Not every car accident is considered the same when it comes to the damage that results. While any type of crash can lead to injuries or even death, some forms of collisions are more likely to cause harm than others. Among the crashes that are most likely to turn deadly…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Anatomy of a Spinal Disc Herniation after an Accident
When an accident occurs, it is common for victims to suffer from injuries to their back and/or neck. A slip-and-fall, a car crash, or even an incident at work can all cause strain, pressure, or an impact to a victim’s spinal column which can cause numerous problems and conditions. One…
Healthcare Workers May Be Harmed when Handling Cancer Drugs
Most jobs present some risks to those who work them, whether the risks stem from lifting heavy objects, operating in a construction zone, or even working with sick patients. If you are employed, odds are that your job could cause you to be harmed even if you do everything correctly…
Is Your Child Safe when Riding a School Bus?
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 19 school-aged children die every year in collisions involving school transportation vehicles. Of those young victims, roughly five die while inside a school transportation vehicle and 12 are killed as pedestrians involved in collisions. The most popular form of school transit…
Manufacturers Preparing for Backup Cameras in All Vehicles
The designs of automobiles are mostly left up to manufacturers who employ everyone from engineers to artists to sculpt a car into form. But while the aesthetics of a motor vehicle are flexible among those who manufacture them, the function of a car is much more controlled. Consumers have demands…
Study Suggests that Drunk Driving Deaths could be Reduced by 85 Percent with Ignition Interlock Devices
Drunk driving is a serious problem in every city in the nation, and unfortunately, Chicago is no exception. With a presumed level of intoxication when blood alcohol content (“BAC”) reaches or exceeds .08, it may not take many drinks for a motorist to reach the level where he or she…
Home Hit in 5 Separate Car Accidents Illustrates Problems with Dangerous Intersections
Car accidents, like other traffic collision, always occur for a reason. Sometimes it is an error on the part of a driver. Sometimes it is a mistake on the part of a pedestrian. Sometimes a bicyclist may fail to yield the right-of-way. And yet in other instances, fault can still…
Why You Should Worry about Stairway Falls in Chicago
Chicago is a city oozing with culture, overflowing with life, and influencing the rest of the country each and every day. Its population of approximately 2.7 million people makes it the third largest city in the nation behind only New York City and Los Angeles, but unlike Los Angeles, the…
Falls at Illinois Job Sites are a Serious Risk to Workers’ Safety
Few people in the Chicago area realize how the laws of the state are designed to protect injured workers, and as a result, when people are hurt, they may not realize that they can be compensated for their damages. But regardless of the industry in which you work, you are…
New Technology Could Prevent Half of All Chicago Car Accidents
There is constant pressure on the designers and manufacturers of automobiles to create new safety features that will better the lives of those who drive and improve their ability to operate their vehicles in a safe, reasonable manner. As each new type of technology debuts, its combination with features that…