caused by asbestos can be similar to cancers caused by other means. But fewer people truly understand mesothelioma and asbestosis as they apply to asbestos exposure and therefore may be confused if they find themselves or their loved one facing such a diagnosis.
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In Chicago and in the rest of Illinois, bicyclists are legally authorized to ride in the roads as they move about town. When no distinction for bicycle traffic exists, riders are able to maintain a lane of traffic just like a car, truck, or van can and bicycle flow is controlled by the same devices as vehicular traffic. In many areas of downtown, separate lanes on the roads exist for bicycle traffic, and in some cases, those lanes are even protected by barriers or bollards which prevent cyclists and motorists from mixing unintentionally. Some roadways even possess unique traffic signals that control only cycle traffic and that let riders move through the city in a safe and efficient manner.

These innovations in cycling have arisen due to necessity in Chicago as the number of riders continues to increase dramatically every year. As bicycle accidents have increased with the increase in ridership, those in charge of safety in the city have taken action to limit the mandatory interactions between bikes and cars.
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Technological advances have made their way into almost every aspect of a typical Chicago’s resident’s life. Some are very obvious and difficult to avoid – cell phones have moved from a luxury to a requirement, from a simply calling device to a pocket communicator with greater capabilities than some computers. Other advances are more difficult to notice but still have a tremendous impact on life nonetheless. Smart traffic lights allow for lights to change only when opposing traffic is present. Automated inventory systems make sure that a grocery store never runs out of your favorite type of cereal and that each box you purchase is always fresh. Firework displays off Navy Pier are timed and synchronized to give the audience a stunning show. In 2015, it is clear that technology is present everywhere and that, for the most part, it is improving the daily experiences of those in Illinois.

One area where technology is being eagerly anticipated is in the rise of so-called “self-driving vehicles.” More commonly referred to as autonomous vehicles by the transportation industry, the technology to make vehicles run themselves is being developed at lightening speeds by many auto makers and is already being deployed in limited fashion by others. The most widely known example of autonomous driving is that being utilized in the Google driverless cars.
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Now that the calendar has officially turned to September, the thought of fall and cooler weather is on the minds of many who call Chicago home. Though temperatures are supposed to reach the 90s today in the city and though Labor Day is still to come, it is hard to ignore the signs of fall descending upon Illinois, leaving its mark as a tree here or there begins to turn and as students begin the process of going back to school.

For those who ride motorcycles, fall can present its own unique challenges, most of them weather-related. When you live in Chicago, you know that temperatures can fluctuate dramatically in a matter of days – sometimes even in a matter of hours. A cool front can come through and bring with it unseasonably cold weather that can lead a bike ride to go from pleasant to uncomfortable. While many still choose to ride in colder weather, there can be issues that all riders should be aware of during fall:
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Car accidents take one of many common forms or designs but among all the types of collisions, one is the most common. In the country, approximately one out of every three collisions is a rear-end crash and that statistic holds true in the greater Chicago area. Some of these accidents are minor and result only in damage to property – a dented bumper, some scraped up paint. But some are more significant and may cause injuries or even death to those involved.

Often, those who are involved in a rear-end car accident believe that they escaped unharmed, worried instead about the damage to their car or to their inconvenience due to the crash. But these same victims may realize that as time begins to pass, their injuries begin to reveal themselves as muscles tighten, spasm, and contract. Injuries to the back and/or neck are particularly common in rear-end crashes as are concussions, abrasions, and lacerations.
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It is an unfortunate fact of life in America that the majority of adult drivers have been in at least one car accident during their lifetimes. While some are fortunate to avoid a collision during their driving careers, many more are subjected to multiple crashes with the average driver being involved in three accidents over the course of his or her life.

These accidents affect young drivers, old drivers, drivers with little experience, professional motorists, those who live in Chicago, those who live in suburban areas, those who commute by car daily, and those who rarely drive. In short, anyone can become the victim of a car accident when driving in Illinois and therefore anyone can be injured in a traffic incident on any day.
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