To many, trains seem like a peaceful way to travel. Their large size and controlled route make the idea of an accident or other kind of transit-related incident seem unlikely in the minds of many as they pass the time on board a train. But unfortunately, thousands of train accidents…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Motorcycle Crash with SUV Kills 1
Though motorcycles are increasing in popularity in Illinois, they are still significantly outnumbered by other forms of vehicles like cars and trucks. As a result, motorcycles are involved in a small number of collisions in the state but when an accident does occur, the results are more likely to be…
SUV Strikes School Bus in Park Ridge
Nearly 1,500 school bus accidents occurred in Illinois in 2011 and of those collisions, 276 caused injuries to at least one person involved. Many bus accidents cause multiple injuries and those who are harmed tend to be young, school-aged children. In addition, the drivers of buses, adult passengers on board,…
Safety Tips for National Bike Month
May is National Bike Month, a time of year that many bicycle advocacy groups use to raise awareness of cycling and to remind motorists of the presence of bikes on local roads. This issue is important in Chicago because of the large number of commuters who choose to ride to…
Car Accident in Des Plaines Kills Teen
Car accidents are the primary cause of unintentional death among teens ages 15 to 19 in the United States. It is a frightening statistic for any parent who has teenagers or for anyone who cares about a teen because once that teen is inside a car, adults outside of the…
Worker Killed in Fall from Roof
For more than 100 years, Illinois has had laws designed to provide for workers’ compensation, a series of benefits that are available to help employees who are hurt on-the-job. Despite the long history of this legislation and its corresponding protections, many who work in Chicago and the rest of the…
I-80 Car Accident Kills 1 in Joliet
When a car accident happens, it can be difficult to know exactly what factors led to the impact and whether any driver involved acted in a negligent or reckless manner. Some cases may appear to be cut and dry, like when a car runs a red light. Yet in some…
May is National Bike Month
If you live in Chicago, you may notice bicyclists year-round as they travel across the city. Cycling traffic may be present in all months of the year but now is a time that many drivers notice an uptick in the bike traffic: the weather is improving and, with it, the…
Abels & Annes, P.C. Representing Infant Scalding Victim
The personal injury lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. have represented numerous burn accident victims over the years in a number of different scenarios that led to injuries. Currently, these same attorneys are representing a seven-week-old infant after the child was scalded with dangerously hot water. In this case, a…
Motorcycle Ridership Increasing in Chicago
May is just around the corner and with its imminent arrival has come some milder, sunnier weather than that which accompanied winter. Spring and early summer in Chicago are enjoyed by many who call the city home as they welcome in a more vibrant and lively social scene for the…