In recent years, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has warned American motorists about inherent dangers associated with 15 passenger vans, but public opinion has not shifted to reflect these concerns. In fact, the settings in which 15 passenger vans are used lead riders to accept that mode of transportation…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Poor, Less Educated Drivers at Greater Risk of Death in Car Accidents
In recent years, experts have presented the promising news that deaths on American roadways continue to decrease – though not as fast or as significantly as anyone would like. However, a new study reveals that while deaths overall may be falling, it depends on your socioeconomic position as to whether…
Fatal Workplace Accidents Increased in 2014
It is the responsibility of employers in Chicago and across the nation to maintain a safe and hazard-free environment to the extent possible for the wellbeing of their employees, and there are state as well as federal regulations to ensure this. But despite clear requirements, workplace accidents take place with…
Is It Safe to Ride a Motorcycle in the Dark?
There are approximately 240,000 registered motorcycles in the State of Illinois right now and most of those take to the road at some point each year. While it is unusual to see a motorcycle during Chicago’s bitter winters, it is possible to come across a rider during any month of…
Forklift Operators are Prone to Injuries in Chicago
No matter what your profession, you should be able to go to work every day without fear that you will be hurt on-the-job. But unfortunately, the reality is far from that ideal as any worker in any industry could be injured while performing his or her duties, whether or not…
Majority of Americans will Experience Wrong or Delayed Diagnosis in their Lifetime
Every person gets sick or injured at some point in their lives and will need medical care. Often, when that person presents to a doctor, hospital, or physician, the ill patient will defer to the doctor’s judgment in determining what the issue is and what course of treatment to follow.…
Keys to Selecting a Safe Bicycle Helmet
Recent decades have seen an explosion in the amount of bicycling around the Chicago area among riders of all ages. With it, the rise of Chicago’s reputation as a cycling city has emerged to rival that of many large cities across the country. If all cyclists and drivers act responsibly,…
Bizarre Car Crash Caused by Woman Scared by Spider
There are hundreds of factors that can lead to a car accident in the greater Chicago area, many of which will combine with one another to be blamed for the collision. Whether it is a speeding motorist, a driver who fails to yield the right-of-way, or even poor weather conditions,…
Major Automobile Manufacturers Commit to Automatic Braking
The average consumer might not notice the subtle changes in automobiles from year to year as engineers tweak and redesign various components, yet those changes are present and they can make a big difference in the functionality of any vehicle. Some alterations are cosmetic or designed with comfort in mind…
Why Road Rage Incidents are Dangerous to Chicago Drivers
In an August article, Forbes determined Chicago to be the 8th worst city in the entire country for commuters based on distance that must be traveled, average commute, time, and congestion, among other issues. If you live in or work in Chicago, this likely comes as no surprise to you…