It is a crime in the state of Illinois to drive a car while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, yet every day, some motorists knowingly ignore this law and take to the road while they are impaired. Chicago drivers will be presumed to be under the influence of…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Alleged Drunk Driver Traveling Wrong Direction Causes Car Accident on Kennedy Expressway
The average drunk driver in Illinois is male, age 34, and has a blood alcohol content of .16 – twice the legal limit in the state. But drunk drivers and drivers under the influence of drugs can take any form and can vary widely from this typical scenario as compiled…
Driver Fleeing Traffic Stop Blamed for Chicago Car Crash
If you drive in Illinois, you are obligated to follow all state traffic laws in addition to any local city or municipal laws that apply to the areas in which you travel. Most people inherently understand this requirement and stop at stop signs, yield the right-of-way, and obey the speed…
Winter Weather Heading to Chicago
A snow storm is hitting much of the country, bringing freezing temperatures from Montana down to New Mexico and blanketing some of those areas with snow and ice. While Chicago has seen some winter weather this year, the amounts have been minimal and have not caused significant impact to motorists…
Bassist for Black Tusk, Heavy Metal Band, Dead after Motorcycle Accident
While the weather may be turning cold in Chicago and snow may be in the forecast, there are some motorcycle riders who are still taking to the streets of the city, riding to and from their daily destinations or simply riding for fun. Hundreds of thousands of bikers in more…
Suspected Impaired Driver Arrested after Wrong-Way Accident on I-55
Authorities often encourage travelers to report suspicious behaviors to officials working in the area, even if they are unsure whether the suspicious behavior is threatening. But traveling is not the only time such behavior should be reported, according to numerous police agencies across the nation. When motorists witness reckless or…
2 Car Crash in Lincolnwood Leaves 1 Person Dead
Like every other state in the country, Illinois has laws against drinking and driving, and violating those laws can lead to serious punishments and penalties. In Illinois, a driver is presumed to be under the influence of alcohol if that driver has a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher.…
Fleeing Driver Causes 3 Car Crash on Lake Shore Drive
Most drivers in Illinois follow the rules of the road, stopping at red lights and stop signs, driving safely, and yielding the right-of-way. But even when a large number of drivers act responsibly, safety is not guaranteed because the actions of a single motorist can threaten dozens of people on…
Pedestrian Hit, Killed after Cars Crash in Chicago
Pedestrians should be safe when they follow all applicable rules and walk with safety in mind, but when drivers of cars act negligently, no pedestrian is guaranteed to be safe. In Chicago alone, thousands of pedestrians are injured every year in pedestrian accidents, many of which involve cars or other…
3 Car Crash in Chicago Injures 2
Sideswipe accidents and collisions result in numerous injuries every year. The heavy traffic in the city gets funneled into congested corridors and often requires motorists to make quick decisions when driving. Whether you are near an expressway, an interstate, or simply on a city road, you may encounter merging traffic…