Articles Posted in Premises Liability

An Illinois trip and fall attorney at Abels & Annes are currently working on a claim for a woman who was injured from an incident that occurred on August 18, 2010. The plaintiff was a resident at a mobile home park in the northern suburbs of Cook County. At that time the park was managed by a woman who ran an office out of one of the trailers at the property.

On the date of the occurrence our client had gone to the manager’s office to inquire about a trailer issue. She ascended the steps up to the small deck outside the front door to the office and knocked on the door. When there was no response she began to descend the steps to leave.

Chicago injury lawyers at our office are alleging that as a result of the improper design, construction and maintenance of the steps, as the plaintiff began to walk down the steps she lost her footing on the uneven steps and began to stumble. As she began to stumble she attempted to grab for a handrail to steady herself. Again, due to the improper design, construction and maintenance of the handrail, it was not located where it should have been and she was unable to grab it. As a result she fell, severely injuring herself.

Shortly after the occurrence the steps were inspected by an architect. She found the steps and handrail to be in violation of several sections of the Village Building Code and the 2003 International Residential Code (IRC), which the Village follows.

1. The stair risers were not uniform. Section R311.5.3 of the IRC provides that the maximum riser height shall be 7¾ inches and that the greatest riser height within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than ⅜ inch. The four risers from the bottom to top are measured at 4½”, 7″, 6½” and 3″. The greatest riser height exceeds the smallest by 4″. This is far greater than the allowable maximum of ⅜”, creating a hazard to users.

2. The handrail on the outer side of the steps was far too steep for its intended purpose. Section R311.5.6.1 of the IRC provides that handrail height measured vertically from the sloped plane adjoining the tread nosing shall not be less than 34″ nor more than 38″. The handrail at issue from the bottom tread to the top landing measured at 16½”, 23″, 30″ and 39″. No portion of the rail measures within the 34″-38″ requirement, making it impossible to grasp the handrail for guidance or support.

3. The side of the stair adjacent to the trailer was completely open to the ground. Upon inspection it appeared as though a handrail had originally been built but had fallen off at some point in time and never replaced. The size of the opening is 7″, which is wide enough for a person’s foot to fall through. Section R311.5.6.2 provides that handrails for stairways must be continuous for the full length of the flight of stairs. An appropriate handrail should have been installed or reinstalled to allow a person to grasp it for support. Additionally, the existing handrail on the outside stops 4¼” short of the bottom tread’s nosing, leaving the end of the stair unprotected. This leaves a user descending the steps without support near the bottom in the event of a fall.

These violations created an extremely hazardous and unsafe environment for users of the steps.

Our client had an immediate onset of severe right leg and ankle pain. There was an obvious deformity in the area of her right ankle. She was transported by ambulance from the scene to Glenbrook Hospital’s Emergency Department.

Upon arrival at the Emergency Department a history was taken, she was examined and diagnostic tests were performed. She complained of severe right leg and ankle pain. Upon visualization there was an obvious deformity to the ankle area. She was administered morphine due to her extreme pain. X-rays revealed fractures of the right medial malleolus and of the right distal fibula, possible fracture of the posterior malleolus and the ankle mortise appeared to be disrupted.

Due to the severity of her ankle fracture it was determined that an open reduction internal fixation surgery needed to be performed immediately. The plaintiff was admitted as an inpatient to the hospital.
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Chicago premises liability attorneys recently reached a good settlement for a client in a tough case.

The incident occurred at a local health club where the plaintiff was playing basketball with friends. He was not a member of the club and was not officially allowed in as a guest. He entered the club with another member without having to sign in and he was not required to sign any waiver before entering the club.

The defendant health club owner owned, occupied and controlled the fitness facility, and therefore had a duty of care to operate and maintain the club in a reasonably safe manner under the circumstances.

