Articles Posted in Premises Liability

A Chicago personal injury and wrongful death law firm has been retained by the husband of the SeaWorld trainer who was killed by a whale in February, according to NBC2 in Orlando.

Dawn Brancheau was pulled into a pool and drown by a whale named Tilikum. Some media reports indicated the animal had a history of aggression.Earlier this week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced a $75,000 fine against SeaWorld in connection with the trainer’s death. OSHA is the federal body charged with investigating serious and fatal work accidents. The government agency found SeaWorld committed a “willful” violation, meaning the company demonstrated indifference and intentional disregard for the safety of employees.

When a worker is injured, a Chicago injury attorney should always be consulted to ensure that your rights are protected.

A Chicago taxi cab accident injured at least four people after a cab crashed into a downtown convenience store, the Breaking News Center reported.

The accident happened about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday night. The taxi was involved in a two-car accident at the corner of Adams Street and Wabash Avenue when the Crown Victoria crashed through the 7-Eleven’s front windows.

A Toyota Camry was also involved and slammed into a large newspaper vending machine nearby. No one was struck inside the store, according to the Chicago Fire Department. The taxi came to a stop near a display inside the store.

Both drivers were transported to area hospitals in fair-to-serious condition. The city’s Department of Buildings was called to the scene to assess the severity of the building’s damage.

Our Chicago accident attorneys see these types of accidents on a fairly regular basis. As we reported last month on our Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, eight people were hospitalized after an SUV jumped a curve and slammed into Petterino’s Restaurant on North Dearborn Street downtown.

It was the third time the restaurant was struck in little more than a year.

Last July, we reported an accident that occurred when a motorist drove through the front of a Curves Fitness Center.
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The Chicago injury lawyers at Abels & Annes wish each of you a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July weekend. In preventing injuries over the holiday, we encourage you to leave the fireworks displays to the professionals, drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive, practice safe boating and driving habits and speak with your teenagers about staying safe and making good decisions.

Drink Responsibly and Don’t Drink and Drive
As our Chicago accident lawyers report frequently, drunk driving is responsible for one-third of Chicago car accidents as well as accidents in Cook County and throughout Illinois. Nationwide, someone dies every 45 minutes in a car accident involving a drunk driver. In Illinois, 434 of 1,043 fatalities involved alcohol in 2008, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Safe Boating

The U.S. Coast Guard reported 4,789 accidents killed 709 boaters and injured more than 3,300 in 2008. The leading causes of boating accidents include careless and reckless operation, operator inattention, no proper lookout, operator inexperience and passenger/skier behavior. Alcohol use is a factor in nearly 1 in 5 boating fatalities. In 2008, a total of 119 Illinois boating accidents were reported, killing 19 boaters and injuring 79.

Visit the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for more information on safe boating and boater education.

Teen Driving Safety
We offer a host of safe teen driving information, both here and on our Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Blog. Please take the time to speak with your teenagers about the importance of making good driving decisions this summer.Fireworks Injuries
The safest way to enjoy fireworks this weekend is by leaving the displays to the professionals. Fireworks injuries are not an abstract concept — they are a tragically regular occurrence during the New Year’s and Fourth of July Holidays.

-In 2006, 11 people were killed and more than 9,200 were treated in emergency rooms for fireworks-related injuries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

-More than two-thirds of fireworks injuries occur around the Fourth of July.

-One-third of those injured were children under 15. Young people under 20 sustained nearly half of all fireworks injuries.

-The most frequent injuries reported involved the hands (2,300), eyes (1,500) and the head, face and ears (1,400).

-More than half of all injuries involve burns. Other common injuries include contusions, lacerations and foreign objects in the eyes.

-Fireworks injuries are associated with blindness, third-degree burns and permanent scarring. Life-threatening residential and motor-vehicle fires are also reported.-Firecrackers caused the greatest number of injuries (1,300) followed by sparklers (1,000) and rockets (800).

-More than one-third of fireworks related deaths involve professional devices that are illegally sold to consumers.

-Common causes of fireworks injuries include availability of high-grade fireworks to the consumers, being too close to fireworks, operator error and lack of coordination, child curiosity and experimenting with homemade devices.
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Eight people were hospitalized after an SUV jumped the curve and slammed into a restaurant’s outdoor seating area, the Chicago Breaking News Center reported.

The Chicago accident happened outside Petterino’s Restaurant on North Dearborn Street. The vehicle was northbound on Dearborn when it made a wide turn and hit people eating outside. It’s the third time the restaurant has been struck by a vehicle in little more than a year.

