
12-Year-Old Killed in Accident with Semi Truck

In many cases, pedestrians have the right-of-way, meaning that vehicular traffic must respect a pedestrian’s right to cross the street or otherwise travel within the rules of the road. But every year, drivers in Chicago and elsewhere across Illinois fail to respect the rights of pedestrians and instead place these walkers in a dangerous position, often causing an accident. When an injury to a child occurs, it is important to realize that the child and his or her family members may be entitled to relief. Often, a child can recover for losses including pain and suffering, emotional harm, and scarring while a parent or guardian may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses incurred as a result of the crash. Speaking with a personal injury lawyer who handles cases involving children and minors may help you understand the legal implications of an accident and whether you are entitled to relief.

In the event that a victim of a crash is killed, the victim’s surviving family members may have a claim for their losses, though no amount of relief can ever provide fair and adequate compensation in those cases. While compensation cannot erase the loss, it can help ease some of the financial burden that often follows a collision.

Police in Whiting, Indiana are still sorting through the facts of a tragic accident yesterday that cost a 12-year-old boy his life. At this time, it appears that the boy was trying to cross Indianapolis near 119th Street when a semi truck approached the area, traveling northbound. The truck struck the boy and according to one eye witnesses then fled the scene. Police were called to respond and so were emergency medical personnel but unfortunately, the boy’s injuries were too severe and he was pronounced dead.

Based on an eyewitness description, police located the truck and the individual believed to have been driving it at the time of the impact. The driver was apprehended and questioned but it is not clear what charges the driver will face, if any, in this crash. Police have noted that the investigation is ongoing at this point and that it may take some time to sort out the events that led to the impact and that cost the young boy his life.

Some collisions that occur are accidents without fault on the part of any individual involved. Yet most collisions are not accidents and are in fact due to negligence on the part of a driver, cyclist, or sometimes pedestrian involved in the incident. As the facts of each collision are unique, the circumstances leading up to an impact are analyzed to determine the relative fault of those involved.

If you have been involved in a pedestrian accident or a car crash and another person’s negligence left you with injuries, you may be entitled to relief. Call the lawyers at Abels & Annes, P.C. today and let us provide you with a free, no obligation telephone consultation regarding you rights and your legal options. We are standing by 24 hours a day toll free at (855) 529-2442 or locally at (312) 924-7575 and everything discussed will remain confidential. If you have been hurt, make sure you are protected. Call us today.

Prior Blog Entry:

Pedestrian Killed in Chicago Crash with Pickup Truck, Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blog, published April 10, 2014.


Truck driver questioned in fatal Whiting hit-and-run, by Liam Ford, Chicago Tribune, published April 17, 2014.

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