While they were playing basketball, someone reported to one of Defendants’ employees that there was water on the basketball court, and that someone should clean it up. However, none of Defendants’ employees responded to this notice by cleaning the basketball floor and the plaintiff was unaware of the condition. Subsequently, our client slipped on the water and fell, fracturing his left leg.

The defendant health club denied that they and/or their employees were notified that there was water on the court.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, someone that the plaintiff was playing basketball with was pressured by the health club manager on duty into signing a guest profile with our client’s name on it.

The defendants had policies requiring non-members to be screened & forms before entering facility, and further requiring that employees walk non-members through the facility and explain the rules, including a rule that states that non-members are not allowed on the basketball court. None of the policies were followed when dealing with the plaintiff in this case.

Defendants’ policies also require that employees perform a walk-through of the facility at the beginning of every shift, and recommend that employees perform a walk-through every hour. Once again, Defendants violated this policy by failing to monitor the facility’s basketball floor for wetness and other risk hazards, as well as by failing to make towels and other water removal supplies readily available. Moreover, in spite of being notified that there was water on the basketball court floor, Defendants failed to respond.

At the time of the injury, our client experienced excruciating pain in his left leg. He was transported from Defendants’ facility to Northwestern Memorial Hospital by ambulance. The paramedics found him lying prone on the floor of the basketball court with visual deformity to his left leg and hip. They noted that his breathing was labored, that his injury was painful and distracting, and that he complained of numbness to his arms, fingers, and face.

At the hospital the plaintiff was hospitalized overnight. He presented with left thigh pain, noticeable deformity of the left femur, and tingling in his fingers. An x-ray of his left femur showed a fracture of the middle third of the femur.

Approximately one month after discharge, the client followed up with a medical doctor, who noted atrophy over the quadriceps. The physician prescribed physical therapy treatment. He had a second follow-up visit with the doctor a few months later. On that visit, the physican noted that ht eplaintiff was back on his crutches and was still experiencing pain and swelling. He prescribed additional physical therapy treatment. The plaintiff received extensive physical therapy treatment, posture re-education, and other treatment at Saint Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center for approximately two months.

Our client also treated with a doctor at Winfield Moody Health Center. That treater performed several tests and regulated the client’s medication.

The plaintiff continued to experience some discomfort due to his injuries for many months. Future medical issues and treatment may occur.
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A resident’s death in a Chicago highrise fire is being blamed on the antiquated structure and an apartment door left open so a pet could escape. The resident died in the Chicago elevator accident, the Chicago Tribune reported. Fires are just one type of premises liability accident that can become more prevalent during the winter months.

In this case, the city did not require the older high-rise building to install automatic fire alarms or sensors that would have prevented the elevators from operating. The Tribune reports aldermen have delayed enforcement of fire reforms. But, in the wake of the accident, city officials are scrambling to push high-rise owners to speed up fire-safety improvements.Letters are going out to landlords urging them to become compliant with the city’s life safety evaluation ordinance in advance of the 2015 deadline. The ordinance had been scheduled to take effect to start the year, however City Council voted last month 49-0 to give high rise owners three more years to install the fire-safety systems in their buildings.

Owners have been complaining about the expense.

The fire department was alerted to the fire shortly after 2 a.m. Surveillance video shows the victim boarded the elevator in the lobby about the same time the 12th floor fire was reported. The 32-year-old victim died when the doors opened and she was hit with 1,500 degree temperatures.

The couple who owned the apartment that caught fire told investigators they propped their door open with a rug so their pets could escape. Firefighters say the open door prevented the fire from being contained to that unit. While the fire did not spread to other apartments, it filled the hallway with heat, gas and smoke.

The 35-year-old, 21-story building was built before 1975, and so did not have a sprinkler system installed. Nor was it required by law to have automatic fire alarms or elevator sensors. The city passed new regulations after a 2003 fire at the Cook County Administrative Building, which killed six people. However, high rises built before 1975 were exempt from the regulations.

Still the building in question is one of hundreds of vintage high rises that had been mandated to make improvements by the start of this year.

