It seems like celebrities catch a break now and again when it comes to the law, regardless of where in the country they are located. But when it comes to drunk drivers and drunk driving accidents, anyone, regardless of who they are or how famous they may be, can become…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Children’s Safety in Chicago Car Accidents
When traveling with a child in Chicago, many parents worry about safety. While most parents take every precaution possible, unfortunately car accidents still happen in the city every day and many of them involve children. Advances in safety equipment and the design of vehicles have decreased the number of children…
Safely Passing a Bicycle when Driving in Chicago
Bicyclists are present in all weather in Chicago. While their numbers swell in spring and summer, even brave riders can be seen during the poor conditions that plague Chicago in the winter. As cyclists continue to increase in number every year, motorists in the city limits are left to anticipate…
5 People Injured after Illinois Restaurant Fire
Many businesses around Chicago and the surrounding suburbs open their doors to the public by serving food, selling clothes, or trading in other goods. When a business operates within Illinois, it is governed by state specific rules that make sure an establishment is safe for all those who may enter,…
Accidents involving High Profile Vehicles in Heavy Wind
If you live in Chicago, you understand that the weather can vary drastically from one day to another. Regardless of the season, the weather can turn from pleasant to threatening in a matter of hours. While poor weather may be inconvenient for pedestrians, it can be hazardous to…
Pedestrian Killed in Illinois Motorcycle Accident
Recent focus has been paid to pedestrian safety in Illinois and across the nation. As with many urban areas, Chicago has both a large number of pedestrians on any given day as well as many pedestrian accidents that occur every year. Many factors combine to explain the number of pedestrian…
Driver in Fatal Huffing Incident Sentenced to 5 Yeas
Drivers in Chicago and across the nation are required to operate their vehicles in a safe manner at all times because the actions of any one driver can directly affect the health of others. When one motorist chooses to act in a negligent manner, whether by speeding, ignoring a stop…
NFL’s Josh Gordon Pleads Guilty to Driving While Impaired
Regardless of which state you are in, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal and can result in serious charges. Drunk driving or impaired driving also leads to a number of other potential consequences including a substantially increased risk for a collision or accident. Unlike some types…
Chicago Rollover Crash Leaves 4 Injured
Any vehicle can roll over in a collision which can cause its passengers to sustain injuries. Yet some types of vehicles are more likely than others to roll, placing those drivers at a greater risk for harm. The 1990s saw the rise of the sport utility vehicle and, with it,…
Driver Critical after Crash with Garbage Truck
Truck accidents take place every day in Illinois and many of those collisions occur in the greater Chicago area. While trucks tend to be involved in fewer accidents per mile traveled than other vehicles, like cars, the damages that results from truck collisions are often more severe. Injuries can affect…