
Articles Posted in Pedestrian Accident


Driver in Fatal 2012 Pedestrian Accident Charged with Reckless Homicide

Cars are not the only things to use streets and roads to travel but rather must share that space with other vehicles, including motorcycles, bicycles, trucks, and buses. Pedestrians also are allowed to use roadways to travel but generally are restricted in their use to only intersections and in some…


First Guilty Plea for Felony Vehicular Manslaughter Charge From Bicycle versus Pedestrian Crash

In what is believed to be the first of its kind, a California cyclist pleaded guilty last Thursday to a felony vehicular manslaughter charge that arose from a bicycle versus pedestrian collision. The presiding judge released the plea and the details on Tuesday. The defendant, the cyclist in the collision,…


Chicago Tribune Report Claims Almost Half of Pedestrian Accidents Involving Area Children Occur Within One Block of a School

According to a Chicago Tribune report, about 1,700 Chicago children between the ages of five and 18 were hit by a motor vehicle within one block of a school between 2007 and 2011. Such collisions accounted for about 10 percent of all pedestrian accidents that occurred during the five years…


New Technology May Increase Pedestrian and Motorist Safety in Chicago and Nationwide

Recently, some vehicle manufacturers began installing cameras and radar designed to help drivers maintain a safe distance from other cars on the roadway. Soon, new technology may allow motorists to see other pedestrians, bicyclists, and other cars around a corner or on the other side of a hill. According to…

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