Other common causes of winter premises liability accidents in Chicago include slip & fall accidents due to unnatural accumulations of ice and negligent snow removal. Fires are obviously a serious hazard. Whether because an apartment resident does not follow the proper safety precautions with supplemental heaters, or because landlords fail to address unsafe, dangerous or antiquated building conditions.

Our Chicago premises liability attorneys have recently won compensation in several injury cases that occurred on private property. In one case, a homeowner hosed down his porch, creating a solid sheet of ice. The Chicago slip and fall accident resulted in a $100,000 settlement.
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Chicago premises liability attorney Gary Annes has resolved a case on behalf of a south suburban resident who slipped and fell on an unnatural accumulation of ice. The ice was formed when a dog owner, in freezing conditions, sprayed down his porch with a hose to clean up dog excrement. Unfortunately, he did this in the dead of winter, creating a hazardous sheet of ice. The Chicago area slip & fall case settled for the defendant’s homeowners insurance policy limits of $100,000.

The slip and fall occurred at a townhouse in New Lenox, Illinois on February 15, 2010. The plaintiff was at the home of the defendant. She opened the door to the back patio area of the house and stepped outside to throw away some garbage. Once outside, as she walked to the garbage cans she slipped on a large sheet of ice on the patio, falling to the ground, and landing on her right hand and forehead.

After our client fell, the homeowner admitted that he used the gated back patio area of his home as a dog run. The back patio area was a concrete slab. He further admitted that the day before the occurrence he had hosed off the back patio area to attempt to clear the area of his dog’s waste. Unfortunately, due to the freezing temperatures the water used to clean the patio froze forming a sheet of ice which was then obscured by a light snow. He also admitted that he forgot to put down salt as he had apparently intended.

The claimant had an immediate onset of severe right wrist and head pain. She was taken from the scene of the occurrence to Silver Cross Hospital‘s Emergency Department.

Upon arrival at the Emergency Department a history was taken, she was examined and diagnostic tests were performed. She complained of severe right wrist and head pain. She was experiencing dizziness and nausea. Examination revealed a significant contusion to her forehead and an obvious deformity with tenderness to her right wrist.

X-rays of the right wrist revealed a comminuted fracture of the distal radius involving the metaphysic and epiphysis with displacement of the largest distal fracture fragment. The fracture lines extended to the radial carpal joint space. There was widening of the distal radial ulnar joint. There was also a displaced fracture of the ulnar styloid.

Based upon her exam and the results of the diagnostic tests the plaintiff was diagnosed with a right wrist fracture, a closed head injury and post concussion syndrome. Her right arm was placed in a splint to immobilize it, she was given a sling, she was prescribed pain medications and instructed to see an orthopedic surgeon for follow up care of her wrist.

The next day our client was seen by at Parkview Orthopaedic Group. A surgeon took a history, examined her and reviewed her x-rays. The doctor observed swelling and obvious deformity to her right wrist. He put her in a new splint and sent her back to Silver Cross Hospital for a right wrist CT. The CT showed the comminuted fracture of the distal radius with dorsal angulation and displacement at approximately 4 mm of impaction of the fracture fragments with fracture lines extending to the radial carpal joint space and a comminuted fracture of the ulnar styloid.

Based upon the CT results the physician diagnosed the claimant with a four-part intraarticular displaced unstable distal radius fracture to the right wrist and ulnar styloid. The doctor recommended an open reduction internal fixation surgery.

Surgery was performed in February, 2010 at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn. Treatment of the fractures required the implantation of surgical metal, including a plate and screws.

Following the surgery the client continued to follow up with her doctor on a regular basis through August, 2010. On March 9, 2010 her cast and staples were removed and she was put into a splint. She was required to wear the splint at all times except for bathing. She was finally taken off the wrist splint on April 6, 2010. Nonetheless she continued to have limitations including no heavy lifting. The physician gave her a full home exercise program consisting of stretches and exercises to help rehabilitate her wrist. The last time she saw the doctor for her wrist she continued to have some issues when she would place pressure on the wrist or attempt to lift heavy objects.

