Pedestrians are at risk for collisions anytime they are near the drivers of automobiles. While the laws in Illinois are strict regarding who has the right-of-way and who must yield in instances when pedestrians and cars cross paths, too often, those laws are ignored by drivers and pedestrians suffer the…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Alleged Wrong Way Driver Caused Fatal Car Accident in Forest Park
High speed collisions often have tragic results. When one or more vehicles involved is traveling at a high speed before a crash, the forces involved in the impact are higher than they would be in a lower speed accident and therefore more damage can result. As damage becomes greater, there…
Winter Weather Causes Massive 150 Car Pileup on I-94
The blizzard that struck Chicago earlier this week and caused havoc to those who drive managed to move east and hit Michigan before traveling out of the Midwest. While hovering over Michigan, ice and snow accumulated on several interstates and led to dangerous conditions, primarily in the western Michigan city…
Winter Storm Leads to Car Accidents across Chicago
Some in Chicago were hoping that winter weather would skip the city in 2015 and would wait until next year to return, but the storms that have been blanketing the city recently have put that hope to rest. Storms have brought snow, cold weather, ice, and some reported sleet to…
Semi-Truck Burst into Flames after Brakes Catch Fire on I-80
Semi-trucks often get a bad reputation when it comes to driving in the Chicago area. They are present on all of the major expressways including the Eisenhower, the Stevenson, the Kennedy, and the Bishop Ford Freeway. While drivers may view these trucks negatively because they tend to drive slower, on…
Bears Cornerback Tim Jennings Arrested for DUI, Reckless Driving
Driving drunk or under the influence of alcohol is so dangerous to the safety of motorists that it is a crime in all 50 states, including Illinois. In this state, motorists are presumed to be under the influence when they have a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher but…
Teenage Pedestrian Hit by Car in Chicago
Children and teens are the victims of many types of accidents across Chicago every year. Many of them are caused by a driver in a vehicle, including some car accidents, bicycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents, and these may lead to legal rights for relief possessed by that child and that…
CTA Train Strikes, Kills Pedestrian in Chicago
The CTA, the major public transit system within the city of Chicago, provides rides to approximately three million people every year. Split primarily between a system of trains and buses, these riders embark on a journey from Point A to Point B and likely give little thought to their personal…
Winter Weather Accidents Possible as Chicago Sees Snow, Ice
Chicago drivers were fortunate in the late part of 2014 with few winter storms hitting the city. Without the normal blanketing of snow and ice, few winter weather accidents were reported and fewer people than average were injured as a result. Now that the year has turned to 2015, though,…
Drunk Driver Arrested on New Year’s Eve Traveling at 99 MPH
New Year’s Eve is one of the most dangerous nights to drive or to be on the road of the year, and that holds true in Chicago as well as across the nation in general. It is unfortunate but some drivers choose to drink alcohol and then drive or to…