We reported last April on our Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Blog that the restaurant was damaged after an Ace taxicab crashed into it shortly after lunch. Nobody in the restaurant was hurt during that incident although passengers in the cab suffered injuries. Police reported that accident happened when the cab swerved to avoid another vehicle and lost control. The restaurant was struck again on May 20.

The deadly assault of a Chicago customer in a CVS drugstore is under investigation and the store manager will not be allowed to return to work until the probe is completed, the Breaking News Center reported.

The customer was suspected of shoplifting.

“We are investigating this unfortunate incident and are fully cooperating with police,” CVS spokesman Michael DeAngelis said. He refused to discuss company policy regarding the handling of customers suspected of shoplifting, according to the Tribune. The store manager declined to comment.

A worker was killed last week and another injured in a Chicago construction accident that occurred in the Loop, ABC 7 reported.

The victims are employees of People’s Energy and were conducting an underground test at Jackson and Wacker Drive when the Chicago work accident occurred shortly before 2 a.m. Wednesday afternoon. They were testing a 20-inch main when a steel pipe slipped and struck both workers, who were in a construction hole across the street from the Willis Tower.

Three ambulances responded to the scene at 1:45 p.m. after reports of workers trapped following an explosion, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Chicago premises liability lawyers from Abels & Annes have settled a claim for a Lake County, Illinois resident that arose from a slip & fall on ice that occurred on February 12, 2009 at Citgo gas station and car wash.

Our client went there for a car wash and afterwords he pulled his car out and away from the wash. He put his car in park and exited the car to fix an exterior mirror that had been pushed in by the car wash.

As he exited his vehicle, he slipped on a sheet of ice with his first step out of his car. Once outside his vehicle he could see that water leaking from the car wash had resulted in a sheet of ice that caused him to fall. There were no barricades or warnings of any kind to alert customers of the dangerous condition created by your insured.

Black Friday will begin the holiday shopping madness. Enjoy yourself but keep safety in mind.

The Chicago car accident lawyers and the personal injury attorneys at Abels & Annes wish everyone a happy holiday and safe shopping. But with more than half of annual retail sales expected between now and the end of the year, heavy traffic, big crowds, overstocked stores and poorly lit or maintained parking lots all present risk of serious injury.

Malls, store owners and retail outlets have a duty to provide a safe environment. Store events deliberately promoted to draw large crowds can pose a danger to customers seriously injured by falling merchandise, dark or faulty stairwells and parking lots, as well as other hazards, including pedestrian accidents and car accidents occurring in parking lots.

In fact, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration has issued guidelines for businesses dealing with large crowds during the holidays.

“Crowd-related injuries during special retail sales and promotional events have increased during recent years,” said Jordan Barab, acting assistant secretary for OSHA. “Many of these incidents could be prevented, and this fact sheet provides retail employers with guidelines for avoiding injuries during the holiday shopping season.”

The Illinois Attorney General has released the 2009 Safe Shopping Guide, which includes 121 recalled children’s products.

And keeping safety in mind while in parking lots can go a long way toward keeping you and your family safe this holiday season.

-Drive defensively -Turn on headlights for safety -Park in a well-lit area -Turn off the radio -Get off the phone -Drive slowly -Take a second look behind you before backing -Watch for pedestrians, kids, parents with strollers -Be alert for other hazards, like rolling carts -Park at the end of an aisle -Park properly centered in your space -Pull through into the abutting open space -Park next to a nice car -Pay attention when walking -Put your cart away -Pay attention to stop signs and obey all traffic signs Continue reading

A Chicago nurse was scheduled to appear in court Tuesday on charges that he sexually assaulted a patient at a North Side hospital, according to NewsRadio 780.

The Chicago sex abuse case reportedly occurred at Weiss Memorial Hospital in February.

The 48-year-old accused nurse, who lives on North Kostner Avenue in Sauganash, is charged with criminal sexual abuse and was arrested at about 7 a.m. Monday at the hospital, according to police.

The Lollapalooza music festival in Chicago’s Grant Park is drawing more than 75,000 people a day this weekend. (Attorney Gary Annes of Abels & Annes attends Lollapalooza almost every year).

The Chicago Tribune blog reported the death of a 39-year-old concert goer on Friday. Rain followed by searing heat may have caused the man to collapse near the stage.

The personal injury and wrongful death lawyers at Abels & Annes know that serious injury at such large concerts are a frequent occurrence and are often reported as the fault of the fans in attendance. But injuries can also result from the negligence of a concert promoter or employee, leading to a premise liability claim to recover damages.

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