Despite her treatment, the plaintiff still has pain and discomfort in her wrist. This is especially prevalent when there are changes in the weather, such as cold and damp weather, or when pressure or weight is applied to the wrist such as when she carries groceries or does laundry.

For months after the accident the plaintiff could not do any activity that required the use of her right hand. Even after her cast was removed and she was able to begin to use her right hand and wrist, she continued to experience pain with almost all activities of daily living. Simple activities such as turning a door knob, opening a jar, personal hygiene, putting on her makeup, doing her hair, getting dressed, using a computer, cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping were very difficult and painful for her.

She incurred medical expenses of just over $30,000 due to the accident. She now has a permanent surgical scar on her right wrist.
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Throughout the remainder of the year and through the holiday season, parking lots will serve as the backdrop for many accidents in Chicago and elsewhere. Shoppers, drivers and pedestrians should be cautious in these areas to avoid an accident.Our Chicago personal injury attorneys urge residents to be cautious of negligent security, slip and falls, pedestrians, ice and broken sidewalks. Property owners should make sure that their facilities are reasonably safe.

Another hazard in parking lots can be cracks, potholes, unclear parking lot striping, improper signage, garbage and debris. When it gets cold, snow and ice can be additional hazards. Walkways should be clearly marked and properly maintained and signage should be present to help protect pedestrian traffic from vehicular traffic. Property owners should also make sure that their parking lots are well lit.

Pedestrians are at extremely high risks for accidents as man drivers will overlook them when backing up out of a parking spot. As a matter of fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is looking to require back-up cameras on all new vehicles. Although these cameras would in fact help drivers to see pedestrians walking behind their car, driver awareness is the most beneficial safety precaution in preventing these accidents.

Parents are urged to hold the hands of their young children in the parking lot to help ensure that they’re not run over by a reversing vehicle. Every year, there are nearly 300 people killed in these types of accidents in the U.S. Another 18,000 are injured. Approximately 40 percent of these fatalities are experienced by children under the age of 5.

Property owners should also keep parking lots free of hazardous debris and dangerous ground hazards. Potholes, cracks in the sidewalk and bumps in the road place walkers at a high risk for a trip and fall accident. When weather conditions are poor and ice and snow cover the pavement, property owners are required to properly address these conditions to make walkways safe for customers.

To safely accommodate pedestrian traffic, property owners should consider the following:

-Ramps, sidewalks and other walkways should be safely designed and properly maintained.

-Cracks in the pavement and potholes should be repaired promptly.

-Road debris and trash should be removed regularly and dumpsters should be placed away from moving traffic.

-Areas that don’t drain well should be fixed immediately.

-Lighting the parking lot is key after the sun sets.

-Address snow and ice immediately after accumulation.

-When there are differences in the height of connecting walkways, they should be highlighted with yellow paint to alert on-foot traffic.

-You should have an incident/accident reporting system.
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Chicago premises liability attorney Gary Annes has resolved a case for a South Side woman who fell on a defective ramp outside a house she was renting.

The plaintiff was descending the ramp constructed outside the front door of a residence located on South LaSalle Street. As a result of the improper design, construction and maintenance of the ramp, as she was walking down it one of the boards gave way or bent underfoot causing her to stumble. As she began to stumble she attempted to grab for a handrail to steady herself. Again, due to the improper design, construction and maintenance of the handrail it was not located where it should have been and she was unable to grab it. As a result she fell, injuring herself.

Shortly after the occurrence the ramp was inspected by an architect retained by our law firm. She found the ramp and handrail to be in violation of the Chicago Building Code due to the following:

1. The span between the stringers was too large causing the decking to buckle creating a tripping hazard. A third stringer should have been added in the center to properly support the decking.

