
Articles Posted in Bus Accident


Numerous Complaints Filed Against Driver accused of Causing Bus Accident in Illinois

As we recently reports on our Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, 9 students were hospitalized after a school bus accident in Illinois. According to the Daily Herald, the school bus crashed near Sugar Grove as it rolled over onto its side and slid into a nearby field. Come to find…


NTSB Releases Finding Showing Passengers Risks for Bus Accidents in Chicago, Elsewhere

The National Transportation Safety Broad (NTSB) recently released a report that concluded that you’re seven times more likely to be involved in a fatal bus accident in Chicago and elsewhere on a curbside bus than on a traditional terminal bus. The six-month study was ordered after a string of fatal…


NTSB Pushes Cell Phone Ban to Reduce Truck and Bus Accidents in Illinois

A recent proposal by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) aims to ban truck and bus drivers from using cell phones while behind the wheel — either hand-held or hands-free. The recommendation follows yet another fatal trucking accident believed to have been caused by a distracted driver. The recent accident…


Research Companies before traveling this summer to avoid a Bus Accident in Chicago

“During this heavy summer travel season, we will remain alert and remove from our roads any passenger bus or driver that places motorists at risk,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. As travel increases during these summer months, more bus accidents in Chicago and elsewhere are expected to occur. This…


Evanston school bus accident injures 20 students

An Illinois bus crash in north suburban Evanston resulted in the hospitalization of 20 students and one adult on Tuesday morning, Tribune Local is reporting. One school bus rear-ended another after one of the bus drivers was momentarily distracted. The students were from Rowe elementary school and were on a…

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