2. The ramp itself was uneven and far too steep. The Chicago Building Code requires ramps to have a grade of not more than 1 to 8; however the ramp in question had a grade at the north side of 1 to 4.5 and on the south side of 1 to 6. This means the ramp was both uneven and far too steep on both sides.

3. The Chicago Building Code requires ramps having a grade more than 1 to 12 to have a nonslip surface. This could have been accomplished through either a granulated coating or applying nonskid adhesive strips. No such efforts were made.

4. The ramp’s railings were similarly insufficient. The Chicago Building Code requires ramps with a grade of more than 1 to 10 to have handrails and the handrails are required to be between two feet ten inches and three feet two inches above the walking surface. The north and south handrails have heights of three feet three quarter inch and two feet ten and a half inches respectively at the top of their run and terminate into the ground making the heights of each handrail below the minimum requirement for the vast majority of their runs. This makes it impossible for a person who is falling to grab onto the handrail for support.

We argued to the property owner’s insurance carrier that these violations created an extremely hazardous and unsafe environment for users of the ramp. Based upon the facts and circumstances surrounding the occurrence, it was clear that the vast majority of fault lied with the defendant property owners.

After the incident our client had an immediate onset of severe right arm pain. She was transported from the scene to the Saint Anthony Hospital Emergency Room.
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The weekend collapse of a concert stage at the Indiana State Fair took the life of a Chicago woman and at least four other people. It also injured at least 45 other visitors. The governor is referring to this incident as a “fluke.” Four were killed instantly when metal scaffolding fell on top of them. The fifth person was taken to the hospital and was later pronounced dead, according to IBTimes.A meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Indiana, Dan McCarthy, says that the wind that evening was much stronger than anticipated — with speeds in excess of 60 to 70 mph. The question in this situation is whether the wind was the sole cause of the accident, or if the weather combined with some type of negligence resulted in fatal injuries to the Chicago resident.

Our Illinois personal injury attorneys understand that outdoor events are very popular for residents and visitors during this time of year. This is also a time when we see more injuries at a number of local parks. The Chicago Park District offers a number of events for us to enjoy throughout summer. Event organizers have a huge responsibility when putting on these events — it’s their responsibility to ensure the safety of visitors. Event organizers are responsible for providing adequate security, crowd control and safe facilities. When corners are cut and the proper safety measures are not executed, deadly accidents can occur.

After the Indiana accident, the remainder of the weekend’s activities were canceled. Officials reported that the fair was expected to resume on Monday. There will be a service for the victims of the accident held on August 21st.

“I am so moved,” said Jennifer Nettles of Sugarland. “Moved by the grief of those families who lost loved ones. Moved by the pain of those who were injured and the fear of their families. Moved by the great heroism as I watched so many brave Indianapolis fans actually run toward the stage to try and help lift and rescue those injured. Moved by the quickness and organization of the emergency workers who set up the triage and tended to the injured.”

Investigations into the accident have not been completed. One of the people killed in the accident was one of the workers employed by the staging company. The Indiana Department of Labor is looking into the accident because the employer did not report the death of the employee. Under Illinois law, a company has eight hours to report a job-related fatality to a 24-hour state hot-line number. According to 6News, Indiana state law does not require that building inspectors check out that type of stage’s rigging.

There are any number of instances when safety is the responsibility of the property or business owner. When one of these parties fails to keep visitors safe, a premise liability claim can result. Premise liability claims can be the result of a number of incidents, including improper signage, slip and fall, improperly maintained equipment, falling objects or negligent maintenance. Even if a person is partially responsible for their own accident, the responsibility may still fall on the property owner if they have failed to provide adequate security or have not addressed other potentially dangerous conditions.

Landlords also have responsibility. They are responsible for keeping hazards at bay for tenants and visitors. Collapsing porches have been a problem in Chicago and are often the fault of landlords, who have failed to properly maintain their properties.

If you’ve experienced an injury at a musical concert, a fair, at a local park or on any property and are considering filing a premise liability claim, you should do so in a timely manner. Waiting too long to take action could result in the loss or deterioration of vital evidence or of your ability to make a claim.
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We are currently in the middle of the Nation Safety Council‘s National Safety Month.

June 19th through the 25th is designated to raise awareness of slips, trips and falls. These types of incidents are a common occurrence for personal injury claims in Chicago and elsewhere in the country. As a matter of fact, falls are the number one cause of unintentional injury in the United States. These incidents result in nearly 9 million visits to hospital emergency rooms every year.Our Chicago personal injury lawyers would like to remind residents that these types of incidents can occur virtually anywhere. Someone can experience a serious injury from falling because of mopped floors, broken sidewalks and parking lots, defective stairways, spills on the floor, unnatural accumulations of ice or snow, or other types of unmarked hazards. Business owners in certain circumstances can be held responsible as it is their responsibility to keep the public safe on their grounds.

The older population, those ages 55 and older, are more prone to being a victim of a serious fall. These falls can change a person’s life dramatically and for the worse — too often diminishing one’s ability to lead and active and independent life. Residents in this age group experience four times as many deaths resulting from falls than those in any other age group.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 30 percent of adults over the age of 60 will fall. It is these types of falls that can result in serious injury, including, head traumas and hip fractures. These falls can greatly increase the risk of an early death.

Falls may be more common than you think:

-More than 2 million people experienced nonfatal falls that resulted in injury in 2009. These people were treated emergency rooms. More than 580,000 of these people were treated in the hospital.

-There were more than 18,000 older adults that died from injuries sustained from these unintentional falls.

-Falls experienced by people 65-years-old and older make up the leading cause injury death in this age group. These falls are also the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital admissions for trauma.

-The death rates of older adults from falls has risen dramatically over the last 10 years.

-Direct medical costs from these slip and falls cost Nearly $20 billion for nonfatal injuries and nearly $180 million for fatal falls.

How can older adults help to prevent these falls?:

-Have your eyes examines by an eye doctor. Be sure to make an appointment at least once a year to update your eyeglasses to maximize your vision.

-Make sure you exercise regularly. Exercises that focus on increasing leg strength and improving balance are most important.

-Make sure you are getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet.

-Be sure that you’re regularly screened and/or treated for osteoporosis.

-Make your home is safe as possible by reducing all tripping hazards. You can also add grab bars and railings. It wouldn’t hurt to enhance the lighting in your house either.

-Ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your current medicines. Be sure to include both prescription and over-the counter medicines. Consulting with a physician can help to reduce side effects and interactions that may cause dangerous dizziness or drowsiness.
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A Chicago police officer was hurt on Wednesday morning after being involved in an Illinois pedestrian accident, according to the Chicago Tribune. A driver allegedly struck the officer while turning his vehicle in an attempt to avoid a traffic safety check. After the collision, the motorist fled the scene of the accident.

The police officer, a 19 year veteran who works out of the near north police district, was in the middle of a traffic stop when he was hit around 2:10 AM in the 1500 block of N. Sheffield Ave. The offender was driving a Jaguar in the Goose Island neighborhood near several nightclubs and taverns.

The injured officer was taken by ambulance to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where he received medical care for serious injuries to his legs.

Illinois premises liability attorneys from Abels & Annes, working with co-counsel, have filed a negligence lawsuit in the Circuit Court of DuPage County. The claim arises out of an incident that occurred back in June, 2009 in Winfield, Illinois.

Our client was walking from a parking lot to a professional building within a freshly painted crosswalk on privately owned property. There she stepped into a large hole in the crosswalk, causing her to fall and injure herself. The hole was difficult for the plaintiff to see, as it had been painted white as part of one of the lines of the crosswalk.

The property owners had knowledge of the dangers condition, as they had recently pain in the crosswalk, and in doing so actually painted the hole itself. They failed to correct the dangerous condition and further failed to place any notices or provide any warnings of the dangerous condition.

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